
Tremor of the limbs in newborns - what is it when it passes

Tremor is absolutely normal for newly born babies. In some cases, he talks about diseases. The symptom may simply indicate emotion; positive emotional states cause muscle tremors.

Baby is crying, hands are shaking

This sign can also speak of colic in the abdomen, fatigue.

Tremor in newborns (the causes and consequences are incredibly diverse here) often occurs in response to any stress factor. For example, some children react to bathing.

Important! If the child's arms and legs begin to shake in response to bathing, this does not mean that hygiene procedures can be abandoned.

Definition of the concept

Tremor is a symptom of twitching of the muscles, chin, or head. There is also a tremor of the legs in newborns. The tremors are often asymmetrical. For example, parts of the body may be trembling separately: one leg or chin by itself.

Newborn baby

Muscle tremors very often occur before the first month. This is an adaptation period, during which you need to protect your baby from any stress. Including, you cannot temper the toddler using air baths, do a massage, since all these operations that are incomprehensible to an infant baby cause him anxiety.

Important! The child must be supervised. There are more fearful children, and there are those who will not be disturbed even by a sharp loud sound. Therefore, the approach needs to be changed. There is no need to protect a brave kid from any negative, in the opinion of an adult, factor, otherwise he may become fearful.

At the end of the month, you can increase the number of procedures.

Up to 3 months, shaking arms and legs are the norm. The fact is that neurons are not yet completely covered by the myelin sheath, whose task is to speed up the passage of nerve signals.

Head tremor in a baby

Newborns or older babies often have head shakes while feeding or falling asleep. If the child is feeling well, there are no other symptoms, there is no cause for concern either.

Adult caring for a child

This condition is considered potentially dangerous, it is recommended to go to the doctor to make sure that the crumbs do not have any threatening diseases. If there are doubts about the health of the child, you can do an EEG.

Hand tremor in a baby or newborn

Tremor of the limbs in newborns in most cases does not indicate any health problem.

Tremor of the chin or lips

Tremors of the chin or lips in newborns are caused by the same causes as in the arms, legs, or head. As a rule, there is no cause for concern for parents.

Recommendation. Some people write "newborn chin trimmer". Correctly spell the word "tremor".

Causes of tremors in newborns

Why can a baby's muscles shake? Tremor in newborns can be caused by a number of conditions, both physiological and pathological.


Physiological reasons include:

  1. Insufficiently developed nervous system in infants. In particular, the parts of the brain responsible for the implementation of movements are not fully formed.
  2. Too intense production of norepinephrine. It is also caused by an underdeveloped nervous system. In addition, the condition is provoked by strong emotions, as well as the inability of the adrenal glands to the life of a newborn outside the mother's womb.
  3. For too long negative emotions, crying. In such a situation, the lower lip begins to shake.

Physiological causes are significantly less than those of diseases, but they cover most of the cases.


Tremors in babies can be triggered by diseases that appear during critical periods of development: 1, 3, 9, 12 months. If during this period there are any diseases accompanied by tremors of the limbs, head or chin, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Also this sign can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Injuries during pregnancy, childbirth.
  2. Excessively high level of norepinephrine "in position". Provoked by the mother's nerves when she is carrying a baby. If the tremors are caused by this reason, then it can last up to a year or later.
  3. Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  4. Infectious diseases that the mother suffered during gestation. Even the flu is dangerous.
  5. Difficult or overly rapid labor.
  6. Hypoxia after birth.
  7. Narcotic withdrawal (caused by a pregnant woman taking illegal substances). Also, tremors can be observed with a hangover. If the mother frequently drank alcoholic beverages in utero, the baby may become addicted. One of the manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is intense tremor.
  8. The increased content in the body of calcium, sugar, magnesium.
  9. Perinatal encephalopathy.

Blood poisoning may also be the cause. In addition, relatives often confuse this symptom with seizures. Obviously, a parent alone cannot figure out such a large number of reasons (with the exception of some). Therefore, you can not self-medicate, you must consult a doctor.

When tremors in infants go away

The fact that tremors in newborns have natural causes is evidenced by its manifestation before the age of 3 (in extreme cases, six) months. Also, the duration cannot be too long - no more than 30 seconds.


The consequences of the tremor depend on the underlying disease. If this is normal, then it goes away by itself. If tremors are caused by perinatal encephalopathy, severe, persistent neurological damage can occur.

How to help a child

If the cause is a disease, then you need to see a doctor. If the symptom is the result of stress, relaxing activities are sufficient.


You can do a relaxing massage twice a day. Before that, you need to consult a specialist. It is not difficult to master the technique, massages are prohibited without prior training.

Massage for a baby with tremors


You can also do specific exercises to relax your muscles.

Calm environment

Creating a favorable emotional climate has a positive effect on the development of the child. Therefore, parents should not quarrel, resolve conflict situations calmly, taking into account the interests of each other.

Important to remember! The kid becomes infected with the emotional state of the parents.


This is one of the most important things a parent should do for the health of the baby. Walking helps to relieve stress and begin to explore the world.

If the tremor is caused by a pathology

The following signs should alert the parent:

  1. Synchronous tremor of the head, chin, arms and legs. Separately, they can shake, together - undesirable.
  2. Duration more than 30 seconds. If the duration is short, we are talking about minor age-related disorders of the functioning of the nervous system. For more than 30 seconds, there may be increased seizure activity or other health problems.
  3. Cyanosis of the skin.
  4. The child continues to sleep and tremble, although he has already reached the age of six months.
  5. Difficult childbirth.

When aboutsee a doctor

If one of the symptoms described above appears, and the baby's hands are shaking at the same time (head, lip, chin), it is necessary to consult a specialist in time. In general, you need to constantly visit a pediatrician, who can quickly solve problems that arise during the development of the baby.

It is clear what this is such a tremor of the limbs in newborns. Usually, this phenomenon is not a cause for concern among relatives. Care must be taken to ensure that it is well tolerated by the infant. The fact that muscle tremors is a natural physiological phenomenon in a newborn is also said by Dr. Komarovsky.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy (July 2024).