
7 punishments children hold a grudge against all their lives

Some parents sometimes forget that children are people too and they have feelings. What punishments should not be applied?

Food punishment

Now a lot of fat children have appeared and the responsibility for this lies with the parents. What are parents doing? They take away the usual food from the child, and eat it themselves in front of the child. And if he asks for even a piece, they begin to lecture him about the dangers of such food. The child does not understand why they are being treated so unfairly, he does not see logic in such actions. This is really illogical, especially since scientists have proven that it is many times easier for a person whose environment is to eat right.

Standing in the corner

Especially on peas or cereals. It remains only to twist at the temple and send such parents to stand on the buckwheat themselves.

Deprivation of gadgets

Everyone knows the feeling of panic that grips the soul when they can't find a phone. Now gadgets have become an integral part of modern life, and being left without a gadget, especially for a teenager, is like being in social isolation.

Indifference to clothes

For many children, their appearance is very important, and it is a crime to force them to wear old clothes when there is an opportunity to get normal clothes. Now we are talking about families that can afford it, it is clear that poor people themselves would be happy to dress better, but even in this case, the child should be dressed in a clean and whole.

Deprivation of visits to friends

For teenagers, friends are very important and if you deprive them of communication, then you can cause very negative feelings towards yourself, up to and including hatred. Appropriate punishment should be applied, not cut off from social life for a poor grade. And even more so, you should not deprive a child of friends just because one of the parents does not like them.

Refusal to communicate

Demonstrative ignorance without the ability to understand what the child did wrong is incredible stupidity. In general, it is worth prohibiting people at the legislative level of this kind of passive aggression. Forcing a child to jump higher and apologize for a year in advance for some trifle is not even humanly somehow. In this case, the parent needs to at least explain to the child what exactly he is offended.

The worst nightmare of a modern child is to appear in an unsightly way in front of their peers. The nosy parents realized this and began to use it as a punishment. There are thousands of videos on the Internet where children, for example, do not want to do their homework and cry for the camera. For some reason, it is believed that this is funny and cute, such videos are even shown on federal channels. However, the child will regard this as a betrayal, and will do it right, because this is a blow to his image and a shame in front of his peers. It is quite logical if after such a child moves away from his parents or stops communicating with them altogether.

Watch the video: I am the one to BLAME in my classmates... (May 2024).