Newborn health

Why does a nursing baby arch its back and cry: reasons

A small child is both a sea of ​​joy and many problems that arise almost daily. Some tasks are solved quickly, while others confuse young parents or even generate panic. One of these problems is the bending of the baby in the back, accompanied by crying. Before you do something, you should figure out why the baby arches its back and cries.

There can be several reasons why the baby arches its back and sometimes cries. It is worth considering in more detail each option.

Increased intracranial pressure

The most serious reason why a baby arches its back is the presence of neurological diseases, in particular an increase in intracranial pressure. The cause is various diseases: metabolic disorders, meningitis, abscess, hydrocephalus, encephalitis, brain tumor.

With frequent repetitions of such attacks, you should contact a pediatric neuropathologist. He will conduct the necessary research to exclude the presence of pathology. When making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and monitor the child's condition.

Hypertonicity of the back and neck muscles

You can detect the presence of excessive muscle tension at home if the baby is more than three months old. You just need to put the child on his tummy and carefully observe how he will raise his head. If the head is thrown back strongly, and the shoulders rise up without the participation of the child's hands, the baby has revealed hypertonicity of the posterior surface of the neck and back muscles. Alternatively, the baby can fall on one side if the muscles are overstrained on one side.

With muscle tension, you will need to undergo a special massage of the back and neck. Specialists in the clinic will show the mother a set of exercises for the baby to relieve excessive muscle tone.

>>> Hypertonicity in a child

Painful or unpleasant symptoms

Between 2 weeks and 3-4 months of age, babies may cry and arch in their backs from severe intestinal colic. At the same time, the baby cries strongly and for a long time, up to two or three hours. After four months, intestinal colic subsides, and crying for this reason stops.

If the baby cries and bends over from severe abdominal pain, you just need to remove the cause of the pain. Dill or fennel water, a warm compress on the tummy will help with this. After the pain stops, the baby will simply stop crying.

Bending and crying, accompanied by heavy, labored breathing, are indicative of a child's nasal congestion. It is necessary to rinse the baby's nose with a weak saline solution or a special tool. This will relieve the baby from discomfort and stop crying.

Child's whims

When arching in the back with crying and whims, it is necessary to distract the baby. Fragile back muscles with a sharp bending can be damaged, so it is worth weaning the baby to be capricious for any reason.

Most often, the baby is naughty while eating. There can be two reasons in this case.

  1. In the first case, the child is simply indulging and being capricious. He's already full, but he just doesn't want to tear himself away from his chest.
  2. In the second case, the child is not satisfied with the taste of milk or its amount. The taste of milk depends on the mother's diet and she should be careful about her diet. The amount of milk in the breast can be either excessive, then the child simply does not have time to suck, or insufficient - the child simply does not eat up.

If the baby arches his back, but does not cry, but simply groans, then everything is in order. So he prepares to master flips on his stomach and back. Or he saw something new and interesting for himself and wants to take a closer look at it. You just need to change the position of the child so that it is convenient for him to consider the new object.

The consequences of childhood illnesses can affect health in the future. And neglected diseases lead to negative consequences. If the baby sags in the back and cries at the same time, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will either make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment or exclude any diseases and reassure the parents.

On the topic of crying:

  • How to understand the reason for crying a child?
  • How to calm a crying baby?
  • The child groans and pushes

Watch the video: 11 Reasons Why Babies Arching Back. ActiveMomsNetwork (July 2024).