
Teas for lactation

As we already know, lactation, that is, the production of breast milk, is a hormone-dependent process. Every young mother has probably heard about how effective special teas can be for increasing lactation. There is actually some truth in such advice, however, teas have a very indirect effect on improving lactation.

  1. Any warm drink triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for the rate at which milk flows out of the breast, so it is easier to feed your baby after tea. At the same time, the breast itself does not overflow and the amount of milk does not increase.
  2. Breast milk also consists of water, so the amount of fluid in the body affects lactation. There should be enough fluid to meet the needs of the mother's body and feed the baby.
  3. Some substances actually increase the sensation of milk flushing. They are useful not only for the mother, but also for the baby, since they penetrate into breast milk. Some teas help to solve problems with the baby's tummy, soothe, improve immunity.

Homemade herbal teas

Every mother can make lactogonous tea at home. Such drinks are decoctions of various herbs. The plant seeds and herbs needed for brewing are sold in pharmacies. But classic black tea with the addition of milk or even brewed in milk can hardly be called good for increasing lactation. It affects the amount of breast milk no more than a glass of hot water drunk before feeding, but it can negatively affect the quality composition. The fact is that cow's milk contains animal protein that can cause allergies in babies. Whole cow's milk is not recommended for either babies or nursing mothers (See article: is it possible to give cow's milk to babies).

The most popular and effective teas for increasing lactation are the following:

  • Fennel (dill) tea. For a drink you need the seeds of these plants, which are brewed with boiling water (1 tablespoon of dry seeds per 1.5 cups of boiling water). After cooling down, the drink is ready. You can divide it into several servings and stretch it out all day. In addition to fennel and dill, you can use anise or caraway seeds. These plants are related and have approximately the same effect. These teas are especially popular during crumbs colic, as they have a carminative effect.
  • Chamomile tea. We are talking about a decoction of chamomile flowers. Chamomile flowers are filled with hot water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. Chamomile calms, has an anti-inflammatory effect, but chamomile milk may not be safe for a baby, since this plant is considered an allergen.
  • Ginger tea. The crushed ginger root should be boiled for a few minutes and cooled slightly. In the classic version, honey and lemon are added to this tea. A nursing mother should be careful with these products because of a possible allergy in the child, however, if it is already known that there is no allergy to honey and citrus fruits, you can make tea according to the classic recipe. Ginger tea warms up, enhances milk flow, invigorates and tones, improves digestion.

Teas from the store

It is much faster to brew tea bags or soluble granules. Many manufacturers have teas for nursing mothers, so you can choose a drink to your taste.

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  • Humana... A versatile drink that helps not only improve lactation, but also accelerate mom's recovery after childbirth. Humana is a granular tea containing plant extracts and vitamin C. All components of tea are natural, the main among them are extracts of hibiscus, fennel, blackberry and verbena (Read more about Humana tea).
  • HiPP... Another granular drink for lactation, which is based on extracts of anise, fennel, caraway, lemon balm and nettle. The latter components have a calming effect. Hipp tea will be useful for a baby, because its main components are recognized as very effective against colic (Read more about Hipp tea).
  • Nestik. A more budget-friendly option for instant lactation tea. In its composition, it is similar to the previous versions, in addition, it contains rosehip juice and chamomile.
  • Lactavite. This drink is one of those that take time to prepare. The tea is a mixture of dill, fennel, caraway seeds and nettle leaves. Unlike its granular and sweetened counterparts, Lactavit does not taste good (Read more about Lactavit tea).
  • Grandma's basket. Many women love the series of tea bags for nursing mothers. Tea options for enhancing lactation include aniseed tea and rosehip tea. It is very convenient to brew, tastes good.

Of course, tea alone cannot solve the problem of milk shortage, because an increase in lactation is the result of a properly established natural feeding, and not mother's nutrition or drinking, but it is quite advisable to use tea as an auxiliary measure. If you do not expect a miracle effect from tea and really assess the possibilities of this method, then you can really improve milk production and improve your health, because herbal decoctions are useful for the weakened body of a young mother.

We also read on the topic of HS and lactation:

  • How to increase lactation using folk methods or pills;
  • How to restore lactation - Top 10 recommendations;
  • Teas for breastfeeding;
  • How much should a newborn eat;
  • If your chest hurts while feeding;
  • Nutrition for a nursing mother.

ATTENTION! Watch the video: tea for nursing mothers

Doctors recommend that before drinking tea for lactation, take a sample and wait a day. The correct tea for lactation should contain no more than five herbs. Ideal ingredients are fennel, dill seeds, anise, lingonberry leaf, cumin or bearberry.

Useful video:

Watch the video: How I increased my milk supply (July 2024).