
Red pussy in a child under one year old - causes of redness of the genitals

The baby's skin is not adapted to environmental conditions. Because of this, diaper rash and irritation often appear on them. A red pussy in a child is a common problem that parents face. Timely prevention and treatment of the disease will avoid unpleasant consequences.

Pussy irritation interferes with sleep

Causes of irritation

In the groin area, the skin of the crumbs is very sensitive. Any, at first glance, trifle can cause irritation on a piss. Among the main reasons for the appearance of redness, pediatricians identify the following factors:

  • using diapers made of low-quality materials;
  • the use of allergenic foods by a nursing mother;
  • the wrong size of clothing or diaper;
  • poor hygiene of the child's groin;
  • a red pussy in a baby may be the result of a long stay in wet clothes and a "dirty" diaper;
  • insufficient "walks" of the baby without clothes;
  • irritation can be caused by allergies to cream, laundry detergent, dusting powder, soap, shower gel, or ointment.

Associated symptoms

Redness is most often caused by allergies or an infectious disease. The girl's irritation on the pussy is manifested in the form:

  • red spots;
  • scuffs;
  • diaper rash;
  • pigmentation of individual areas.

If the redness of the labia in a child is caused by an infection, there may be a deterioration in general well-being, up to an increase in body temperature.

Additional Information. Painful sensations, itching and burning are the main symptoms of pathology.

Red booty at the crumbs

It is possible to identify what caused the development of redness and rash by clinical signs of irritation:

  1. With herpes, the child has a small rash. The liquid that is contained in the bubbles, if damaged, pours out and becomes the cause of the appearance of new foci.
  2. With candidiasis, next to the red spots on the pisyu, a plaque forms, vaguely resembling curd mass.
  3. If the redness in the groin is associated with chlamydia, the rash is similar to erythema. In parallel with irritation, the baby may develop conjunctivitis.
  4. With human papillomavirus, in addition to redness, the baby's pussy will be covered with skin growths.
  5. If the child has syphilis, sores will be visible on the labia.
  6. The presence of numerous subcutaneous bulges, which resemble a flesh-colored rash, may indicate the development of a malignant disease - inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.

How to help a child

If the ailment is left untreated, irritation on the labia in a newborn and an infant can develop into the cervical, axillary and gluteal folds. Therefore, the first thing to do is to go for a consultation with a specialist.

Which doctor to contact

If a girl has a red pussy at 4 months or 1 year old, parents need to immediately go to an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician.

Reference. A visual examination of the skin will allow the specialist to develop a further algorithm of actions aimed at treating the disease.

Kid at the pediatrician

With complicated eczema, the doctor may send for additional examinations:

  • microscopic analysis of the skin for the presence of fungi;
  • the study of bacteriological culture, which is separated from the lesions.

If you suspect an allergic cause of diaper rash and redness, the pediatrician may refer you to a pediatric allergist for consultation.

Proper hygiene for newborn girls

In newborn girls, the natural protection of the genitals is not developed. Because of this, poor hygiene can lead to reproductive disorders in an adult girl. The structure of the genitals is designed in such a way that feces can quickly get inside.

Important! Therefore, each bowel movement must be accompanied by mandatory washing.

Baby bathing

To prevent the child from developing irritation on the girl's pussy, after each urination it is necessary to wipe the groin area with a damp cloth or napkin. Observance of the basic rules during swimming will help to protect the baby from infections:

  1. You need to wash a newborn baby with warm water using special products for babies. In order not to dry out delicate skin, it is better to refuse soap.
  2. No need to use coarse scouring pads. For these purposes, it is advisable to buy a soft cloth or sponge. Rubbing your skin can quickly turn red and sore.
  3. In order not to infect the girl's genitourinary system, wash the groin area in the direction from the labia to the priest.
  4. After the bath procedure, the child's body should be dried with a soft towel or diaper.
  5. All folds of the baby must be treated with olive, sea buckthorn, sunflower or peach oil.
  6. After washing, the baby should be left naked for 5-15 minutes. Air baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby's skin and immunity.

Potential consequences and complications

If you do not treat irritation in the groin area, the disease will progress. The kid can face a number of complications:

  • septic purulent candidiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the lower parts of the genitourinary system;
  • the development of chronic allergies in the perineal region;
  • girls may have a discharge from the vulva in the form of pus;
  • adolescents may develop prostate adenoma.

Important! Septic complications in infants can lead to death, therefore, they require immediate antibiotic therapy.

Insomnia in a child

Any itching, redness and diaper rash give the baby a lot of pain, which leads to insomnia and nervous exhaustion. In a state of stress, the toddler will not drink breast milk well. So that you do not have to use drugs in the future, it is better to take care of the prevention of the disease in advance.

Preventive measures

Preventing the development of a disease is much easier than treating it.

Happy baby

In order to prevent redness on the crumbs, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. After intimate hygiene, it is advisable not to use cosmetics for children. Although they are hypoallergenic, they can cause rashes, irritation and itching.
  2. Do not get carried away with the use of wet wipes. Children's doctors recommend using them only in extreme cases: on a trip or on a walk. At home, it is more useful to wash the child under the tap.
  3. If the child has an allergic reaction to the mother's breast milk, then the prevention of the disease is reduced to the revision of the foods consumed by the nursing woman.
  4. If you buy diapers from trusted manufacturers, the red pisya from the newborn and the baby will be in the past. They need to be changed every 2-3 hours. If the child has defecated, the diaper should be removed immediately and the feces should be cleaned from the skin.
  5. It is useful to add a decoction of a string or chamomile to the bath. Useful herbs will protect the skin from irritation. In case of rash, itching and discomfort will be reduced.
  6. It is better to use baby powder for washing things. To prevent particles of the product from remaining on clothes, you must rinse the laundry thoroughly.
  7. To avoid infections that can get on the baby's skin through the linen, it is recommended to iron the sliders and shirts of the crumbs after each wash.
  8. Coarse seams and fabrics in clothing can easily injure baby skin. Therefore, it is better to buy linen for the baby from knitted, chintz and cotton fabrics.
  9. In hot weather, do not wrap up the child. Otherwise, he will develop diaper rash.
  10. The powder is an effective preparation for the prevention of skin irritation. It is best to use products with zinc oxide or talcum powder. A good folk remedy for diaper rash is flour or starch. Do not sprinkle talcum powder on your skin and use baby creams at the same time. The duo of powder and oily ointment forms lumps. They will rub the skin strongly when moving.
  11. To increase the body's resistance to infections, do not forget about strengthening the immune system. To do this, you need to normalize the sleep and wakefulness of the baby, as well as increase the number of walks in the fresh air.
  12. The kid cannot do exercises on his own. Therefore, the task of parents is to help the baby to do small physical exercises: light swinging legs, arms.

From time to time, the crumbs may appear diaper rash, pimples or redness on the skin. The main thing is to take timely measures to eliminate the disease, so as not to bring the situation to more unpleasant consequences. Proper prevention will help reduce the risk of developing skin pathologies.

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