Newborn care

Hygiene and care of newborn boys

So the long-awaited baby was born ... the heir ... the boy. The new-born daddy is especially happy about this event, and mommy begins to have questions about how the hygiene of a newborn boy is carried out.

Hygiene of a newborn boy

Standard general hygiene at home for a newborn baby is carried out regardless of the sex of the baby and includes the following steps:

  • Daily face care - wash the baby's face with a cotton swab dipped in clean boiled water.
  • Daily eye care - wipe the baby's eyes with light movements from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner one with a damp cotton swab.
  • Daily nose care - clean the baby's nose of dried mucus crusts. (how to clean the nose properly)
  • Daily ear care - clean only the outer auricle with a cotton swab. (how to clean your ears)
  • Daily care of the navel - drip 1 drop of chlorophyllipt solution with a pipette and gently blot the excess with a cotton swab. Care is necessary only until the umbilical wound heals, and in the future it is no longer required. (correct treatment of the umbilical wound)
  • Nail Care - Trim as it grows on fingers and toes. (we cut our nails correctly)
  • Washing the baby after each bowel movement. If a young mother is afraid at first to wash the child's bottom under the tap, then at first you can use baby wipes or just a damp soft cloth. After cleansing the skin, it is necessary to treat the folds in the groin area with one of the children's products - powder or oil (cream). You should not use soap, even baby soap, so as not to dry out the delicate skin of a small child and not to deprive it of its protective layer.
  • Daily bathing of the baby in the baby bath. A baby bath is needed more for the comfort of a young mother and for bathing a child in herbal infusions (string, needles, etc.). At the end of the neonatal period and if there is a large bath in the apartment, it is better to carry out water procedures in a common bath, previously washed with simple laundry soap.

About bathing:

  • What water should I bathe my child in?
  • Bathing a child in herbs
  • Bathtub
  • The child is afraid to swim: what to do?

Necessary hygiene items for a newborn baby:

  • Disposable diapers. The diapers should be sized according to the size (weight of the baby), and should not chafe or squeeze the baby's skin.
  • Disposable diapers with absorbent top layer. Such diapers are convenient for air baths of a baby.
  • Disposable wet wipes.
  • Baby powder.
  • Baby oil (cream) or simply olive (vegetable) oil boiled in a water bath.
  • Cotton swabs and cotton swabs.
  • Chlorophyllipt for the treatment of the umbilical wound. An alternative is hydrogen peroxide solution and brilliant green.
  • Pipette.
  • Rounded scissors or tweezers.
  • Pharmacy herbs for bathing (string, needles, etc.).
  • The ointment is bepanten for redness and diaper rash, or a more budgetary, but effective option is boro-plus ointment.
  • Soft baby towel. It is very convenient to use a towel with a hat pocket for the baby's head.
  • Baby soap. Soap is also needed, but later, when the child begins to crawl.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn boy

Intimate hygiene of newborn boys includes caring for the foreskin, penis and scrotum. What is this hygienic process:

  • Daily washing of the penis and scrotum with plain clean water without soap and other cosmetics at each diaper change and when bathing the baby.
  • Treatment of the groin folds around the penis and scrotum with baby powder or oil (cream).
  • Frequent change of disposable diapers and periodically keeping the baby without diapers while taking air baths.
  • Use of underwear for babies (diapers, panties) exclusively from natural materials - cotton fabric, flannel.

ALL! No more manipulations with the foreskin and penis of the baby are necessary.

What NOT to do during daily newborn hygiene:

  1. Try to forcefully pull off the foreskin on your own and open the head of the baby's penis. The foreskin in infants is naturally fused to the glans penis. This is a completely normal phenomenon called physiological phimosis in newborn boys. The foreskin moves gradually and independently over time. The timing for each child is individual and the full opening of the glans penis can be completed only during puberty.
  2. Use soap to wash the foreskin of the newborn. Soap causes irritation and redness of the delicate thin skin of the foreskin.
  3. Try to crawl under the foreskin with cotton swabs to clean the head from the infant smegma. Smegma comes out on its own during urination.
  4. Bury baby oil under the foreskin.

[sc: rsa]

So, the personal hygiene of newborn boys is minimally simple - you just need to follow simple rules and keep the baby's skin clean.

On the subject of hygiene and care:

  1. How to teach boys about hygiene
  2. Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl
  3. General hygiene and care
  4. Daily and weekly newborn care
  5. Baby skin care

Watch the video: Baby-care Tips and Info for New Moms from Texas Health Resources (July 2024).