Good to know

How We Lose Our Children

Often my friends and I discuss the topic of raising children, share our experience, various tricks, methods of punishment. And many of my friends punish children by depriving them of their favorite pastime - playing on a computer or tablet, not watching cartoons, etc. The question arises, why is it like a punishment for our children? Why can't they just play active games on the playground or read children's books, experiencing the same pleasure as from virtual entertainment? After all, we grew up without any scientific and technical inventions, and it was interesting for us! We had no idea what mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles were. Many of the above did not exist at all, and the rest was only in the elite. We did not need a variety of gadgets, we came up with games and entertainment ourselves, we drove down the street, jumped on a rope, played hide and seek, catch up, and most importantly, we were happy!

  • Why is banning as a punishment?

So why do our children become unhappy when mom or dad forbids playing computer games? And the answer is simple. We ourselves have created a virtual world for our children, a virtual childhood that completely absorbs them, takes away the opportunity to enjoy ordinary things, experience the pleasure of communicating with real friends. I have always strived for my children to have everything, so that their childhood was a thousand times better than mine. I bought them a phone, a tablet, a desktop computer. We have two televisions in the house. I am glad that my children have something to do at their leisure. But we are missing one important point, being sure that with gadgets we make childhood brighter, better, more interesting. Few people think that in this way we only take it away from children. We do not give them the opportunity to taste real life and enjoy childhood.

  • Addiction to computer games

No one argues that computer games and television programs are quite interesting and to some extent educational, but they zombify our children, make them addicted to virtual entertainment. Children are simply not interested in the real world, the people around them and games on the playground with their peers.

  • Gadgets replace parents

Yes, it is convenient for us when the children have something to do. Indeed, in the modern world, with a crazy rhythm of life, we are always in a hurry somewhere, we do not have time for something, we constantly do not have enough time. And when our children are "stuck" in the computer or TV, we feel relief, because we have a lot of free time. We stopped talking to our children, explaining elementary things to them, teaching them to help around the house and just playing with them.

  • Influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)
  • How the internet affects children

Yes, the virtual world is fun and interesting. But is a computer capable of replacing live communication? Is he able to regret, hug, support or sympathize? Is it capable of giving love, warmth and affection? We give children technical entertaining fashionable gadgets, thereby taking away from them the most precious, which should be a rich childhood for every child.

  • Why do we lose our spiritual connection with the child?

Children leave reality in an illusory world, they are no longer interested in us, they stop sharing their impressions of the time spent, do not talk about their failures and achievements, do not share their experiences, do not consult with us and do not complain about the neighbor boy who took away from them biscuit. Our participation in their lives becomes extremely limited and consists only in meeting their material needs. We live our full-fledged life, and our children become just robots, who, apart from computers and televisions, are generally of little interest.

  • Games and cartoons bring up our children

Gaining free time for personal needs, we lose our children. We shifted the upbringing process to modern virtual games and cartoons, which have become closer and dearer to our children than we, parents. Accordingly, it will be so in the future. How will our children grow up if their entire childhood was devoted to computer toys? We have replaced ourselves with computer entertainment. When our children become adults, they will not have pleasant childhood memories, since all their childhood was spent in front of a computer monitor, they will not need us.

In order not to miss your children, to have time to show them how wonderful childhood is, remove your children from monitors, screens and displays. Let them experience the happiness and joy of spending time together! Talk to your kids! Listen to them! Give them parental warmth and affection! Love your children!

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