
A bump on a child's head: on the crown, on the back of the head - what is it

Childhood rarely goes without scratches and abrasions. Little fidgets, trying to be in time always and everywhere, often fall, hit, get bruised. A bump on a child's head can cause great concern. Such a phenomenon cannot be ignored. A seal does not always appear from a shock; it can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Bumps on the head of children are a common occurrence

Why does a child have a bump on his head

Parents who find a lump on the back of the child's head are advised to know that this is not always a consequence of a blow. There are many causes of neoplasm.

Insect bites

During the period of insect activity in spring and summer, cones often appear as a result of bites. Most often they are not dangerous, but they cause discomfort. The site of inflammation may hurt, redness appears, the child is worried about itching. The compaction goes away on its own after a few days.

As a result of the blow

A bump on the top of a child's head is often the result of falling or hitting something hard from above. During the game, the baby may hurt his head. Due to mechanical damage, a hematoma is formed. It can be different in color. When pressed, a sharp pain occurs. The education takes place on its own, to speed up the process, the doctor may recommend anointing it with special ointments or creams.

If a soft tissue injury has occurred, then most often the tubercle subsides after a few hours. The appearance of a hematoma indicates that the vascular site is damaged.

Important! Be sure to consult a doctor if a bump occurs after a bruise. A neoplasm can be very dangerous. If a crack has formed in the skull, severe bleeding may begin.

Parents can provide first aid before a specialist examines the injury. For this, ice is applied to the area of ​​impact, a cold compress is made from any cloth moistened with cold water. If there is nothing cold, you can apply a cotton swab treated with vegetable oil to the bruised area. The doctor may prescribe medications for resorption of hematoma, prevention of thrombosis, removal of puffiness. It is important that concussion is excluded.

If you fall, you need to ensure peace before being examined by a doctor, while it is important not to let the child fall asleep. This is necessary to monitor his condition.

Often, hematomas in the head area are due to blows

The lymph nodes

Large bumps on the throat of a child with a transition to a part of the head can appear as a result of inflammation of the lymph nodes. Seals are well felt and visually visible. They can form not only near the head and neck, but also under the armpits.

The disease can occur both independently and become a consequence of an infectious pathology, for example, chickenpox. The child may develop additional symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, lethargy. There is pain when you touch the lump. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the inflammation can turn into purulent.

Lipoma (wen)

This is a type of benign tumor that forms from adipose tissue. It does not cause any inconvenience as it does not hurt. When pressed, the tubercle is mobile and soft. The reasons for the appearance of a lipoma can be hormonal imbalance, stroke, problems with fat metabolism. Lipoma should be treated only if it has strong growth, since it is able to begin to squeeze adjacent skin tissues.

Other reasons

Often, a soft bump on the head of a child is found by mothers of newborns. This is a hematoma that arose as a result of mechanical trauma during the birth process. Damage can be caused by the tools used by the medical staff. It is most pronounced in the first month of a baby's life. Most often, up to a year, the neoplasm completely disappears.

A lump in a child can occur as an allergic reaction. For example, after the DPT vaccination, babies develop seals on the leg. Therefore, after any injection, vaccination or taking a new drug, it is important to look at the reaction of the crumbs.

Neoplasms can often be seen in newborns, as a result of injury during labor

Associated symptoms

If the occipital neoplasm does not go away on its own over a long period of time, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor. Often at such moments additional symptoms appear:

  • heart palpitations, parents can control it on their own by placing a finger on the wrist;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • prolonged painful sensations in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • the size of the pupils changes;
  • there is a violation of coordination of movements, orientation in space;
  • general weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • heaviness when turning the head.

The child may be disturbed by severe headaches that arise with an increase, appetite disappears. If at least one of the listed signs appears, you must immediately call an ambulance. Their presence indicates the development of severe pathology. Often, the success of treatment depends on how long after the onset of the neoplasm, the parents sought qualified help.

Diagnosis of pathology

At the initial examination in appearance and size, the doctor may suggest the factors that caused the formation of the bulge on the baby's head. The main criteria that a specialist is guided by during examination are:

  • the number of neoplasms;
  • the size;
  • location;
  • Colour;
  • general condition of the child.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the baby is assigned:

  • general blood and urine tests, which will show if there is an inflammatory process in the body;
  • MRI, CT.

Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis is made, if necessary, treatment is prescribed.

Important! You cannot try to self-medicate, smear the formed formations with folk remedies. All appointments should be made only by a specialist.

To establish the cause, laboratory tests are prescribed.

When to see a doctor immediately

You should immediately consult a doctor if a bump on the child's head appears as a result of trauma, mechanical damage. If the baby's condition deteriorates sharply, the following symptoms will occur:

  • the appearance of drowsiness;
  • sharp dizziness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the occurrence of seizures.

Important! In such a situation, parents should call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctors, provide the child with complete rest by laying him on his side.

If a child is worried about a severe headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness, an ambulance should be called urgently

Which doctor to contact

If a lump has formed on the back of the child's head, it does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The primary examination is carried out by a pediatrician, he will prescribe tests and give a referral, if necessary, to a narrow specialist. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination by an ENT, surgeon and allergist may be required.

Potential consequences and complications

If a child has a bump on the head, this requires increased attention. If a neoplasm has appeared as a result of a blow or a fall, it is very important to exclude a concussion, which requires long-term treatment and adherence to bed rest. The condition of the blood vessels is also examined - as a result of injury, the risk of rupture increases.

Important! The danger of bumps on the head is that, without the manifestation of additional symptoms, they can quickly turn from benign tumors into malignant ones and give metastases to other organs.

Severe complications can occur if a purulent process develops in the lump. This can lead to an abscess, pathological conditions.

Any actions with neoplasms in the head area in children should be performed only after consulting a doctor. If we are talking about seals that have appeared as a result of a bruise, special ointments and compresses can be prescribed.

There are many types of neoplasms that, for various reasons, appear on a child's head. They can be both benign and malignant, so you should not neglect a visit to the doctor.


Watch the video: Surgical removal of two different bumps on the head (July 2024).