Newborn health

Laxative Duphalac

If in the first months of life the baby stains the diaper up to 10 times a day, then in 3-4 months the picture changes. The intestines continue to "ripen" and develop, and the stool becomes less frequent. And sometimes - much less often. In this case, it does not do without intervention. What do we mean by “interference”? - correctly, the use of laxatives or enemas. True, not all laxatives are suitable for babies. Duphalac is just one of the most harmless laxatives for newborns.

When to drink Duphalac

As we have already said, stools become less frequent from a certain age. For babies who receive nothing other than breast milk, constipation is not typical. The absence of stool for several days is not considered constipation for them. Moms rarely react to this calmly. Sometimes the baby himself shows anxiety: grunts, strains, strains his tummy. In this case, laxative measures will not hurt. The best option is to give your baby Duphalac.

Artists have a different picture. The stool of the infant receiving the formula should be regular, like a clock. It happens that the mixture is not suitable, and this manifests itself in the form of constipation. Constipation can also occur as a result of a violation of the natural intestinal flora due to an unsuitable mixture or as a result of taking any medications. In this case, the use of Duphalac is also justified.

Composition and principle of action of the drug

The active ingredient in Duphalac - lactulose - is obtained from cow's milk whey. Lactulose is completely harmless to the body, if only because it is not absorbed in the digestive tract. Once in the intestine in its original form, the drug "does its job" and leaves the body.

Duphalac acts very softly and organically. Lactulose leads to a softening of feces and an increase in their volume. At the same time, intestinal motility increases. All this helps the baby to poop painlessly.

How to apply

Duphalac is a viscous light yellow syrup with a very sweet taste. It can be taken undiluted and after weak dilution with water.

Newborn babies and toddlers up to 1 year old are given 5 ml of syrup once a day. It is best to give the baby syrup to drink at the same time, for example, in the morning. Duphalac acts quickly enough: after a few hours, there is already an effect from its reception. Usually this effect lasts for another 1-2 days.

Despite its sweet taste, children don't always like Duphalac. As usual, you need to give the syrup from a spoon or syringe. It is not worth increasing the recommended dose - this can cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps.


The main contraindications to the use of Duphalac are intestinal obstruction, galactosemia and lactose intolerance. Even if there are no such diagnoses, after taking the syrup, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs. The dose of Duphalac may need to be reduced if side effects are noticed.

How is it produced

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Duphalac syrup is sold in plastic bottles of different sizes: 200, 500 or 1000 ml. The instruction for the drug is contained directly on the bottle. There is also a cap with graduated marks, with which you can determine the required amount of syrup.

Laxatives do not correct the cause of constipation. Duphalac is no exception. The meaning of its use is to situationally alleviate the condition of the baby if the absence of a chair causes discomfort. It is a gut adjuvant, but the gut has to work on its own. That is why you should not abuse Duphalac. If the stool does not return to normal, efforts should be directed to finding the cause and eliminating it.

On the topic of constipation:

How to give an enema to a child - step by step instructions.

Other laxative medicines for the little ones (list of popular medicines).

List of first aid kit for newborns (complete composition of the first aid kit).

How to help your baby to poop - effective massage

Watch the video: Medicine guide in Hindi: Duphalac syrup ke uses side effects Janiye (July 2024).