
What toys should a child have from 0 to 1 year old

Every parent wants to give only the best to their child. How to choose the right ones that will not only entertain, but also develop your baby according to his age? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

From zero to three months

From the very birth of the child, of course, rattles will be interested. Their sound will interest the baby and soon he will start looking for them with his eyes and turn to their sound.

After reaching one month, you can add bright toys, for example, soft safety cubes with large pictures. It is during this period that the baby develops the skill to compare and observe similar elements.

Later, the child will begin to react more actively to the sound and appearance of toys, so parents can do the following developmental activities: remove a bright object, move it in different directions, thereby helping to strengthen the eye muscles.

Four to six months

By this time, the baby begins to be even more active, so it's time to use all kinds of developmental rugs and playpens. Toys during this period can be rustling and squeaking at the same time. They will certainly arouse increased interest in the baby. You can also use pyramids, cubes, all those options where you need to collect and arrange something in a row.

Seven to nine months

The best time for a child to learn what musical toys are. Very soon he will walk, and now many are already making active attempts to do this, starting to get up slowly. Therefore, having heard a certain motive or watching the movements of the toy, children willingly begin to repeat them.

Ten months to a year

At this moment, the child begins to treat toys differently. The main goal is to throw or take apart, but not observe. Therefore, you can give your baby large soft toys, balls, skittles. In a word, everything that does not crumble into many small parts when dropped.

Watch the video: Primary Teachers Top 10 Toys 6-12 Months Old. Developmental Toys. Sensory Toys (September 2024).