Games and entertainment

Outdoor and educational games for 2 year olds

2 years old is a crucial stage in the development of a child. At this age, children are unusually inquisitive and absorb information like a sponge. Therefore, it is during this period that it is important to instill useful knowledge and skills in the baby. To a large extent, games contribute to this.

Features of the development of a 2-year-old child

When choosing games for a baby, parents should focus on their age-related physical and psychological characteristics. By the age of two, the child, as a rule, achieves such developmental successes:

  • confidently walks, jumps, plays with the ball;
  • openly demonstrates their desires;
  • distinguishes between contrasting sizes and shapes of objects, their properties (temperature, weight, texture), knows basic colors;
  • knows the names of surrounding objects, makes sentences of 2-3 words;
  • distinguishes between intonation of speech and tonality of music, knows how to move to the beat and sing along;
  • collects a simple constructor, draws lines with crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens.

At the age of two, children are just beginning to acquire playing skills, so parents must take on the role of organizer and helper. So that the baby does not lose interest in games, do not impose entertainment on him when he does not feel well, is upset about something or is hungry.

Logic games

You need to start developing classes with the simplest games, gradually complicating the tasks with positive results. A two-year-old child can be taught the following skills using logic games:

  • comparison, sorting of items. Puzzles, sorters, inserts contribute to their development. In addition to store toys, you can use household items (shoes, socks, gloves) for games. Mix the same objects in a heap and invite the kid to disassemble them in pairs;
  • the difference in shapes and sizes. To do this, you need the same objects of different sizes (nesting dolls, pyramids, cubes), which the baby will add in ascending and descending order;
  • numerical comparison (many-little). For the game, you can use identical items (apples, cubes, cars);
  • logical thinking. Come up with simple riddles-descriptions for the child without complicated words and phrases. For example, "Fluffy, with a mustache, tail, claws, meows and hunts mice."

To keep your child interested, do not leave him alone with the toy. Observe his actions, and, if necessary, prompt or help him. The success of the baby must be accompanied by praise from you.

Early development. Educational games for children. Development of the child's logic and thinking. Game: "Guess?"

Outdoor games

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The physical development of the baby is no less important than the mental development. Motor exercises at this age contribute to the formation of the vestibular apparatus, speed of reaction, and general motor skills. If desired, even a simple daily exercise can be turned into a game. Do it with fun music and try to constantly add variety to your exercises.

Play catch-up with your baby. Build various obstacles on the floor using pillows and stuffed toys. Crawl on all fours to catch up with each other. A double benefit can be obtained by scattering toys around the apartment. By putting them one by one in a box, the child will not only get physical activity, but also get used to order.

Ball games should be noted separately. They can be rolled or thrown to each other, thrown at the target, played football.

Active games in the fresh air are very useful. Make sure your child is dressed in comfortable clothing for the season. Playgrounds provide great opportunities for the physical development of the baby. All kinds of stairs, slides, horizontal bars contribute to the development of strength, agility and courage. In this case, adults should always be nearby for safety net.

You can take disposable plates to the street and make bumps from them, on which the child will be happy to jump. Even if your toddler is just picking leaves, throwing stones at the target, or running down the street pretending to be a bird, such activities will benefit his health.

Try to find time every day to play with your child, since it is in childhood that the foundation is laid for the comprehensive development of the personality.

Leisure with parents - playing outdoor games

Watch the video: HappyFeet Saskatchewan Class Ages 2-3 (July 2024).