The age of why

What to do if a small child 2 - 3 years old is terribly afraid of flies

Children's fears are a topic that worries parents very much. We do not understand why the baby is afraid of seemingly familiar things, but we really want to help him. Has your 2-3-year-old child become afraid of flies in panic? If for us, adults, fear of insects seems to be something strange, then among children it is common. Below we will explain why this is happening and give tips on what to do.

  • Advice one: understand the reasons and be patient

Every parent should understand that a child who forces him to close the windows in the apartment so that not a single insect flies into the room, or arranges enchanting tantrums on the street as soon as he sees a fly, does not want to fray your nerves - he is simply afraid. For us, adults, many phenomena are insignificant - flies, loud sounds, screams, shadows, dust, and so on, but a 2-3 year old baby only learns the world, and all this can frighten him. Have patience, do not make fun of the phobias of your son or daughter, show understanding of the problem, demonstrate the safety of this or that phenomenon - and over time everything will pass.

  • Tip two: take into account the characteristics of the character of the child

There are children who are decisive and not very active and passive - it is clear that a kid who is wary of everything (by the way, often by the example of parents) reacts completely differently to new things than an active child who, if something is scary, it is usually short. In the first case, you will need more patience and a sense of tact, but over time the mountain will fall, because flies are really not scary. You can come up with a story about a good fly, and the child will understand that there is no need to be afraid of an insect.

  • Tip three: watch the incoming information

The kid saw on TV an excerpt from a horror movie where a huge mutant fly destroyed the planet Earth - how can you not be afraid? Or the grandmother scares the child with flies, but you did not notice how you yourself asked the child to leave the grass, because there are flies and ants that can bite painfully ... Watch the information that comes to the child - and in the future, unnecessary fears will simply not arise.

  • Tip four: read books

There are special children's books about fear on sale, in which the main character is afraid of something at first, but mom and dad explain to him that the phenomenon is completely safe, or he is convinced of this from his own experience - and that's it, the problem is gone. You should not expect an immediate effect, but other people's examples with similar problems have a positive effect on the child's problem.

Check out books about childhood fears online

Book has a good rating "The ABC of Courage" (Author: Natalia Chub)

Here is another list of children's fear books. Search for ozone through search: Mervi Lindman "The Brave Little Memuli", Andrey Usachev "Uneven Horror Stories", Vitaly Bianki "Arishka the Coward", Harriet Grundman "The Fifth Sheep", Olga Kolpakova "Uneven Tales about the Terrible Buka", Catherine LeBlanc "How to Cope with Monsters", Anna Nikolskaya "Not a terrible encyclopedia of monsters, people and beech", Sergey Zhvalevsky series "Scary / Funny".

  • Tip five: play

You can play a good fly, show your baby pictures in an encyclopedia, cartoons where a fly plays the role of a positive character (for example, a fly-tsokotuha, Maya the bee (although this is not a fly, but an analogy can be drawn)), go to the zoo - in general , do our best to show that the phenomenon that scares a son or daughter today is actually safe. Flies just live and just fly, like people - play or walk.

  • Sixth tip: don't cheat and protect

You shouldn't tell the kid that there are no flies nearby, and there is nothing to fear - sooner or later the buzzing insect will catch his eye, and you will simply undermine the child's confidence in yourself. Better say that you will protect him, and when you are around, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The kid continues to worry, refuses to go into the nursery, because there are flies? Take it by the handle and go see if there is really danger or nothing to be afraid of.

  • Seventh tip: talk about love

Every time your child throws a tantrum or simply shrinks into a ball because insects "threaten" him, hug him, pick him up, say that you love and protect him from everyone. Think for yourself - the fear of the little man is huge, and the little man himself, in fact, is so tiny.

  • Tip eight: don't push

In no case should a child be crushed - if he is afraid of flies and therefore does not want to go into the room, you should not drag him there by force, because he "invented stupid things for himself." Respect the feelings of your son or daughter, sooner or later it will help.

  • Tip nine: flies are not scary

Buy toys in the form of insects, play good games with them, teach your baby not to be afraid of insects gradually and with positive examples.

Buy your child a book with colorful pictures Fly Tsokotukha

General tip: maintain empathy

It is quite natural that fear of flies is something stupid for you, but you are not 2-3 years old. Do not leave the child alone with his phobias, all the more, do not make fun of him and do not hang labels like "coward" - the child has a whole life ahead, and there is absolutely no need to live it with fears driven deep inside.

Here are some popular tips on the forums:

the son was also afraid when he was two, now (at three) he is afraid. what they were doing:

- Allowed to be afraid (come here, hide, dad will chase (kill) the fly
- told tales and rhymes about insects. watched incomplete pictures
- the elder was playing with spider flies before his eyes
- learned to compare - who is less / more, he or a fly, a spider
- we told (and are telling) about insects biological information adapted for a child - who eats what, who lives where.

but, IMHO, fear of insects is indeed justified. it is important that he does not interfere with life. and panic is really a problem


... they said that the fly itself is afraid that it is small, that it flies for its mother, etc.
... drove the fly away ...

... we tell that the fly is small. I tell you what the fly eats, where it sleeps, how it lives in general ...


Take some non-biting beetle, for example, in your hands and show your daughter, explain that it's not scary, while smiling, etc. If my daughter is afraid of something, I do just that and after such acquaintances the daughter is no longer afraid of it ...


... We turned on the cartoon Maya the Bee ...

... ohh, you can also try a fairy tale about a fly tsokotukha) thanks for the ideas!) ...

Childhood fears. How to teach children to cope with fears?

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Watch the video: How To Help Child Overcome Fear (July 2024).