
9 weeks pregnant

The 9th week of pregnancy means that two whole months of "interesting position" are behind. The baby continues to develop intensively, and the expectant mother is successfully mastering a new role. These days it is very important to monitor your condition and follow many recommendations.

Deadline Reminder

The 9th obstetric week is equal to the 7th week from conception. Any doctor will use the obstetric method of calculating the term. More about methods read here.

What happens to the baby and mom

Skinny jeans and dresses don't match anymore? It should be so. The expectant mother, most likely, continues to gradually gain hundreds of grams. It also happens vice versa - the weight may decrease slightly. You should not be afraid of this if there is no severe toxicosis, and you feel good.

The basis of the baby's body is almost completely laid.

Fetal development

Almost all organs and systems have been formed, but many are not yet fully functioning. For the second week, the little "belly" is a fetus, not an embryo.

This is what the fruit looks like (clickable)

  • In the 9th obstetric week, the fetus acquires a cerebellum. This section of the brain is responsible for the coordination of movements.
  • The tail gradually disappears, soon it will become a tailbone.
  • On the handles, the membranes between the fingers gradually disappear, and the palms are formed.
  • The legs are still less developed, they are extended forward, the feet are barely outlined, the toes are not separated.
  • The eyelids are fully formed and now cover the eyes.
  • The whole fetus straightens a little.
  • A neck is outlined at the base of the head.
  • Some reflexes are formed, for example, swallowing.
  • The adrenal glands produce adrenaline.
  • The kidneys are already engaged in a kind of water exchange process. If the future baby swallows amniotic fluid, it will be released as a prototype of urine.
  • The lymph and nerve nodes are being laid.
  • On a tiny face, both lips are clearly visible.

The whole baby is like a cherry. The size of the fetus varies between 22 and 30 mm, and the weight is about 4 g. At 9 weeks, there is a complete transition to placental nutrition.

What does the fetus look like if an ultrasound is done?

In this case, a lot depends on the hardware. And also - from the position of the fetus at the time of the study. A future baby can only look like an oblong light spot against the background of a dark uterus. But you can also see the slightly blurred outlines of the tiny body - the head and torso.

Feelings of a future mother

If a woman has not had toxicosis of pregnant women before, then it can begin. If toxicosis is already there, then it is unlikely that it will stop. However, everything is very individual here. Some mothers-to-be may never recognize nausea and vomiting. But eating habits are familiar to almost all pregnant women.

What else can the expectant mother feel:

  • drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • the nose seems to be stuffed up all the time (this physiological condition is called a runny nose of pregnant women);
  • fatigue “above average”;
  • it can be difficult to concentrate;
  • emotions (both light and negative) sometimes just go off scale;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples appears or persists;
  • constant feeling of stuffiness.

A special topic now is smells. The sensitivity to them increases markedly. Sometimes a pregnant woman is just a phenomenon. For example, she distinguishes between different varieties of apples by smell. Or, in a crowd, he unmistakably recognizes several perfume compositions at once. True, more often it is more and more sad. Any strong smells start to irritate, some to nausea.

External signs

Only a very attentive person "from the outside" can distinguish the expectant mother from other women. Sometimes in the 9th week the gait changes slightly and the figure is a little more noticeable. Despite the fact that the uterus reaches the size of a grapefruit, the woman's slightly grown belly is practically invisible under the clothes. But the woman herself sees a lot in herself.


A very prominent manifestation of pregnancy is breast swelling. It may start now, or it may have been going on since last weeks. The bra set may need to be updated. If the breasts were rather big before pregnancy, the supportive function of the underwear is very important. And one more thing: a bra in no case should interfere with free breathing with full breasts. Expectant mothers are sometimes stuffy, and if you still tighten the chest, it's not far away to faint.


The tummy is growing a little. But if the expectant mother is already getting fat, and her breasts have grown, the appearance of the first stretch marks is not excluded.

The general condition of the skin at week 9 may vary. Some mothers still notice pimples in one place or another. Others already feel how soft and smooth the skin becomes all over the body. In addition, changes in metabolism can lead to some dryness of hair and skin.


If a small amount of white or yellowish mucus is released from the vagina, this is normal. Brown discharge requires attention, you must definitely tell your doctor about them. Such smears can appear due to cervical erosion. It is safe for the baby, but harmful to his mother. Treatment is usually carried out after childbirth.

Bleeding is one of the first signs of a miscarriage. For any bloody discharge, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

In rare cases, a clear, yellowish discharge from the breast may appear. This is colostrum. It usually appears at a later date. If the discharge stains your clothes, it's time to buy bra pads. They need to be changed regularly. Otherwise, unpleasant bacterial infections of the breast skin can develop.

Body temperature

An expectant mother can go for more than one week with a temperature of about 37.0-37.4 ° C. So the hormone progesterone acts on the woman's body. If there are no other signs of colds and / or infectious diseases, such a body temperature is quite normal. But if the thermometer showed 38 ° C and above, this is definitely a symptom of some disease.

And if the baby is not alone?

Pregnancy with twins (or triplets) does not mean more severe toxicosis. Other signs are also not multiplied by two or three. As a rule, with multiple pregnancies, future babies are smaller in height and weight. A more significant weight gain of the expectant mother, as well as increased medical supervision, are all in the future.

Complications of pregnancy

Severe toxicosis shows that not everything in the body of the expectant mother is good. How to understand that nausea and other signs threaten a woman's normal well-being? Here are the warning signs:

  • nausea is felt almost constantly;
  • vomiting is frequent, more than twice a day (if more than five - urgently see a doctor);
  • the body reacts with a “storm” to any food;
  • weight loss causes weakness and a severe drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood (anemia).

All these signs require medical attention.


Many pregnant women have bowel problems. The most unpleasant thing is constipation. Of course, it's absolutely impossible to strain in the toilet! First, it is bad for the unborn baby. Secondly, you can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids. There is only one way out - to adjust the nutrition so that the intestines work correctly and fully. In acute cases, the doctor may prescribe a local laxative. It is not recommended for the expectant mother herself to select such medicines, even if the drug is advised by pharmacists in the pharmacy.

Stomach ache

An expectant mother needs to be careful if she has a stomach ache every now and then. It can be flatulence and the threat of miscarriage. In the first case, pain can occur in any part of the abdomen, they are combined with bloating and the release of gases from the intestines. In the second case, the pain seems to be enough from the inside (doctors call it cramping) and gives it to the lower back. Often there is a feeling that the stomach is pulling. If spotting appears at the same time, the threat of miscarriage is more obvious.

Frozen pregnancy

An equally disturbing sign is the abrupt cessation of all manifestations of pregnancy. The sudden disappearance of toxicosis and other "pregnant" sensations may be a sign of fetal growth arrest. A frozen pregnancy in the 9th obstetric week is a serious complication. It requires a thorough examination and a number of medical measures.

Spontaneous abortion (freezing or miscarriage) can happen for various reasons:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • injuries, falls.


However, pregnancy can also be terminated at the request of the woman herself. Until the 12th week, each expectant mother has the right to make a decision and refuse to further bear the fetus. It is important to remember: negative emotions, parting with the father of the unborn baby or the desire to “live for oneself” are bad advisors in this matter. The decision about abortion must be held accountable. The very termination of pregnancy is carried out in medical institutions under the strict supervision of specialist doctors.

Tips & Tricks

In the life of a future mother, there are a lot of “not allowed”, “possible” and “necessary”. Literally everything now depends on attention to yourself and to the future baby.


The diet of a pregnant woman remains approximately the same throughout the nine months. Correction of nutrition is carried out according to the circumstances. For example, if the expectant mother suffers from constipation, you need to exclude:

  • rice;
  • tea, jelly, cocoa;
  • fresh pastries and bread.

[sc: rsa]

And in order to further stimulate intestinal activity, food must necessarily contain:

  • grapes;
  • carrot;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • figs.

The list of exceptions is, alas, mandatory. But from the products for stimulating the intestines, you can choose only those that you like.

General food rules:

  • lean meats;
  • fatty fish (they contain important dietary acids);
  • dairy and fermented milk products to choose from;
  • porridge;
  • sweets - only natural (not cakes or sweets);
  • as prescribed by a doctor - vitamins, folic acid and / or iron preparations.

Health and beauty care

Now the expectant mother should definitely visit the antenatal clinic (if this has not already been done). The doctor will officially confirm the pregnancy and order blood, urine, and vaginal smear tests. They will be checked:

  • general condition of the body;
  • sugar level;
  • presence / absence of various infections, including genital infections;
  • blood group (if necessary).

In addition, the doctor will refer the expectant mother to a local therapist and several narrow specialists. Everyone will examine the pregnant woman in accordance with their specialty and give recommendations.

The 9th obstetric week can be darkened by the first signs of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and chest. In this case, the expectant mother needs a special cream for stretch marks. Another way to help your skin is to rub olive oil into it.

Photos of tummies:

Other Tips

  • Smoking and alcohol should be a thing of the past for a long time. At least - from the moment of the first suspicion of pregnancy.
  • Forget about weights. If you still have to lift something, you need to do it in a special way. Do not bend over, but squat down, take the load with both hands, and then stand up. Still, it is better if this situation does not arise at all.
  • Hot beaches, sauna and hot baths are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • The same can be said about the abrupt climate change. It's not just about temperature changes. For a baby, absolutely everything matters: air, water, weather, and so on.
  • It's time for a sports mom to change the type of outdoor activity. And it's time for an unsportsmanlike one to think about future childbirth and recovery. The best activities for expectant mothers are yoga and swimming.
  • It is advisable to give up heavy summer cottage work. You can pick berries (if you don't need to stand on a stepladder for this), cut flowers and greens. And no struggle for the harvest.
  • If you want to watch any movie, give up "horror films", thrillers, bloody detectives and mysticism. The same recommendation is for reading books.
  • Don't let the negativity take over. The best mood is calm, bright emotions.
  • Sexual life must take into account the situation. Sexual intercourse should not be rough or too violent. In some cases, this can lead to uterine contractions and the threat of miscarriage. If you have multiple pregnancies, your doctor may recommend restricting your sex life. In addition, due to hormonal changes, the expectant mother may stop enjoying sex. The future father must be told about this. Family omissions are the worst option when expecting a baby.

If the expectant mother is attentive to her condition, the ninth week of pregnancy will certainly pass safely.

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VIDEO GUIDE: 9 weeks pregnant: what happens, stomach sensations, weight gain

Watch the video: 9 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect? (July 2024).