
Psychology and Psychiatry Ask a Question

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Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

My granddaughter is a year and a half. She often confuses emotions. For example, when she is waiting for me, she stands at the door, smiling happily. And when he sees me, he cries, runs into the room, can lie on the floor. But after a couple ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 03 July 2017

Natalia, hello! With the birth of my second daughter, with a difference of 6.5 years, I began to notice that the eldest was jealous, often rubs around me, wants to snuggle, especially in those moments when I deal with the younger ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), June 24, 2017

Good afternoon. Strange, in my opinion, the reaction of others to the fact that I want to protect my 10-year-old son from aggression at school, I am constantly trying to figure out everything, but support from the outside ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 20 June 2017

Good day, Natalia! Not so long ago, a neurologist questioned my daughter (2 years old) with ADHD. The girl was born prematurely, from birth there were problems with sleep (she slept less than normal, at home it was very bad during the day ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), April 11, 2017

Good afternoon. I don’t know where to start, because I faced a problem when raising my second child. A 5-year-old girl, quite emotional: very active with peers who obey her, with ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about boy, 1 year old), 11 April 2017

The child is 7 years old, first grade. Every day he makes tantrums and cries with or without reason, says that everyone offends him. Please tell me what to do.

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about boy, 1 year old), 20 March 2017

Good evening. Tell me what to do: I have a 10-year-old boy at school constantly hitting both boys and girls. He says that he is constantly called names, there are problems with his parents. The child is very ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), March 10, 2017

Hello. At 2 years and 2 months. the daughter sustained a facial trauma, as a result of which the child was stitched to the lips and gums under local anesthesia. Now she is 2 years old. 8 months I want to say that she was before ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 21 February 2017

Hello, Natalia! I am a happy mother of three children. The eldest son is 23 years old, the middle one is 17 years old and the smallest daughter is only one year and three months old. I have been married, married for over 25 years. All my joint ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), January 29, 2017

Letters from a gnome are, of course, an interesting idea, he becomes a kind of friend for the child. But then how to explain to the child what happened to the gnome, why not write or whether there will be a continuation? And to what ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about boy, 1 year old), 20 January 2017

Hello! After breastfeeding, the baby jumped a little with blood, we are two months old. And I have cracks in my nipples, I don't know how to heal. Help me please.

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 12 January 2017

Natalia, hello. Are there any fairy tales that will help prepare your daughter for the birth of a brother? My daughter is 5 years old, she wanted a little sister, but a brother is planned. But I also agree with my brother :) Daughter ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), December 21, 2016

The granddaughter doesn't want to read. She has some kind of fear of reading. Stutters, repetitions while reading, feels some kind of discomfort. Worries about this. How to help? Please advise.

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about the boy, 1 year old), 05 December 2016

Good afternoon) Can you please tell me how to help my child to be good at school? At home and on the street he does not behave like that, only at school there are a large number of children. Draws attention to itself with ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 11 November 2016

Good evening! I have constant stress, I get nervous easily and quickly, I even yell at children, I can’t calm down and I am shaking. The memory has deteriorated, we can say that partial amnesia has begun. I think,...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 04 November 2016

Natalia, hello. I really hope for your advice. My daughter is 5 years old. She is afraid to fall asleep alone in the crib: before, she always thought about the ghosts that might come. My husband and I calmed her down and said that ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about the boy, 1 year old), 04 November 2016

Hello, Natalia! My name is Anna, I have two kids, two sons, 6 years old and 1.5 years old. The older one goes to kindergarten, while the younger one is at home around the clock. The husband works, and the children see him for a couple of hours ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymous (about a girl, 1 year old), 31 October 2016

My granddaughter is a year and a half. But after a couple ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, Anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 26 October 2016

Good day! My child (3.5 years old) does not adequately respond to other children on the playground, in the park, in the hospital - he can come up and hit for no reason. How would you advise us ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, Anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 26 October 2016

Hello! How to behave if the child cannot cope with minor difficulties on his own, every time he feels sorry for himself (“they don’t help me”, “they don’t wait for me”, etc.). Tried to ignore in ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 October 2016

Good afternoon! We constantly teach our daughter (she is 3 years old) not to be greedy to the children's team (kindergarten or at a party) to share sweets and toys. But all the same, should someone ask her for candy or ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 October 2016

My problem is that my 7 year old daughter still sucks her thumb (for example, when watching cartoons, when she falls asleep or thinks about something). Doctors advised to give her the drug "Adaptol", ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 October 2016

Hello! I have two daughters 14 years apart. With the birth of a younger child, it is not possible to devote enough time to an older one. I feel the eldest daughter's jealousy towards my sister. Need ...

Watch the video: Case study clinical example: Session with a client with Bipolar Disorder fluctuations in mood (July 2024).