Good to know

10 facts about the benefits of music and nature sounds for moms and babies

Everyone knows that it is useful for babies to listen to music and sounds of nature. But what exactly "sound therapy" is useful for children and their parents - few can tell. Here are 10 top facts about the benefits of music and natural sounds.

  1. “Water” sounds have a good calming effect for the baby: the noise of rain, sea surf. The water element is generally "native" for the baby, because being in the mother's stomach, he was surrounded by liquid. That is why the sounds of water soothe, relax the child, remind him of the most carefree time.
  2. The sounds made by dolphins are not like the sounds of other living things. Dolphins sing at certain frequencies, so listening to this singing is very beneficial for the nervous system. This method is used to treat neuroses. It is very useful to listen to the sounds of dolphins before bedtime: the baby relaxes well and falls asleep easily.
  3. Singing birds, rustling leaves, the sound of a gentle breeze and other sounds of the forest help to relax and effectively deal with stress. It is very good to meditate with these sounds, rest and recuperate, which is especially important for mothers.
  4. Music perception is the most important and rather complex function of the nervous system. The main load in perceiving music falls on the right hemisphere, but the left is also involved in this process. Depending on whether a person plays himself or listens, whether there is a text, or only a melody sounds, different groups of neurons are activated in the brain. At the same time, music affects not only humans and animals, but also plants, and even the molecular structure of water.
  5. Melodies pleasant to the human ear affect not only the emotional state, but also the physiological parameters: the blood vessels expand, the pulse slows down, and the strength of the heart contractions increases. Aggressive and annoying music has the opposite effect.
  6. Sounds of nature, birds and dolphins singing relieve pain during childbirth, helping the woman in labor to relax and the baby to be born with less stress.
  7. Bird singing treatment - ornithotherapy - is used not only to normalize the emotional state, but even to eliminate somatic problems, such as high blood pressure, stomach pain, bronchitis, tracheitis. The activation of those areas of the brain that are responsible for the perception of bird song leads to the harmonization of all processes in the body.
  8. Hearing sounds, and therefore perceiving music, a child begins at 14 weeks of intrauterine development. From a calm and pleasant melody, the child calms down, from a loud and aggressive melody - he begins to be active, kick, move.
  9. There is research confirming that babies born prematurely gain weight better and catch up with their peers in development if they regularly listen to music and lullabies. Compared to other premature babies, those who are introduced to music are discharged from the unit a week earlier.
  10. The sounds of nature can not only soothe, but also tone up, increase mental activity, and improve concentration. In addition, music and sounds of nature inspire creativity, stimulate imagination and fantasy.

Knowing how useful the music of nature is for babies, it is simply impossible not to use it. On the Internet you can find different collections of nature sounds for children and other healing music (In our VKontakte group there is a small selection of Nature sounds for children Depending on your needs, you can carry out "music therapy" before bedtime or before classes with the child: this will help the child to tune in the right way.

We read further:

the influence of music on child development

what music is useful for newborns

Watch the video: Rain and Thunder Sound with Ocean Waves White Noise for Sleeping 10 Hours (July 2024).