
Dairy cuisine 2020: what and to whom it is due from the state

One of the types of government assistance for children, nursing mothers and pregnant women is the dairy kitchen. It is presented in the form of specialized points that give out a specific list of products.

The right to free meals

In Russia, at the legislative level, the right to receive food in the dairy kitchen for these categories is determined. A prescription for a food set is issued by a gynecologist who looks after a pregnant woman, as well as a pediatrician who takes care of the child. For the normal operation of a specialized kitchen, the clinic enters into an agreement with an enterprise that produces and supplies products.

Free nutrition is based on a complete diet that contributes to the proper development of the body. List of the main products dispensed in the dairy kitchen in 2020:

  • pasteurized cow's milk
  • vegetable and meat puree
  • milk kefir and curd
  • juices

The number of products received and their range is influenced by the age of the baby. The procedure for issuing free meals is established by the Order of the Department of Health in each region.

Documents for receiving products

The services of such distribution points can be used by people who have provided a certain package of documents. They include insurance, a baby's birth certificate, a certificate of registration and documents from the parents' place of work. The polyclinic issues a certificate indicating the health status of the baby. To receive products in the dairy kitchen, you must write an application addressed to the head physician.

The prescription is issued for 1 month, and in some cases it is extended up to 3 months. For large families and disabled children, the prescription for free meals is valid for 6 months. This institution operates in every city of Russia and serves babies from birth to 3 years old. Up to the age of 15, children with chronic diseases can receive milk.

Governmental support

Dairy kitchens are not created in all Russian regions, therefore, instead of food products, monetary compensation is issued there for large parents, low-income families and children. To do this, an application is submitted through the State Services website indicating the relevant documents. If the city has this specialized point, then families cannot receive money instead of food.

When artificially feeding a baby, this distribution point will become an irreplaceable assistant for parents. Until the age of 6 months, children are offered a dry mixture, and in the future, juices and cereals are added to it. In each region, food may differ in quantity and brand name.

Priority for baby food

For many families, a food set for a child is a significant support for the family budget. The products dispensed in the dairy kitchen are always fresh, and contain the most useful substances and vitamins that are necessary for babies and pregnant women.

Despite the time spent on the procedure for collecting documents, parents are satisfied with the food packages. You should not be tempted by monetary compensation instead of the required products. Receiving food in kind, the child receives an increasing number of products with age, and with the monetary option, the amount of compensation will decrease over the years.

Milk distribution points are located at clinics and hospitals. In many regions they work on weekends and holidays, adjusting to the needs of children and pregnant women.

Watch the video: Why should children include dairy in their daily food intake? (July 2024).