
A child has a heart murmur - what is it, possible causes

All newborn babies undergo diagnostics aimed at identifying the possible development of pathologies. When examining a cardiologist, parents can be informed that there is a heart murmur in a child. This diagnosis is not always a verdict. If such a deviation is found, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which will help to identify the cause. Based on its results, a treatment regimen for a small patient will be determined.

A heart murmur may be detected during the initial examination of a newborn by a cardiologist.

How noise occurs

To understand why a murmur occurs in the heart, you need to imagine its anatomy. The organ consists of four parts: two of them are the atria, the other two are the ventricles. They are separated from each other by valves that open and close regularly.

The tones, which are called knocking or contraction rate, arise as a result of filling the heart with blood, and then emptying it. Between the phases of systole and diastole, a calm phase occurs. It is during this period that the doctor can hear extraneous sounds in the heart muscle.

Important! Most often, extraneous sounds arise due to deviations in the anatomical structure. It is imperative to find out the reason for their appearance, since they can be both completely safe and signal the development of a serious pathology.

The factors causing the murmurs depend on the anatomical structure of the organ.

Causes of heart murmurs in newborns

If a one-month-old baby is examined, then the causes of noise may be associated with the transition of the circulatory system to its own. Earlier, in the womb, blood flowed through her system.

The main causes of heart murmurs are:

  • narrowing of large vessels that depart from the heart;
  • reduction of the valve of the heart muscle;
  • violation in the closure of the valve cusps, in such a situation the blood will return back;
  • there are holes in the heart septa;
  • there is a gap between the aorta and the pulmonary artery;
  • the surface of the organ chambers is uneven.

The most common cause of extraneous noise is an open oval window. This pathology does not require immediate treatment, the child is under observation. Action will only be taken if it does not close at the age of four months.

The doctor can detect extraneous sounds as a result of listening

Doctor Komarovsky about a child's heart murmur

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky says: “If a child has a heart murmur, this is not always a pathology. This is only a symptom that can mean a slight violation of the anatomical structure of the organ due to the age of the newborn. "

Most often, doctors are faced with physiological noises. These are the most harmless manifestations that do not pose a health hazard and do not require special treatment. Such situations disappear during the period of final puberty. On the ECG, functional noises do not appear, they can only be seen on ultrasound.

There is another type of noise that needs careful control. They are called organic. It is this type that requires constant monitoring, and if necessary, the appointment of a treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a child has extraneous sounds in the heart area, a thorough examination and consultation with a cardiologist are necessary. According to the results of the examination, the toddler will be assigned either to the group of completely healthy or to the category of patients who need regular monitoring.

The diagnosis is made by the following methods:

  1. Conducting an electrocardiogram - with its help, you can detect malfunctions in the heart muscle.
  2. Echocardioscopy - during the examination, ultrasound is used, according to the results, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of large vessels, valves and cavities.
  3. X-ray - in the picture you can trace the boundaries of the heart.

If necessary, the child is assigned laboratory tests.

ECG is one of the important diagnostic methods

Actions after

The way a child is treated when extraneous sounds in the heart are detected depends on the cause that caused the problem. If no violations have been identified, then therapy is not prescribed. In cases of detection of pathology, the method of treatment is selected depending on the severity of the course of the disease.

The doctor may appoint:

  • drug therapy aimed at improving myocardial nutrition, restoring metabolic processes in the heart muscle;
  • taking a complex of multivitamins, glycosides, hormonal drugs and diuretics.

Important! If a heart murmur is associated with the development of a defect, treatment is possible only with the use of surgery. Depending on the severity of the disease, valve replacement, vascular occlusion or stent placement are prescribed.

After heart surgery, blood thinners are prescribed, and treatment is carried out to facilitate the rehabilitation period. These measures are necessary to avoid complications after surgery.

Treatment regimens are prescribed depending on the severity of the pathology

Symptoms of diseases associated with heart murmurs

Benign noises, which are called functional, do not manifest themselves in any way and do not have a negative effect on the work of other organs.

Symptoms will only appear if the noise is organic. They indicate the development of deviations and will be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • difficult and very rapid breathing;
  • blue tips of fingers and lips; if we are talking about a newborn, then a bluish tint can be all over the body;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • swelling;
  • fainting, dizziness, headaches.

In a child, symptoms may worsen after physical exertion, with rapid fatigue. If such signs are found, it is necessary to urgently undergo an examination by a cardiologist.

Predictions and consequences

An organic murmur that occurs in a child's heart can be fatal if timely treatment is not prescribed. In the presence of serious pathological abnormalities in the body, the heart muscle is not always able to cope with the load.

The situation with functional noise is much simpler. They do not affect your overall health in any way. The child will be registered with a cardiologist, visit him once a year to monitor the situation in order to prevent complications. Most often, noise disappears with age.

Predictions with a diagnosis of organic noise may vary. In cases with severe pathologies, an urgent operation is likely. If surgical intervention cannot be used, drug therapy is prescribed.

Children who have heart murmurs as a result of congenital defects often suffer from problems with the nervous system, infectious diseases, and circulatory disorders. If surgery is not scheduled in a timely manner, disability may occur.

A child's heart murmur is a frightening manifestation. It cannot be left unattended in order to prevent the development of complications. Timely treatment, monitoring of the child's condition by a cardiologist can save his life.


Watch the video: A Clinical Approach to Pediatric Heart Murmurs (July 2024).