Child development up to a year

What can and should be able to a child at 7 months

At 7 months, the child learns to understand his name and the word "no". Today you will find out what a child should learn at 7 months and what parents should pay attention to.

Your little bundle of happiness is seven months old! And on the playground, you are increasingly discussing with other mothers what a 7-month-old baby can do with them, and try to compare the success of your baby with his peers. And you immediately understand how different the kids are for everyone. But the basic skills of all children are similar.

Physical skills

  • At 7 months, a child should be able to easily roll over to either side. If he still does not know how, then here are the exercises that will help the baby learn to roll over - we teach the baby to roll over on his own;
  • Congratulations, the kid took the first step. True, in place. The child now loves to get up near the support, and step over with his legs. Lower the cot lounger to the lowest level - otherwise your stalwart may fall out of it. If you hold the baby by the armpits, he confidently rearranges his legs and actively walks;
  • It turns out that standing is easier than sitting. And many children, who stand firmly on their legs at the support, are still very insecure. Do not put a pillow under their back - everything has its time, every child will learn this simple art. Give him your hand, he will grasp and sit down. True, at first it will sit, leaning forward slightly. It is difficult for him to lie down from such a position, he will soon get tired and will call for help. (When children start to sit on their own);

The skill appears both at the age of six months and later. For some mothers, the baby begins to sit quite late - about 9 months. Therefore, if the baby cannot do this at 7, you should not worry (although you still need to show the baby to the doctor).

  • The first method of movement is mastered - the baby crawled! Some children crawl backwards in the first days, and very quickly. Now the edges of the tablecloths hanging from the table are very dangerous for him - he will definitely cling to them when he wants to get up. He can pull off not only the tablecloth from the table, but also everything that is on it. Hot on the table when the baby is nearby - taboo! (Details about crawling);
  • Knows how to take food with his fingers. If you put a bowl of cookies in front of your child, he will be able to eat a little thing or two on his own. Parents' help is not required for this. Dr. Komarovsky says that you need to give a child of this age the opportunity to take food and eat it on their own. So he gradually begins to develop the ability to self-feed;
  • It also happens that the child skips the stage of crawling. But if at seven months he knows how to sit and tries to get up, then this is normal. His unwillingness to crawl should not upset you;
  • The kid can eat a little from a spoon, drink from a cup;
  • Leans on one hand, in parallel, it can grab an object with the other palm;
  • He takes the bottle himself. Can drink from it without the help of adults;
  • Can transfer things from one palm to another;
  • Tries to play with several toys at once.
  • How to teach a child to drink from a mug
  • How to teach a child to eat with a spoon

Emotional development

  • His affection for you develops into real ardent love. At your request, the child will gladly look at each family member. But he will turn away from strangers, “hide” on his mother’s shoulder. True, some strangers suddenly arouse interest and curiosity in him;
  • A new achievement - the kid learned to understand the prohibitions, the word “no”, the strict intonation upset him utterly. It is especially scary when they shake a finger at him. He himself can categorically refuse something. If the child is told “you cannot do this,” he will stop and look closely at the parents;
  • The kid understands the tonality and intonation of the voice well, reacts in different ways to gentle and stern voices, can understand the mood of the mother and her feelings for him by gestures and facial expressions;
  • A mirror becomes an interesting "toy" for him - he adores looking at himself in it. He is very interested in all parts of his body, he feels himself, examines what happens - pulls into his mouth;
  • He really doesn't like being alone. The absence of a mother in sight is very frustrating for the baby. Begins to feel fear when parting with mom, clings to her;
  • He likes to listen to melodic music. He begins to sing along to familiar melodies. Sometimes - unexpected bass at such a tender age;
  • The child responds to his name by turning his head towards the adult;
  • During this period, the child constantly imitates adults. The kid copies their facial expressions, gestures, intonation. You can benefit from this age-specific development of the child: show by your example how to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, wave "hello" and "goodbye" - all this a baby at 7 months is already able to master.

Games and toys

  • When they play with him, he smiles happily, even laughs wildly;
  • With him you can already play "Ladushki" and other gesture games. He loves simple fairy tales and nursery rhymes;
  • He will definitely like books with bright pictures and tearing thick pages that he can turn over himself;
  • Can concentrate on favorite toys for several minutes;
  • At seven months, the child loves all sounding toys - rattles, musical ones with buttons that you can knock on. Well, or with which you can knock. The kid has already learned how to get small toys from the bucket. Knows how to put small objects into large ones;
  • A child can find a toy hidden under the blanket in front of his eyes. He understands where the object is;
  • At this time the first teeth have already erupted in most children - one or two lower incisors. Therefore, he actively uses his new acquisition - he begins to gnaw everything.


Your chatterbox already confidently pronounces many syllables, and speech skills are improving more and more. He seriously trains in the pronunciation of all these "ma", "ba", "pa", and can "give out" in general any intricate sound.

He experiments with the loudness of speech, with the pitch, with intonation. He is doing his best to train his speech apparatus in order to quickly tell in words how he loves you!

Understands the meaning of many words.

Development test

  1. Place your baby on a sofa or on the floor where there is plenty of space. Observe behavior. The kid should turn over in different directions.
  2. Ignore the child a little. If the baby sees that he is not being noticed, he will start crying and draw attention to himself.
  3. Observe behavior when an outsider appears in the room. The curious eyes of the baby will be riveted to him.
  4. Place the child on your lap and move closer to the table. The kid should stretch the handles to him, pull himself up, knock on the surface of the furniture. If there are objects on the table, they will surely attract the child's attention.
  5. Give the baby 2 toys in both hands, then offer another one. The first reaction in a healthy child is to think about further behavior. After that, children usually put in one toy and then pick up a new one.
  6. Lay the baby on his back and cover his face with a napkin. The kid must take it off himself.

The listed techniques help to understand how the child is developing correctly at 7 months.

What should be alarming

Children acquire all skills gradually and in their own individual mode. You shouldn't compare your kid's skills with tables every day. But there is a list of reasons why you should see a specialist. Pay special attention if the child:

  • does not roll over;
  • does not try to sit on his own;
  • does not look after the toy;
  • does not respond to sounds;
  • does not taste objects;
  • does not knock the toy on the surface;
  • does not pronounce syllables;
  • does not attract attention and does not show feelings and emotions;
  • doesn't worry if mom leaves.

Watch your baby. Do not postpone visiting specialists if something worries you. Any problem can be corrected if you notice it in a timely manner and choose the right treatment.

At seven months, babies are very different. Someone is already standing up and trying to walk, someone is just beginning to crawl on their bellies. Mark the main milestones in the development of your baby, watch him, take more photos. After all, this time will never happen again!

We read the detailed article about baby development at 7 months | day regimen of the child at 7 months

  • Last month: What a 6 month old baby can do
  • Next month: What a baby can do at 8 months

Video: What a child can do at 7 months

Watch the video: 6 Month Olds Babies in Sitting, Typical and Atypical Development Comparison (July 2024).