Child development up to a year

Say NO to diapers! Or how to wean a child from diapers

There comes a time when every parent without exception is faced with the task of starting to wean a child from diapers. And the first question that arises among the majority is at what age it is better and easier to do it and how to do it in general correctly.

When is it better to wean

Twenty years ago, our mothers and grandmothers were convinced that the sooner the better. Of course, because before there were no disposable diapers that make life easier for moms and dads. There were reusable gauze diapers that had to be washed, dried and ironed endlessly. Therefore, it was quite natural to strive to quickly teach the baby to go to the potty.

Now, most pediatric doctors say with one voice that it is better to teach a child to do without a diaper when he reaches two or two and a half years. They justify this by the fact that by this age the baby begins to realize his needs and begins to ask for a potty.

But this does not exclude the transition from a diaper to a potty earlier - from about nine months, and a little later - about three years old. The later you begin to wean the baby from the diaper, the easier and faster you will succeed.

The most important thing is a patient and attentive attitude towards the baby.

How to tell when it's time

It is advisable to pay attention to some signs that indicate that the right time has come to wean from a diaper.

  • You watched your baby and you see that he goes to the toilet at regular intervals. That is, a certain regime has developed. This usually happens after waking up from sleep and after eating;
  • The kid can independently remove and put on (or at least try) panties, pants;
  • Maybe by crying, screaming, or by other actions, show that he is wet, that he does not like being in a dirty diaper;
  • The diaper stays dry for 2 hours;
  • The baby knows the names of body parts, items of clothing.

Tips and Techniques

Let's consider several ways to wean a baby from a diaper.

Before you start weaning, introduce the little one to the pot. Explain that here he will write and poop, tell me the sounds ("a - a", "pi - pi"), with the help of which he can give a sign that it's time to go to the toilet.

We read an article on potty training for a child -

There are situations when a child is afraid of a pot and does not want to sit on it in any way, find out what to do in this case, it is written here

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new potty training method with the training panties (interesting approach)

Method 1. Ten tights

Configure that you will only use the diaper for a week or two at night or when you go out.

  • You will need a pot (how to choose a great pot link at the end of the article) and a certain number of clean tights (at least ten pieces);
  • Pants should be easy to remove, make the elastic not too tight;
  • In the morning, put on tights for the baby, explain that he is not wearing a diaper. And if he wants to pee or poop, let him tell you or sit on the pot himself;
  • Of course, in the early days, your child gets into pants out of habit. And here you have to be patient. Wait 5 minutes, let him walk in wet tights. Let him feel that this is unpleasant and uncomfortable;
  • After 5 - 7 minutes, wash the child and put on another dry pants;
  • Keep the room warm.

After three to four days, the baby will already try to ask for the toilet. In a week - the other will sit on the pot on its own.

This method is considered one of the most effective.

The downside here is that the baby walks wet for a while, and this is unhygienic. Well, there will be more work on wiping puddles, washing wet tights.

Method 2. Positive example

This technique suggests using the example of older children (brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors). Pay the kid's attention to the fact that older children do without a diaper. The desire to imitate will quickly lead to the fact that your baby will go to the pot on her own, and diapers will not be needed.

A child attending kindergarten breaks the habit of wearing diapers even faster. Pay attention to the fact that other children go without a diaper and sit on the potty themselves. This will be a powerful incentive for the baby to give up diapers.

Method 3.Using toys

If there are no other children nearby, you can use the play method. Take your baby's favorite toys, tell them that they are already big and don't wear diapers. Place them in a pot. Then invite the baby to sit down and pee on the pot too. You can even read a book for the first time in order to keep the crumb on the pot and make it "go" into it. So, playing, the child will quickly learn to do without a diaper.

Do not forget, using any of these methods, praise your baby as often as possible for the smallest detail. So he will quickly understand that he is doing everything right, and will try to repeat it at least so that you praise him again.

Sleeping without a diaper

Having taught the child to do without a diaper during the day, it's time to proceed to the next stage - weaning from sleeping in a diaper. There are also some nuances here.

  1. Do not hurry. Train gradually. If the child makes it clear that he is not ready yet, is capricious, do not insist, put it off for a while. Try again after a few days.
  2. Do not give your little one a lot to drink before bed.
  3. Before going to bed, let him sit on the pot.
  4. At first, leave the lights on in the toilet and a night light in the bedroom. The crumb can wake up to go to the pot on its own.
  5. In the morning, plant on the pot, regardless of whether the baby has described himself or not.
  6. Did your baby wake up dry? Be sure to praise him, pay attention to dry bed.

If your baby regularly wakes up in a wet bed, put off diaper weaning at night. Do not worry. Just use the diaper at night until it stays dry in the morning. Then you can safely do without it.

It is not difficult to wean a child from a diaper. The main thing is not to rush and not to listen to "benevolent" grandmothers, girlfriends and neighbors who advise almost from the cradle to teach the baby to ask for a potty. Wait until the child is physiologically and psychologically ready to give up the diaper. And feel free to put your baby to sleep without a diaper.

We read further on the topic:

  • Modern mothers share their experience: how to wean a child from diapers in winter
  • How to choose a pot
  • How to choose diapers

Video: How to give up diapers

Watch the video: 5-year-olds Still Wear Nappies and Drink Milk from Baby Bottles. Supernanny (July 2024).