Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

Earning money for mothers on maternity leave by writing or rewriting articles

With the birth of a child, a woman, in a sense, drops out of her usual life. The office and the fitness room are replaced by wheelchair riding and running to the clinic. At first, it is difficult for a mother with a newborn in her arms to find even 5 minutes to eat normally or go to the shower. But the baby is growing up, and the mother begins to have free time that can be spent effectively, for example, by spending it on making money on the Internet, namely, earning money by writing or rewriting articles for their further sale on article exchanges, or writing to order. (This is a simple way to make money on the Internet, and anyone can handle it)

Work for a young mother

There are a lot of options for how to dispose of the time that has appeared, but many women on maternity leave do not feel very comfortable without their own earnings, therefore they are ready to spend free minutes on part-time jobs. The realities of modern life are such that before the birth of a child, a woman, as a rule, worked on an equal basis with her husband and had quite a comparable income. It is not surprising that, left without her income, a young mother experiences some discomfort.

A woman on maternity leave has more serious reasons for looking for a job than a simple lack of funds for hairpins. For example, loans and other financial obligations, the low earnings of the husband are also a reason for a young mother to be puzzled by looking for part-time jobs.

True, it is not so easy for a maternity nurse to find a suitable option for earning money. Office work, even part-time, is not very suitable for a young mother. It is a rare case when a family has full disposal of non-working grandmothers who are ready to spend several hours every day with their grandson. It is not advisable to look for a nanny for the time of my mother’s part-time work, because the nanny will also have to pay. The ideal option is to do the work at home, without a rigid schedule.

You should always start your job search with reflections on the topic “What can I do?”.

So, if you are "friends" with the word, love and know how to write about something, express your thoughts well and competently, you can easily secure your income by writing articles. In addition to literary talent, for such work, you must have a broad outlook and the ability to understand topics that are new to you. ALTHOUGH! Even if you do not understand something, the Internet is full of various materials, after studying which you will write an article on literally any topic! And we think everyone can write an article.

Who needs articles and why

Briefly: Now the most popular source of information search is the Internet. To create a website is not a tricky business, it is much more difficult to ensure that users visit this particular site, in other words, to provide the site with high traffic. For ordinary users, a site is just a page on the network where you can find the information you need or stumble upon an advertisement. For the site owner, it is a business and a source of income. The more people visit the site every day, the more you can earn on it. The main way to attract and retain those who visit the site is to make the site interesting and informative so that a person can get a full answer to his question there.

You need to fill the site with information every day. The more often and better the site is filled, the higher the chances that search engines will link to it on the first page of search results. Of course, it is simply physically impossible for the site owner to fill the Internet resource on his own. Moreover, the site owner does not have to be a "writer." So, the work of writing articles can be given to third-party performers. You, a young mother on maternity leave, can become such a performer. Actually, this is what makes money writing articles or rewriting them.

We invent, rewrite or translate

Requirements for texts are different.

What is rewriting

In some cases, the customer needs the author to simply retell the existing material. Sometimes the source for such a retelling is provided by the customer, sometimes - you need to find it yourself. You read the article, ponder it and set out the content in your own words. This is a kind of reworking of the text so that search engines perceive it as original. Everyone did this work in literature lessons while still a schoolboy. One way or another, when writing essays, one had to rely on some sources, examples of other essays, articles of literary critics. By processing all the information in your own way, at the output you received the author's text. In the language of customers and authors, such work is called rewriting or rewriting.

What is copyright

In some cases, the customer requires a completely copyright text. It can be a comment about something, your own experience in any field. Such work is calledcopyright, which literally translates to "copyright". Copywriting does not imply the use of any sources for writing material. Such work is more expensive.

What is a translator, everything is clear here. Translate articles for money.

Pros and cons of making money by writing articles

The ability to make money by writing articles only at first glance seems easy and suitable for absolutely everyone. There is no ideal job, so there are positive and negative aspects in the case of remote work as an author of articles.


  • You can work from home. To organize a workplace, you only need a computer, the Internet and inspiration.
  • You can work in a dressing gown without makeup with a cup of coffee.
  • The work schedule is absolutely free. You can work during the sleep of your beloved child or even at night.
  • The degree of workload and the amount of work you choose yourself. There is time - you take more orders, there is no time - you refuse to work.
  • You also choose topics for writing articles. If you are not interested in writing about concrete slabs, you can simply not take such orders, but choose only those orders on which you have something to say.
  • Payment is made quite quickly and for each completed order, and not once a month, as is the case with a permanent office job.


  • If you want to write only on narrow topics - be prepared for the fact that there may not be many orders or they will not be regular.
  • It is very difficult for beginners who have not yet developed a portfolio to get an order, the competition among copywriters is very high.
  • To work in a free schedule, you need good skills in managing your own time and self-organization.

How to become a contributor on ContentMonster

You can search for orders for writing texts both on freelance sites and on special exchanges for copywriters... Working through an exchange is much safer, since it essentially mediates between the customer and you and provides guarantees that the work will be paid. One of the well-known exchanges is ContentMonster.

Link to the exchange where you need to register as an author - ContentMonster

Searching for orders on ContentMonster is possible only after some mandatory steps: you need to go through the registration procedure and fill out your profile page on the site.

  1. Be sure to note that register as an author. Then you need to come up with a login, enter your email address in a special field and come up with a password.
  2. The link that activates your registration will be sent to your e-mail within a few minutes.
  3. After the account is activated, you need to take a few more steps: confirm your phone number, take a test in Russian, write an essay.
  4. If the certification as an author is successful, you will get access to orders on the exchange.

Before proceeding with the search for orders, it is advisable to fill out your profile and provide potential customers with some information.

  1. If you want, you can indicate your real name and surname, upload a photo, add information about your education (this will be a plus, since the customer will see who he is working with).
  2. "About me": here you can briefly tell about yourself in free form. It is better to focus on your professional qualities and experience in writing articles. In this section, it is important to introduce yourself as a performer. Your hobby or family composition is unlikely to be of interest to a potential customer.
  3. "Prices": specify your minimum price for 1000 characters for rewriting and copyright (you will see these prices on the exchange).
  4. Be sure to identify the topics that you are ready to write about.
  5. Do not forget to indicate your Webmoney e-wallet number. If you are not yet connected to this payment system, you need to register, since fees for completed orders from the internal account of the exchange are transferred to the electronic wallet.

We are looking for orders and building work

After registering and filling out information about yourself, you can proceed to the search for orders. In the search filter, you can select the topics of interest (which you want to write about. There are many topics), the type of task (copyright or rewriting) and the price for 1000 characters. However, newcomers may not respond to all orders. Before the search for orders will be available in full, it is necessary to complete 5 rewriting works worth less than 30 rubles / 1000 characters.

A kind of tender is held for each order. If you, as a performer, apply for the execution of an order, this does not mean that the customer will approve of your candidacy. There is a certain time allotted for the tender, so you can easily follow the fate of your responses. If your candidacy for the execution of the order is approved, you need to accept the order for work by clicking the appropriate button.

A limited time is also given for accepting an order for work. If you are planning to leave and are not sure that you will not miss the moment of taking the order, it is better not to respond to offers. The fact is, late acceptance of an order for work is fraught with negative reviews and penalty points, which accumulate and can lead to a limitation of the functionality of your account, or even to its blocking.

The lead time is set by the customer. The lead time starts counting from the moment you accepted the order for work. This information is immediately open and it is best not to ignore it. It is better to read a detailed description of the order, terms of reference (TOR), delve into the deadlines and price in advance, while you have not yet responded to the project. This will help avoid rejection of work and other misunderstandings. If you have any questions for the customer, it is better to ask them in advance.

When responding to orders, calculate your strength and time. High-quality and timely execution of work is a guarantee that you will be included in the white lists of customers, and orders for writing articles will become regular. And this means the earnings will be regular and will only grow!

If they are satisfied with your articles, some of the customers may offer to work on a regular basis. Collaboration can be continued outside the content exchange. It is more convenient to work directly with customers, since you can choose different payment methods, negotiate more flexible terms of cooperation. Such work will be based only on confidence in each other, therefore, before agreeing to transactions outside the exchange, make sure that the risks of fraud are minimal.

How much is paid for it and how much can you earn

Doing this work 4-5 hours a day newbie for a month writing articles, you can earn from 3000-5000 rubles. This "run-up" of earnings is due to the fact that orders may differ in price per 1000 characters. The average price for 1000 signs is about 30 rubles, but there are more expensive and cheaper offers. Experience also matters. The more you write, the better the texts become, the easier it is to find words and build sentences. The most successful copywriters on ContentMonster earn over 150 WMZ per week.

WMZ is a Webmoney title unit equal to the US dollar. Payment for the order can be made both with the help of these conventional units and in rubles. The money for the order goes to the exchange's internal account. You can withdraw them to your e-wallet after accumulating a certain amount. The minimum amount for withdrawing funds in rubles is 150 rubles, in WMZ - 5 WMZ.

A few words in the end

For beginners, it is better to take simple and small orders. In parallel with the execution of the order, it is worth undergoing training at the School of Copywriting. This feature is available on the site for free. Reading the lessons and doing simple tests will help you navigate the basic concepts and climb the rankings.

For young mothers, earning money by writing articles is a great opportunity to improve their financial situation without harming their main "work". Who knows, maybe the decree will help you awaken and update your hidden talents and the content exchange will only be the first step in your career. Well, if this does not happen, let it be just a temporary way to make money. It's never too late to try yourself as an author, there would be time and inspiration.

The footer of the Content Monster site has useful links to the Frequently Asked Questions FAQ. We recommend that you familiarize yourself before starting work!

On the exchange ContentMonster

More additional content exchanges where you can earn by writing:

  • Etxt
  • Advego
  • Miratext

We read further:

  • Other ways to earn money for mothers on maternity leave
  • Work at home for mothers on maternity leave - 8 job vacancies without deception and investments

About earnings on exchanges:

  • Why I started copywriting and what I was afraid of
  • Mom is a copywriter on maternity leave or is it really possible to make money on the Internet by writing texts
  • How copywriting became my only source of income
  • Earnings from writing articles - real and honest
  • How to make money on the Internet by writing articles. Article business from zero to 1000 $ in 2 months
  • How and how much you can earn on the Advego article exchange. The Golden Beginner's Guide

Watch the video: Earn $100 - $2000 A Day With Copy And Paste Programs Using A Google Twist. (September 2024).