
First feeding of a newborn in a maternity hospital

How to feed a child in the first days of life, the nurses in the maternity hospital will definitely tell you. It is better when a young mother has information and is ready for any difficulties. If lactation is not immediately possible, this is not a reason to give up breastfeeding. Don't give up, you have to be patient and try. You can ask for help from consultants who usually work in maternity hospitals.


The importance of early breastfeeding

The first feeding of a newborn in a maternity hospital should take place in the first half hour of the baby's life. This will help him adapt and reduce the stress that any child born into the world experiences. Early attachment will establish a strong emotional connection between mom and baby, he will hear her voice, heartbeat, feel body warmth and calm down. In addition, colostrum, which appears before milk, will contribute to the colonization of the intestines of the baby with a beneficial microflora.

The sooner the baby is attached to the mother's breast, the sooner milk will come and lactation will improve. If this happens in the delivery room, then it lasts only a couple of minutes. It is important not to feed the baby, but to help its immunity, to transfer antibodies that can resist various infections.

How to properly feed a newborn baby

The behavior in the future depends on the correct feeding of a newborn child in the first days of life. It is necessary to teach him to attach to the breast correctly so that he captures not only the nipple, but also the areola. You can watch the lessons on the Internet, where the most popular poses are disassembled, and how the baby should look like. For example, when properly applied, his lips twist outward.

Feed on demand or watch

Previously, it was believed that you need to feed a child every three hours, accustoming him to a regimen from infancy. Modern pediatricians maintain a free schedule, when the mother gives the baby breast on demand, there is no need to torment the baby, maintaining a certain interval. In addition, frequent application stimulates lactation, accelerates the flow of milk.

Note! You should not count the hours, it is important to learn how to feel the baby and make the feeding process enjoyable. Mom should not forget about her comfort, choosing a comfortable position not only for the child, but also for herself.

Comfortable feeding

What breast milk looks like

Breast milk changes over time, going through several stages:

  • Colostrum is the first milk. It is quite thick and yellowish in color, contains nutrients, is rich in protein and is low in fat;
  • Transitional milk. It appears a few days after the first application. Colostrum becomes thinner, more milk comes in each time. It is developed in response to the needs of the child;
  • Mature milk comes in about two weeks. This is the main food for the baby during the first 6 months of his life. The foremilk that the baby first sucks is lighter and more watery and may have a bluish tint. The rear, which comes to him at the end of feeding, is thicker and fatter. For balanced growth and development of the baby, he needs to completely empty his chest. The color of milk may vary slightly depending on the mother's diet. So, for example, if she eats a lot of orange vegetables, you will notice that a yellowish tinge appears. When the milk turns pink, it is most likely that there are cracks in the nipples that are oozing blood.

How to determine if there is enough milk

Whether the child is full or not, is determined by the number of peeses. If he goes to the toilet more than 10 times a day, then he has enough milk. The baby of the first month of life should gain weight daily. The only thing is that in the first 24 hours after giving birth, it drops off slightly, about 100-200 grams, then its weight should grow. In the maternity hospital, doctors and nurses control the increase during the morning examination of the baby.

Do I need supplementary feeding with a mixture

Maternity hospitals always offer infant formula. Young mothers often refuse, fearing that supplementation will harm lactation or the health of the baby. Adapted formulas are designed specifically for newborns, if milk does not come for a long time, it makes sense to use them when feeding. If the mother is worried that the baby will not take the breast later, then you can drink him from a spoon without using a pacifier.

Note! It is believed that colostrum is enough for a newborn baby, which provides his body with nutrients. If the baby cries, does not calm down, for sure, he is hungry, and it is better to take a formula for supplementation.

Kid eating mixture

It is dangerous if the newborn does not wake up for 4 hours in a row. It is recommended to stir it slightly and feed it. If he is lethargic and does not suck well, try expressing or suggest formula. A newborn dehydrates very quickly, so it cannot be left without food.

First feeding after caesarean section

If a child was born by cesarean section, then the mother is not given it right away. It usually takes a woman some time to recover, to move away from anesthesia. If you used epidural anesthesia, then you can attach the newborn to the chest immediately after his birth. When the operation was performed under general anesthesia, this is naturally not possible.

After the mother recovers a little, the child is brought to her. The baby may be weak, inactive and not interested in breasts. You cannot despair, this will not always be the case, and you will have to endure a little. You need to carry the child more in your arms, spread it naked on your stomach.

Note! Children's doctor Komarovsky emphasizes that babies fed on mother’s milk are healthier than formula-fed babies. This does not mean that they will never get sick, but they have problems much less often. Therefore, you need to try to maintain lactation.

Sick children, babies who are worried about something, suck poorly. If, in addition to this, the crumb constantly spits up, you need to inform the doctor.

How to feed expressed milk

Some babies refuse to breastfeed. Then the mother, in order to maintain lactation, has to express milk. This can be done with your hands or with a breast pump.

When expressing, it is advised to use the recommendations:

  • You should not give the baby a bottle to drink. There is a risk that the baby will enjoy this feeding method and will not want to breastfeed. To drink from the nipple, you do not need to apply additional effort to get food. The milk will just pour into your mouth.
  • If the baby does not want to take the pacifier, and there is no other way to feed him, you need to interest him. To do this, you can moisten it with breast milk and rub the crumbs over your lips. As soon as he opens his mouth, insert the nipple. The little one will understand how to proceed. Babies have a sucking reflex from birth.
  • It is best to use a teaspoon by pouring the liquid gently into your mouth.

Breast and nipple care

During breastfeeding, it is advised to wash the breasts several times a day with warm water; it is not recommended to use soap and shower gels. A newborn in a maternity hospital is applied to the breast as often as he asks, this will eliminate the formation of seals. If they do appear, then the child will also help get rid of them. Express if necessary, manually or with a breast pump. Milk stagnation often leads to mastitis.

Expressing with a breast pump

At first, cracks or wounds may appear on the nipples. This is usually due to the fact that the baby is not properly attached to the breast. It is necessary to revise its position, and the damaged areas must be lubricated. There are no-rinse products that are safe for the baby.

There is no exact answer to the question of how to properly feed a baby on the first day after childbirth. Perhaps the process will be difficult for both, the baby and mother will be separated for a while, and it will not be possible to attach it to the breast. To preserve milk, you have to express it. It is good if the child is immediately brought to the mother, then she can feed him as soon as he wishes. The longer it stays at the breast, the more milk will come. Do not think that there will be too much of it, and the child will not cope. It appears according to his needs.

Watch the video: Mediclinic Baby. Breastfeeding (July 2024).