
10 Fun Facts About Baby During Pregnancy + Myths

Pregnancy is a real miracle and sacrament. All processes, from conception to childbirth, are hidden from our eyes, but incredible things happen in the body. Even a woman herself often notices only a growing tummy, and it is not so easy to realize the fact of pregnancy. Several interesting and surprising facts about pregnancy will open the veil of secrecy and help you understand what kind of processes are taking place during this period.

  1. In the process of conception, the "competition" between sperm is simply enormous: only one in 100 thousand manages to fertilize an egg. This means that the fact of conception and birth of each particular child is a real miracle, because its probability is 1: 100,000.
  2. With a natural pregnancy, other miracles are possible: sometimes a fertilized egg divides, and two fetuses develop from it, and then identical twins are born. Sometimes a woman matures two eggs, which are fertilized by two sperm. As a result of such pregnancy, fraternal twins are born, which can be of different sexes and have a different genetic makeup. The percentage of multiple pregnancies is no more than 2%, but the use of assisted reproductive technologies has significantly increased the number of twins born.
  3. The heartbeat of the unborn baby can be heard at 6-7 weeks. Many expectant mothers at this time go for an ultrasound scan to listen to the heart and make sure of their pregnancy.
  4. Up to 6 weeks, the embryo is quietly placed in the uterus, and only after this period the uterus begins to slowly increase.
  5. After 12 weeks, obstetricians call the embryo a fetus. All these scientific names “cut the ear” for expectant mothers, because for them it is already a beloved baby from the moment of conception, even if it is only a few cells.
  6. At about 10 weeks, the baby begins to move. On the first ultrasound (at 12-13 weeks), you can see how actively the baby is behaving: he turns over in different directions, moves his arms and legs. This is simply amazing, because its physical size at this time is only about 6 cm.
  7. For a period of up to 12 weeks, all important organs and systems are laid. Their formation continues until birth, but the moment of laying is very important. In order for everything to go smoothly in this process, mom needs to try to eliminate all harmful influences on her body.
  8. On the second ultrasound scan (20-21 weeks), the facial features of the little man are already clearly visible and all parts of the body can be examined. Many parents have photographs from an ultrasound scan where the baby sucks a thumb. By the way, it is at this time that you can accurately determine the gender - the main thing is that the baby turns in the right place to the device's sensor.
  9. Despite the fact that at 21 weeks, the expectant mother already has a perfectly visible tummy, the child himself at this time is about the size of a banana. Most of the volume of the abdomen is occupied by amniotic fluid, an enlarged uterus, placenta and a pad of subcutaneous fat, which is always formed on the belly of a pregnant woman to protect the fetus.
  10. Starting at 16 weeks, the baby can hear the sounds of the outside world, and by 24 weeks he no longer only hears, but also reacts to his mother's voice.

The intrauterine development of the baby contains many more interesting and surprising things. To be “in the know,” it will be useful for the expectant mother to read the pregnancy calendar every week and find out what is new for her baby, what skills he has already mastered in the tummy, how much it weighs and how it looks.

See also pregnancy myths:

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