
How to raise a child strong. Collection of personalized fairy tales No. 4

Fabulous unleashing of potential

The technique of personalized fairy tales was proposed by a Georgian teacher. A fairy tale often acts as a kind of hint on how to behave, helps the child make the right decision about the situation, which becomes a stumbling block in the child's communication with the outside world.

The book "How to Raise a Child Strong." suitable for parents of children from 2 to 7 years old. The book is part of a set of teaching aids. You can use it separately.

The author of the book, Andrey Manichenko, a teacher, noticed that those children who were often told fairy tales in childhood are more successful. Creating a character formation program, Manichenko believed and wanted to prove that any child has a fabulous potential.

The purpose of the book is to reveal the capabilities of the baby. The author tested the program for the effective education of a strong-willed character on his first son and was convinced of its fabulous effectiveness.

Showing willpower, intelligence, flexibility, ingenuity, the child will be able to cope with the tasks that the book "How to Raise a Child Strong." Thanks to the book, you will not only learn how to tell fairy tales to the kid, but also help the child to form character.


7 facets of strong-willed character

The collection includes 30 fairy tales that help to form the main 7 traits of a strong-willed character:

  1. Ability to cope with difficulties.
  2. Ability to maintain dignity in stressful situations.
  3. Hard work.
  4. Ability to be patient.
  5. Ability to keep the given word.
  6. A child's faith in the best.
  7. Ability to set and achieve goals.

Personalized fairy tales by A. Manichenko can be adapted to the needs and problems of any child. You can start reading in any order. Focus on the child, do not impose your choice on him.

A hero named I

Manichenko made an innovation in the education program as a fairy tale. The story is led not by an adult parent, but by a mitten doll, the keeper of the book of fairy tales. He visits the baby every evening and becomes the child's favorite friend.

Before reading a fairy tale to a kid, it is useful to read it to yourself, rehearse, and write the child's name in the spaces. In the course of reading, the "storyteller" can take out of his pocket a simple inventory that may be needed during the course of reading.

The parents' task is to turn the fairy tale into a complete story, to introduce different characters into it. The main character is always a child. Together with him A. Manichenko proposes to involve everyone who is close and familiar to the child - grandmothers, grandfathers, friends, pets.

Watch the video: The Green Door Story in English. Stories for Teenagers. English Fairy Tales (July 2024).