
Cocoa butter cough for children

When it is necessary to give a child an effective cough suppressant, many mothers resort not only to pharmaceutical preparations, but also to natural alternatives, which include cocoa butter. Can it be used in childhood and how to do it correctly?

What is cocoa butter

This is the name of the fat obtained from cocoa fruits, which is used in the preparation of chocolate, as well as in the production of cosmetics and perfumery. This oil is characterized by a creamy shade, pleasant taste and aroma of chocolate. It is represented by a solid mass that melts on contact with the human body.

This natural substance also has medicinal properties, thanks to which cocoa butter has been in demand in medicine since the 18th century. In particular, pharmacists use it in the manufacture of suppositories and ointments. You can use it both internally and externally.

The use of cocoa butter these days is very extensive:

  • Many skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, fungal lesions) are treated with this oil, since it has the ability to stimulate regeneration processes. For this reason, cocoa butter is in demand for the treatment of burns, wounds and stretch marks.
  • Cocoa butter is used prophylactically with the risk of gastric ulcer and oncopathologies. It is effective in diseases of the biliary tract, and also strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Extracted from the fruit of cocoa butter is an excellent alternative to drugs in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Due to the presence of theobrobin, it is able to inhibit the cough reflex. When using cocoa butter, the healing of the mucous membrane is accelerated, since the agent envelops the tissues, as a result of which the painfulness when coughing is also reduced. If you use cocoa butter to rub your chest, it will improve blood flow in the upper body and promote expectoration and faster recovery.

From what age is it used in children?

Cocoa butter for coughs for children is recommended to be used from the age of three. Earlier use can provoke an allergic reaction, since children under 3 years of age are more susceptible to various external influences.

Cocoa butter recipes

Cocoa butter can be given in its natural form to help a child cough. The baby is offered a small piece (the size of a pea) 5-6 times during the day. The oil should be sucked away like a regular cough lozenge.

However, much more often cocoa butter is mixed with other ingredients, adding:

  1. Milk. Add a teaspoon of butter to 250 ml of milk, place the container of milk in a water bath and wait for the butter to completely dissolve. When coughing, you can drink this remedy in the amount of 3-6 glasses a day. The drink can be sweetened with bee honey.
  2. Milk and chocolate. Heat 500 ml of milk, add melted cocoa butter (a tablespoon) and melted chocolate (25 grams) to it. The drink is given 2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day.
  3. Badger fat. Combine the ingredients taken in a tablespoon, heating them and mixing thoroughly. After cooling, this mixture will harden slightly. It is given before meals for 1/2 teaspoon. Due to its high fat content, such a remedy should not be taken for diseases of the gallbladder or liver.
  4. Propolis. Cocoa butter should be melted and mixed with propolis in a ratio of 10 to 1. After cooling, the mixture is given three times a day, 1/2 teaspoon.

In addition, cocoa butter can be used to rub the baby's chest and lubricate the nasal mucosa.


When using cocoa butter in the treatment of a child, you should remember the following rules:

  • The dosage of cocoa butter for each child should be selected individually together with the attending physician.
  • The product should not be given to children shortly before bedtime as this can cause insomnia.
  • Cocoa butter is canceled if an allergic reaction occurs.
  • Such oil and recipes with it are not suitable for the treatment of cough in children with diabetes, as well as with obesity.
  • If you have any doubts about the use of cocoa butter in a child, consult your pediatrician.
  • Store cocoa butter in a dark, low-temperature container in a tightly sealed container. Note that such a product has a fairly long shelf life (3-5 years).
  • If the top of the cocoa butter is covered with a whitish coating, this does not impair its properties and does not mean that the product has deteriorated.


Parents who have tried cocoa butter with their children’s cough often respond positively to it. They note that products based on such oil help to quickly get rid of a strong cough and reduce discomfort in the throat. According to most mothers, babies are almost always happy to be treated with such a tasty remedy and do not refuse "chocolate" milk.

Parents call the main advantage of cocoa butter as a remedy for coughing the natural origin of this product, which is why in most cases there are no side effects. Difficulties with the purchase of cocoa butter are also not noted, because it can be purchased both in pharmacies and stores, and at special exhibitions or on the Internet.

For a recipe for a cocoa butter drink that helps with colds, see the next video.

Watch the video: Identify the different types of coughs in children- 7 types of cough you should about (July 2024).