
7 signs of a bad babysitter

A nanny is a person whom people trust the most precious thing in their life. What are the signs of a bad nanny?

Lack of work experience

No matter how parents try to save money on babysitting services, they should be aware that savings in such a business should be in tenth place. The experience of working with children is very important for any nanny, as there are hundreds of nuances in this work that you cannot master with just theory. Thus, parents should not trust a child, especially a small one, a nanny without experience.

Bad reviews

When looking for a nanny for their child, parents should pay close attention to reviews. Of course, some reviews may be biased, such is the nature of some people, they cannot live without negative. But if a particular nanny has a lot of negative reviews and they all shout about her incompetence, it is better not to let such a woman near her children.

Big excess weight

Almost all children are ready to run around like crazy all day, if not stopped. The nanny should be ready to rush after the child with lightning speed, if, for example, he decides to run into the roadway, or pet a dirty dog. Of course, being overweight in such situations can greatly hinder her. Therefore, the question of appearance here is more about safety than biased nit-picking.

Commitment to old school parenting

The world is changing, and very quickly, so professional nannies must keep track of these changes if they want to be truly in-demand specialists.

Striving to teach life to parents

The nanny should only do what is written in her contract. If there is nothing about the upbringing of parents, then she should not meddle in their life under any pretext. If a woman from the doorway begins to criticize, for example, the relationship of the mother with the child, some kind of everyday habits, or, even worse, bossing the employer in a businesslike manner, then it is worth letting such a woman go to look for another job.

Heartless attitude to work

Any work with people, even the smallest ones, implies putting a piece of the soul into it, otherwise it is not a job, but a conveyor belt for the production of the same type of actions. A nanny must love children and be passionate about this job in order to fulfill her duties at the proper level.

Failure to accept someone else's point of view

Parents may have their own, possibly different, views on parenting. The nanny, if she wants to work specifically in this family, must adapt to these views, or not work there at all. If a nanny from the doorway begins to groan about a poor child who has been tortured with circles, and push the idea that a child at this age should roll on the grass and eat dirt, then you should think about whether to take this nanny to work.

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