
List of things for newborns for the first time

While expecting a child, every expectant mother thinks about what things the baby will need in the hospital and in the first days after discharge. By compiling detailed lists of such things, you can spend more rationally and not be afraid to forget about something.

However, after seeing huge lists of necessary things on the Internet or from familiar mothers, you should not immediately buy all the same.

First of all, your list should be individual. When compiling it, consider the following nuances:

  • The best time to make a list of things is called the second trimester. In the last weeks of gestation, a situation may arise when you have to buy everything in a hurry, which will have a bad effect on the mood of the expectant mother and on the family budget.
  • When choosing things for a baby, consider your financial condition, but do not skimp on quality. Better to keep things small, but they will be safe and reliable.
  • Some of the upcoming purchases can be entrusted to relatives, because we have accepted gifts for newborns. There is no need to be shy, but it is better to immediately inform relatives and friends what things you need, than to put in the closet after childbirth the same suits and sets of rattles that the little one will not need.
  • When making your list, also consider things that may be inherited from family and friends. When children grow up, their old things are often passed on to young mothers, and this opportunity should not be neglected. Especially when it comes to such large purchases as a stroller, car seat, crib, changing table and others.
  • Be rational and list only the essentials for your newborn. Do not buy in advance what you will need later and you will always have time to buy in addition.

Mandatory purchases for the birth of a baby

After viewing other people's lists and recommendations, all expectant mothers will have their own list, but almost every of them will include the following items:

  • Stroller;
  • Crib;
  • Mattress;
  • Linens;
  • Bath;
  • Car seat (if parents have a car).

Pay close attention to the choice of these items, focusing on quality and safety for the newborn baby.

For information on what to consider when choosing a mattress, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

What to take for a child in the hospital?

During your stay in the hospital for the baby, you should take the following things:

  1. Clothing. The list of necessary clothes should be clarified in your maternity hospital, since in some medical institutions, children are dressed only in sterilized clothes that are given to mothers.
  2. Care products. Take diapers (smallest), wet wipes, powder, cotton wool, baby soap and baby cream.
  3. Things to check out. Your outfit may include a slim jumpsuit, socks, a hat, and an envelope.


Since in the first month of life the baby sleeps most of the day, things that provide him with comfort during sleep are very important. Prepare for the baby:

  • Bed. Let it be made of wood and covered with baby-safe varnish (water-based). Preferably a model with at least two bottom levels and sloping sides.
  • Mattress. It must have sufficient rigidity and fully match the size of the crib (fit snugly against its walls). Spring mattresses are more suitable for babies, since their rigidity is higher.
  • Bumper. Such a soft device is placed around the perimeter of the bed and is designed to protect the baby from impacts against the walls and drafts.
  • Linens. Immediately prepare 2 sets for the baby, including a duvet cover and a sheet. However, bed sheets can be replaced at first with large diapers.
  • Blanket. In buying it, be guided by the season, since there are summer and winter, as well as demi-season options. Many modern mothers prefer buying a sleeping bag. It is also worth additionally purchasing a high-quality small blanket.
  • Oilcloth. Some mothers buy an oilcloth with an elastic band and fit the mattress, while others find it more convenient to use disposable diapers.
  • Night light. Although this thing cannot be called the most necessary, it is much more convenient with it to approach the baby at night and organize night feedings.
  • Mobile in the crib. It can be electronic or mechanical and can have various additional functions, for example, backlight.

Some mothers additionally purchase a separate cradle for a newborn and use it up to 3-4 months of age. You can also buy a canopy in the crib, but this thing is not considered important, so its use depends only on the wishes of the mother.


Every expectant mother should tune in to breastfeeding the baby after childbirth, so you can prepare special nursing bras for childbirth, although you can do just fine with regular bras. Absorbent breast pads will also work.

Do not rush to buy teas stimulating lactation, many mothers do well without them. A breast pump, if you plan to be away from your baby for a while, can be purchased in advance.

However, even those who wish to breastfeed are advised to purchase one or two bottles, for example, to give the baby water in hot weather or to take expressed milk with them to the clinic.

If necessary, the expectant mother should purchase special containers for storing breast milk. The milk expressed in them can be stored in the refrigerator and frozen.

Also, many young mothers speak positively about buying a special nursing pillow.

In addition to the mixture, the baby on artificial feeding will need to purchase:

  • 3-5 bottles
  • Bottle nipples
  • Measuring spoon
  • Sterilizer
  • Funnel made of plastic
  • Heater as well as a thermos
  • Brush and bottle cleaner


Another important procedure for a newborn toddler is bathing. You should prepare the baby for the birth:

  • Bath. It is imperative to bathe the baby in it until the umbilical wound heals, and after that you can carry out water procedures in a regular bath. Accessories can be attached to the bathtub that hold the baby (slide, hammock) and free mother's hands.
  • Thermometer. Before lowering the toddler into the water, be sure to measure its temperature.
  • Terry towel. Buy a large, soft towel. A product with a hood is very comfortable.
  • Soft terry mitt for washing delicate baby skin.

How the process of bathing a child should go, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


From the very first days of life, depending on the weather, the newborn is recommended to be taken out into the fresh air. You need a stroller for walking with a baby. Pay enough attention to her choice, not forgetting about such nuances as the weight of the product, as well as the size of your elevator. Usually they buy a mattress, a bag, a raincoat, a cover, a net for a stroller - these accessories are often sold with a stroller.

Choosing a stroller is not an easy task. For information on what to look for when choosing a stroller, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

Many pregnant women decide to purchase a sling for walking. This is a popular alternative to the stroller now, like the ergo backpack. Also, if desired, the expectant mother can purchase a bag for carrying the baby, with which you can go to the clinic or store.


The delicate skin of a newborn toddler needs special care. Upon discharge, your home should have:

  • Cotton pads.
  • Wet wipes for babies.
  • Baby soap.
  • Powder.
  • Baby oil.
  • Baby cream.
  • Cotton buds.
  • A diaper cream that helps with irritation.
  • Manicure set for baby.
  • Comb.

For more details, see the next video.

First aid kit

In the house where the newborn baby will live, there must be a first aid kit. For the first time, purchase:

  • Thermometer.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • A pipette.
  • Syringe.
  • Zelenka.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Dry chamomile flowers.
  • Dill seeds.
  • Antipyretic drug approved in the first months of life.
  • A plastic spoon or syringe without a needle to give medicine.


When choosing things for a newborn baby, follow these recommendations:

  • Don't buy a lot of size 56 items, as newborns grow quite quickly and many babies are born large.
  • Consider the season the baby was born. In the summer, you will need fewer clothes, and for the crumbs that are born in winter, you need a lot more things.
  • It is a good idea to make a list of the things you need and buy only half of what you need from it. Gradually, you will understand which clothes are more convenient to use, and buy the remaining wardrobe items.
  • Pay attention to the quality of your clothing. Many cheap things lose their shape and deteriorate after one or two washings.
  • Try not to buy things for a newborn that need to be worn over the head.
  • The best fasteners for young mothers are buttons. Try to avoid items with buttons and ties.

For the first wardrobe of a newborn baby, it is enough to purchase:

  • 3-4 bodysuits with different sleeve lengths;
  • 3-4 warm undershirts plus the same amount of thin ones (you can replace them with blouses with buttons);
  • 5 thin sliders and 2-3 pairs of warm ones (if the baby was born in a cold season, warm sliders are bought in larger quantities);
  • 1-2 warm slips and 2-3 thin ones;
  • 1 fleece jumpsuit;
  • 2 warm caps and 2-3 thin ones;
  • 1-2 pairs of warm and thin socks;
  • 2-3 terry cloth bibs;
  • 1 pair of anti-scratches;
  • 1 hat - demi-season or winter;
  • 1 jumpsuit for walking - demi-season or winter.

Other things

  • Diapers. If we are talking about disposables, then do not buy a large package right away, as they may not fit in weight or irritate the crumbs.
  • Diapers. Although swaddling is now used very rarely, experienced parents recommend purchasing 10 chintz and flannel diapers each.
  • Car seat. An important thing for all parents planning to transport a baby in a car.
  • Baby changing table. It is very convenient to dress a newborn on it, but many mothers do not consider it a necessary thing and replace it with a sofa or a regular table. A good alternative is a chest of drawers for children's things, on which there is a changing board on top.
  • Baby monitor. A valuable item for a family living in a large house or often visiting the country.
  • Dummy. Many babies can do without it, but experienced mothers recommend purchasing at least one silicone nipple just in case. She will also need a box and a clothespin.
  • Laundry detergent suitable for washing baby clothes.
  • Chaise lounge. In such a device, the baby can be safely carried around the apartment. Young mothers consider a rocking chair a very convenient option for such a sun lounger.
  • Indoor thermometer and humidifier. These devices will help control the microclimate in the nursery.
  • Baby scales. There is no particular need for them, but if the mother is worried about the weight of the baby, such scales can be rented.
  • Diary and photo album. These things will help you keep the best moments of your first months with your baby.

Many doctors advise purchasing a humidifier. What you need to consider when choosing and how to use it so that it benefits you and your child, see the video of Dr. Komarovsky.

What's too early to buy?

  • Pillow. A child under one year old does not need it, and if the doctor sees indications for a pillow (for example, torticollis), then you will have to purchase a special orthopedic one.
  • Developing mat and other toys. Their purchase can be attended to a few months after giving birth.
  • Swimming circle. As soon as the umbilical wound heals and your little one is comfortable in the big bath, it's time for this fun swimming accessory.

Doctor Komarovsky tells about the most important nuances in the life of a newborn child in his program.

Many mothers misrepresent their baby after childbirth, because the baby does not look like it does from the pages of glossy magazines. Read more about this in the article on what a newborn baby looks like.

Watch the video: Newborn baby essentials list india. Baby shopping list for first time moms (July 2024).