
Allergic cough in a child - symptoms

A cough with allergies in a child is not as rare as it seems. This is a protective reaction of the body against the ingress of allergens into the respiratory tract. The irritant penetrates the mucous membrane, this triggers the immune system. Leukocytes tend to the site of injury, inflammation occurs, as a result - a dry barking cough.

Baby in mom's arms

Causes of allergic cough

Allergic dry cough in a child manifests itself sharply. The kid begins to cough often, suffocate. The attacks are prolonged, intensified with the continuation of the action of allergens. Such conditions manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • pet hair;
  • pollen of plants in the spring;
  • Polish for hair;
  • dust from building materials;
  • reaction to the smell of paint;
  • irritation with tobacco smoke;
  • food products;
  • beverages;
  • house dust.

In children under one year old, the body is just beginning to adapt to the environment, so allergies are much more common in them than in adults. The older the baby gets, the lower the likelihood of maintaining such a reaction. For many people, this is an age-related feature.

Features of allergic cough

Allergic cough in a child, the symptoms of which every parent should know, is often accompanied by complications. If you do not know what the crumbs have such a reaction to, and continue contact with the allergen, the risks increase. Such a cough has distinctive features from a wet or normal viral dry. These include:

  1. Allergies are accompanied by a barking or dry type of cough;
  2. Body temperature remains at a normal level;
  3. The nature of the symptom is paroxysmal;
  4. Most often, coughing occurs at night during sleep;
  5. The problem is protracted, it can last from 10 to 30 days.

To understand what treatment needs to be prescribed, they study all the signs, go to the doctor and undergo an examination. Usually, an allergy cough goes away on its own if contact with the allergen is completely excluded. However, it is impossible to remove all the plants on the street so that they do not affect the baby. Specialized antihistamines are prescribed to relieve symptoms.

Important! If the baby begins to choke, call an ambulance.

Boy drinks syrup from a spoon

Diagnostic methods

The fastest diagnostic method is carried out at home. The doctor examines the baby, measures his temperature and makes a preliminary conclusion. If necessary, prescribes tests. The definition of allergic cough is carried out according to the following studies:

  • percussion listening to the child's lungs;
  • examination of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • body temperature measurement;
  • general blood analysis;
  • research for allergens in the blood;
  • a snapshot if you suspect similar diseases.

In a general blood test, an increase in leukocytes, namely eosinophils and basophils, will be noticed. They are responsible for the body's allergic reactions. Allergic tests are carried out to clarify a specific irritant, assuming several options.

Additional symptoms

Identifying an allergic cough is more difficult when additional symptoms are present. They are similar to the signs of SARS. A general blood test will help to differentiate diseases. It must be done on an empty stomach, this will give a more accurate result. Associated symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • profuse rhinitis;
  • sputum discharge in large quantities;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 390C;
  • urticaria on separate parts of the body or solid;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anaphylactic shock (rare).

All these signs are found in allergies. Parents often confuse it with the common cold. They begin to give the baby medicines to reduce the fever, but such measures do not help. The kid continues to be ill, and his condition worsens, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Important! If a rash appears on the body, then the child has an allergic cough.

The doctor listens to the girl


It is necessary to cure allergies with folk remedies under the supervision of a doctor. Experts recommend combining traditional and non-traditional methods to speed up the healing process.

The therapy takes place at home. For children under one year old, antihistamines are prescribed in the form of drops. They are convenient to use, the baby accepts them with pleasure, as they have a pleasant taste. The baby is treated according to the instructions on the package of the drug.

Alternative methods help relieve an allergic cough:

  1. Brew 1 tsp. turns and drink 100 ml several times a day. She can also rinse her throat and rinse her nose with a runny nose.
  2. Chamomile has a calming effect. Children love her very much, a little sugar is added to the broth to make the drink tastier. You can drink it in unlimited quantities.
  3. Oregano works well to deal with any allergy symptoms. It is prepared as tea and drunk.
  4. Infusion of white lamb is unlikely to please the baby, a spoon can be mixed with your favorite juice and given to drink.

All herbs can be combined with each other and get an anti-allergic collection. A skin test is carried out in advance on the baby: a cotton pad is moistened with herbal decoction and a small area of ​​the baby's handle is smeared. If swelling and redness do not appear in the morning, then the medicine can be given to the child.

Important! Before starting herbal therapy, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Possible complications

In some cases, complications may appear. These are severe stages of allergy that can be fatal. Parents must be able to recognize the problem so that tragedy does not happen.

Such conditions are rare and must be responded to immediately. The faster they help the baby, the less consequences it will leave on his body. Meet:

  1. Quincke's edema. The baby's limbs begin to swell, including the larynx, face. There is swelling of the respiratory tract, the child may suffocate. The introduction of potent drugs is required.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. This is an inadequate reaction of the human body to the ingestion of an allergen. The baby loses consciousness, the skin becomes cold, the pulse is threadlike, vomiting and confusion are possible. Resuscitation help is needed. An ambulance should be called immediately.

If you ignore the symptoms of an allergic cough for a long time, this will lead to complications, especially if the allergen has not been removed, and it continues to act on the baby's body.

Child holding on to mouth

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky advises to cure an allergic cough with antihistamine drops. From them, the child will want to sleep, but will stop coughing, and the accompanying symptoms will also disappear.

It is recommended to use preventive measures until the child is 1 year old. Every day the baby's body gets stronger and stronger. The older the child, the lower the number of allergies.

The use of folk remedies should be done with caution. Not all children are ready to take herbal teas. Before the introduction of complementary foods, babies are allowed to be given only milk and special medicines inside. It is allowed to use folk remedies for taking baths and inhalation.

Important! Antiallergic drugs cause drowsiness, do not worry about this, this is normal.

Prevention at home

The basis of preventive measures against the development of allergic cough is the elimination of contact between the baby and all presumably dangerous allergens. The following actions will help reduce risks:

  1. The children's room is ventilated every day twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Wet cleaning is carried out twice a week, be sure to wipe the shelves, all surfaces from dust.
  3. They use air humidifiers, they deposit dust on the surface, which reduces the risk of it getting inside the child.
  4. If you have pets, limit their contact with the baby.
  5. If the crumbs have a tendency to allergies, then it is recommended to give him antihistamine drops during the spring flowering. Do this only after consulting a doctor.

A child's allergic cough is often confused with the common cold. The symptoms of both diseases are similar to each other. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to undergo several tests. In the presence of allergies, it is necessary to urgently stop contact of the baby with the allergen and begin treatment so that complications do not occur.

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