Newborn health

List of colic medications

Infant colic is something that expectant mothers are so afraid of, and that experienced parents remember with a shudder. This period is imprinted in the memory with heart-rending cries of a baby and a feeling of complete own powerlessness.

Colic in newborns is absolutely normal. Contrary to popular belief about non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother, colic practically does not depend on the composition of breast milk. The reason for their occurrence is the immaturity of the infant's intestines and the lack of enzymes to digest food. The baby has a lot of reasons to scream, because screaming is his only way to communicate his needs. If you notice that every day at the same hours the baby strains his tummy, squeezes his legs and cries loudly, not calming down, even if you take him in your arms - know that this is IT, and it's time to be puzzled with the choice of a cure for colic in newborns.

Here is an article on colic and symptoms - read

This article is exclusively about medicines.

All existing medicines for colic that you can be offered in a pharmacy, according to the effect produced, can be divided into:

  1. Preparations for the prevention of colic.
  2. Preparations for the relief of colic.

The use of the former does not guarantee that this trouble will bypass you. Rather, the attacks themselves will be less frequent and shorter. The effect of prophylactic drugs is due to the fact that they reduce gas formation. The active ingredient is herbal extracts of dill, fennel, anise, which have this useful property.

The latter should be used exactly at the time of the attack in order to stop it. They are made on the basis of the substance Simethicone, which relieves the surface tension of the intestinal walls. Simethicone breaks down "gaziki" into smaller bubbles, thereby reducing discomfort. With the advent of the child in the home medicine cabinet, it is better to have both drugs for colic in newborns.

Means for the prevention of colic

1. Plantex

A preparation based on fennel fruits. The package contains 10 sachets with granules for solution preparation. The granules dissolve easily in warm boiled water. 1 sachet of Plantex needs 100 ml. liquids. Newborn babies can drink 1-2 sachets, dividing them into 2-3 doses in between feedings - complete instructions.

2. Dill water

Ready-made dill water is supplied in glass bottles of 15 ml. A child over 2 weeks old can be given 1 tbsp. spoon 3-6 times a day. You can buy dill tea for children. In this case, tea bags should be brewed and allowed to brew. There are a lot of varieties of children's dill tea, it can definitely be found in any pharmacy. You can also prepare dill water yourself - read it.

3. Baby Calm

Israeli drug, which is a mixture of vegetable oils of dill, anise and mint. Before use, the oil mixture must be diluted with boiled water, pouring it to the mark indicated on the bottle. The finished emulsion can be dripped 10 drops directly into the baby's mouth before each feeding. Store the bottle in the refrigerator. Details about the drug - instructions for use

Preparations for the relief of colic

[sc: rsa]

1. Espumisan L

Preparation with the active ingredient Simethicone. The dosage form is an emulsion. It is possible to use "Espumisan L" from the first day of life, giving the child 25 drops of the emulsion before or after feeding, as well as during an attack of colic. There are no side effects from the drug, so the duration of its use is not limited in any way. Details about Espumezan ...

2. Sub Simplex

This is also a preparation based on Simethicone, but in the form of a suspension. Newborn babies can be given 15 drops of the suspension during, and preferably after feeding. If the baby is bottle-fed, the suspension is added directly to the adapted mixture. More about Sub Simplex

3. Bobotik

The active ingredient is the same - Simethicone, but this time in the form of drops. It is possible to use "Bobotik" from the 28th day of life, giving the baby 8 drops after feeding. When the colic symptoms disappear, the drops should be stopped. Details about Bobotik

All Simethicone preparations contain flavorings. It is difficult to say how pleasant the chemical taste and smell of a banana is for a newborn baby, but usually babies quite agree to take the right dose of the drug. In this case, parents need to observe the child. If the baby's body has given an allergic reaction, the drug should be stopped.

It happens that in the case of colic in newborns, probiotics are prescribed, that is, preparations containing intestinal bacteria. The opinions of doctors regarding these drugs and the very phenomenon of dysbiosis are very different. In the case of colic, such drugs are not effective simply because the cause of colic is the functional immaturity of the intestines, and not a lack of some bacteria. In addition, it is much better when the child's intestines are naturally seeded with beneficial microflora.

The body of each child is individual, so you can never say in advance which colic medicine will help your baby. The search for an effective remedy usually occurs by exhaustive search. One drug did not fit - they try another until the relief of the beloved tummy becomes obvious. Even Simethicone preparations, despite the same active substance, act in different ways due to different dosage forms, so you need to look for the option of a medicine that will suit your child. The most important thing is to be patient and radiate calmness. The period when the baby suffers from colic lasts from about 1 to 3 months of life. This is only 2 months, which will be forgotten very quickly, and you will calmly enjoy communicating with your beloved baby.

We also read on the topic of colic and gas:

  • Special anti-colic belt for newborns
  • Tummy massage for colic
  • Colic Myths
  • Gaziki at the baby

Remedy for colic and bloating for newborns

Watch the video: Babys First Chiropractic Treatment at 6 Weeks! (July 2024).