
Fats on the face of a newborn, on the nose, on the head - what is it

Fat is a benign formation filled with connective tissue. It does not pose a threat to health, but it worsens the appearance. Lipoma can occur in any part of the body. When a wen appears in a baby, parents begin to worry. To understand whether this phenomenon is dangerous or not, it is necessary to analyze the reasons provoking it.

Lipoma in infants is a benign formation

Factors causing lipomas

White wen in a newborn on the face and other parts of the body most often appears in boys. In girls, this phenomenon is less common. The causes of lipomas can be different. The causative factors are:

  • Weak immunity.
  • Not yet formed digestive system.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Skin structure different from adults. Babies have not yet tuned in the sebaceous glands.

Important! It is necessary to be able to correctly distinguish wen from manifestations of atopic dermatitis. If peeling and redness appear around the neoplasms, the resulting spots itch and get wet, you need to revise the diet of the baby or mother.

The delicate skin of a child is susceptible to the appearance of various types of seals

What are the types

Fats in newborns are classified depending on the location. Based on this feature, there are:

  1. Milia are the most common formations, which are wen on the nose of a newborn. They look like small white pimples, located on the very nose and wings. They usually go away on their own by three months.
  2. The appearance of a lipoma on the neck is a dangerous phenomenon, as it can cause squeezing of blood vessels. She must be constantly monitored. If it begins to grow strongly in size, you need to see a doctor.
  3. Often found in a newborn on the head of wen. They are a small rounded bump that is soft to the touch. Removal is possible only if the lipoma has survived until the age of two.
  4. Fat in the mouth on the gums of a child is an age-related phenomenon. Most often, it disappears on its own without intervention after teething.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to neoplasms on the eyelid or under the eye. The baby should be monitored by an ophthalmologist to exclude the negative effect of lipoma on visual acuity.

Fats in babies on the face

How to recognize a wen on the face, head

Fats appear on the face and head of a child without symptoms, outwardly they look like small white pimples. The places where they are located do not itch, their suppuration does not occur. They will cause aesthetic discomfort if they are in a visible part of the body.

What to do with wen

Most often, a wen in an infant cannot be treated. It disappears by the age of three months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. You cannot squeeze out a lipoma in an infant on your own - this can lead to the development of an infection.

Only those neoplasms that can interfere with the baby, for example, concentrated in the eyelid region, are surgically removed. In other cases, parents only need to follow the rules of baby hygiene. When bathing, you can add chamomile, celandine, oak bark or sage to the water.


If the child is rarely bathed, hygiene rules are not followed, the area of ​​the wen may turn red. In such a situation, there is a danger that the enlarged lipoma will put pressure on the vessels and disrupt the blood circulation process.

Important! It is impossible to squeeze out the inflamed neoplasms - this will lead to the spread of infection, aggravate the healing process.

Lipomas are not recommended to be treated with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide - this can cause an allergic reaction.

If the wen itself does not go away, the doctor prescribes surgical removal. It is a safe operation that does not involve healthy tissue. No scars remain at the site of the neoplasm.

The decision to remove the neoplasm should be made only by doctors.

Possible consequences

If the fat in the baby does not change in any way, does not interfere with the child, it should not be touched. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the active growth of lipomas, redness of the skin, indicating the development of inflammation, become noticeable.

Wen on the face of a newborn, as well as on other areas of the body, are not always safe. Sometimes these growths can be harmful.

Particular attention should be paid to the control of lipomas in the following situations:

  1. Lipoma is concentrated in the area of ​​vascular congestion. In this case, there is a risk of their squeezing and disruption of blood flow.
  2. The neoplasm is located in the head area and begins to rapidly increase in size. This can cause thrombosis of blood vessels in the area of ​​the brain.

There can be negative consequences if a wen appears on the eyelids. After damage, it becomes inflamed and begins to fester.

Lipomas on the eyelids are dangerous

Preventive measures

You can reduce the risk of fatty masses with simple preventive measures. They are as follows:

  • normalization of nutrition (the daily diet should include vegetables, fruits and dairy products);
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • careful hygiene;
  • reducing the risk of hypothermia.

Important! Despite the fact that most often wen in newborns is not dangerous, it is absolutely impossible to remove them on your own. This can provoke the development of inflammation, since the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive.

If the nose or cheeks of the newborn are covered with small lipomas, do not panic. Neoplasms require control, but most often they do not carry any health risks.


Watch the video: ANATOMY; THE INTEGUMENT; Part 1 by Professor Fink (July 2024).