Child development up to a year

How to play with your child?

In the process of playing, children develop various abilities and skills. While playing, the child explores the world around him and learns something new. It's never too early to start playing with your baby, you can do it from birth.

With a baby, you can sway to the beat of the music or just run your fingers over his tummy. It is easy to attract his attention with the help of hanging toys, rattles, a musical mobile - this is how the baby will develop visual coordination. And you never know other ways to play!

How to please a child?

The most important thing that any parent needs to remember is the rapid fatigability of young children. Take breaks from any play, otherwise the baby will simply not be focused on it. Also, try not to play with your child when he is hungry or wants to sleep.

So, what might your baby like?

  • Music. What child doesn't love her? Surely your baby, at the very first sound of music, starts smiling and shaking her ass. Sing along with your child or just listen to songs he likes, it will give the baby emotional pleasure. We read on the topic: Influence of music on child development and 10 facts about the benefits of music and sounds of nature for moms and babies;
  • Peekaboo. Mom's "ku-ku" will invariably cause a smile from the most gloomy crumbs. In addition, such a game will help the baby to start navigating in space. We also read: How to entertain a nursing baby;
  • Items with different textures. Lay your baby on an unnecessary towel, bedspread and rug made of various materials, add some soft toys. Let the baby crawl and study all these objects, while developing his sense of touch. See how interesting he is! He will probably start running his finger over every little thing, "trying" it by touch. Just follow all safety precautions - no small items or loosely sewn buttons!
  • Toys. It is also interesting for the child to study them. Try to choose toys according to age, and they should also be of different colors, from different materials and preferably different sizes. Heading: toys;
  • Walks in the open air. New surroundings are always new emotions. Go with your baby to the nearest park, and let him find out how soft the grass can be, how a petal from a tree feels to the touch and how cool the wind blows the hairs. Read - walking games;
  • Communication. Be sure to talk to your child, especially when walking. Voice over the names of objects, comment on your actions, so you will replenish the baby's vocabulary. And the best communication is the birth of the second baby in the family.

By playing, the child learns. But you also need to learn to play. And, above all, for us adults. How to learn to play with your child? Psychologist Galina Zabarchuk will talk about this.

Any event in everyday life can be turned into a game. Try to involve your child in the game process more often and in no case replace live games and communication with being in front of the TV.

  • Our heading: games and entertainment with a child;
  • 10 games to overcome child aggression;
  • TOP 10 games with babies under one year old.

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Watch the video: Age Appropriate Play With Toddlers (July 2024).