
To swaddle or not: the pros and cons

Since ancient times, expecting the birth of a baby, expectant mothers prepared a whole set of diapers. All the positive and negative aspects of this issue will be discussed below.

A bit of history

Many modern parents believe that if their ancestors swaddled their children, then they should definitely do it. Although few people think that perhaps it was simply a necessary necessity at that time.

Russian women, going into the fields, tightly swaddled their newborn children, so that they lay quietly, without interfering with them to perform certain tasks.

In Indian tribes, for example, swaddling brought up firmness and tolerance in children. After all, these are precisely the qualities that will be useful to future soldiers.

Swaddling and leg shape

Probably every mother has heard from the older generation the phrase that if you do not swaddle the baby, there may be crooked legs. But this assumption has nothing to do with reality. The shape of the legs does not depend on whether the baby is swaddled or not. If such a problem exists in a child, then the reasons for this phenomenon should be looked for in something else: perhaps it is heredity or, for example, a manifestation of rickets.

Swaddling and hypertonicity

If the baby presses the limbs to the tummy, then you should not straighten them by force. The kid is experiencing obvious discomfort, and you can help him with massage or the right therapy.

Swaddling and mental health

Psychologists have suggested that those babies who were swaddled in childhood continue to feel helpless in their adult life. And so it turns out, from the very birth of a child, when swaddling, there is a feeling that he is tied hand and foot and cannot move on his own.

When is it good to swaddle

Turning to the statement of the older generation, we can conclude: swaddling is useful only in the only case, this is at the time of sleep. So that the baby does not wake himself up with involuntary movements of the arms and legs. During the day, it is better for the child to give freedom of movement.

Watch the video: How To Swaddle a Baby (July 2024).