
35 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and what a woman feels

35th obstetric week - the ninth lunar month comes to an end. Approximately 33 weeks have passed since conception. It's time for mom to come to grips with choosing a maternity hospital.

35 weeks pregnant. The growth of the fetus is 45 - 46 cm, weight 2300 - 2500 grams. The fetus is almost completely ready for childbirth, but the lungs cannot yet perform respiratory function. It's time for mom to prepare things for admission to the maternity hospital. If the fetus has not yet taken the correct position in the uterus, special exercises will help.

How many months is it?

35th obstetric week - the 9th lunar month is coming to an end, there is one week left. Approximately 33 weeks passed from conception.See the article on the timing and method of calculating the timing of pregnancy

What happens to the baby

The fetus under the mother's heart grows vigorously and gains weight (about two hundred grams per week). On his skin, the original fluff still disappears, the skin itself straightens a little more due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. But folds in the buttocks, neck and joints of the arms and legs will persist after childbirth. The unique pattern on the skin of the palms and feet becomes more distinct.

The fetus needs a lot of calcium in order for the bones to mineralize sufficiently. This is one of the longest processes in our body. It is no coincidence that doctors consider the human skeleton to be fully formed only at the age of 25.

35 weeks gestation means almost complete readiness for childbirth for the baby. Many bodies are already carrying out their full-fledged activities:

  • the heart pumps blood;
  • the liver and spinal cord perform the functions of hematopoiesis;
  • endocrine glands produce various hormones;
  • the brain constantly sends and receives signals through the nerve channels, controls the first reflexes of the fetus.

The intestines of the fetus are not fully functional. Meconium (original feces) has been accumulating in it during the last months. It consists of solid particles that enter the fetus from the amniotic fluid. Meconium is excreted from the baby's body on the first day after childbirth.

Another very important organ has not fully completed its development. A special surfactant, a surfactant, has been formed in the lungs of the fetus for several weeks. This natural compound helps the alveoli to expand and prevent them from sticking together when breathing after birth. Now this substance may not be enough.

For this reason, childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy is undesirable, since the degree of readiness of the fetal lungs for breathing cannot be determined. In patients with premature birth at this time, doctors try to maintain the pregnancy and allow the fetus to fully develop.

Now the baby is already very cramped in the uterus. His movements and thrusts became stronger. Sometimes, people around you will notice how the bumps on your stomach protrude. And if you watch your belly without clothes, you will see even better.

Fetal presentation

This issue is becoming more and more important. Labor is approaching, and the mode of delivery depends on the position of the fetus in the uterus.

Spontaneous childbirth is allowed only with head and breech presentation. If the fetus is positioned with its legs to the uterine pharynx, across the uterus or diagonally (for example, the head is at the right thigh, and the buttocks are under the ribs on the left), then doctors will have to perform a caesarean section.

But even if your baby has not yet taken the correct position, do not be alarmed. It can still roll over, and you can help it:

  1. Choose a quiet time. Lie on your side and set a timer for 10 minutes. Then roll over to the other side. Lie down for another 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times. Nuance: you can fall asleep, so ask someone to be around and command your coups.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, tuck a pillow or rolled-up blanket under your lower back. Lie there for 5 minutes. Attention: Not everyone tolerates this exercise well. If you feel lightheaded, stop immediately and choose another method..
  3. If possible, visit the pool. Swim alone or with a special board.

It usually takes a week for the fetus to take the correct position. As soon as your doctor pleases you with this news, start wearing the prenatal brace all the time. In case of incorrect presentation of the fetus, the bandage is contraindicated.

When pregnant with twins, both children are far from always in the correct presentation. That is why delivery in multiple pregnancies often requires surgery.

Mother's sensations

Now mummies can be conditionally divided into two groups. Some communicate on different sites and forums, compare their bellies, share their impressions and advice. Others feel deeply tired after many weeks of pregnancy and are ready to despair of giving birth.

In the first case, everything is in order. Communicate on health, just do not believe all sorts of horror stories about how terrible and difficult childbirth can be. In this matter, everything is individual. A good mood for well-being, preparation for childbirth in special courses and the attention of loved ones often make women in labor think - why, why were they so afraid?

If you're getting harder every day in week 35, it's time to take action.

  • Purely physical discomfort can almost always be minimized. If you have heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling, or constipation (common in later stages), read our recommendations for getting rid of these conditions at the end of the article. And remember - very soon the uterus will descend, this always happens some time before childbirth. It will immediately become easier for you to breathe, possibly other undesirable phenomena will pass.
  • In case of any unpleasant events in your family or in life, try to communicate more with your family and friends. It might be worth seeing a psychologist.
  • If you are about to have a planned delivery operation and have any fears associated with it, tell your doctor about them. Ask him to describe the whole process, methods of pain relief, ask questions. There is no need to be ashamed of anything.

Active activity will help you to distract from sad, anxious thoughts. Decide on the choice of a maternity hospital. If you are supposed to be driven there by the child's father or other relatives, think over the route in advance and check if there is convenient parking nearby. Find out if there are any restrictions on the passage of personal vehicles to the territory of the medical facility.

Start collecting things for the hospital. Fold the hygiene items, bottle of water (still, not opened). Find a place for your mobile phone and charger at home so that you can quickly find and take them with you if necessary.

Maternity hospital bag

Late toxicosis

Poor health can be caused not by psychological reasons, but by gestosis. This is a dangerous complication of pregnancy, which you can read about here -

Discharge and pain

In a normal state, you observe in yourself an abundant, light-colored vaginal mucus. A violation of the consistency, color, or the appearance of a pungent odor will indicate an infection of the genitourinary system. It is important to get rid of all infections before the baby is born!

The most dangerous discharge is bloody. Leakage of amniotic fluid is another undesirable phenomenon. Both cases can be harbingers of premature birth, so urgently call an ambulance.

In late pregnancy, the lower abdomen often pulls. Another sensation - as if the whole stomach was turning to stone. In the first case, we are talking about stretching the ligaments (after all, the stomach is getting heavier), in the second - about training fights. But if the stomach strains regularly and more often, the contractions are already real, generic.

Medical supervision

At 35 weeks pregnant, your doctor may well change your visit calendar and recommend visits every seven days. Regular delivery of general tests will allow you to monitor your condition qualitatively.

In accordance with your well-being and indications, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound and / or CTG. To analyze the blood flow in the placenta, uterus and large vessels of the fetus, dopplerometry is performed. A good blood supply to the fetus is especially important now.

Another test is a vaginal swab. In pregnant women, microflora disorders often occur, as a result of which pathogenic microbes develop. Sometimes this does not give any symptoms - for example, with streptococcus. This microbe is very dangerous for a newborn with its weak immunity.

During the visit to the doctor, the usual measurements are waiting for you: height of the uterus, weight, blood pressure.

Photos tummies


[sc: rsa]

  1. Even if you really want to, do not deviate from your usual diet.
  2. Watch for regular bowel movements. No chair 24 hours? Dried apricots and prunes will quickly help. If constipation recurs, these dried fruits should be in your diet all the time.
  3. In case of heartburn, cook porridge, “spread”, drink jelly.
  4. Swelling on the hands can be reduced by not leaving the hands in the same position for a long time. You can fight leg swelling and varicose veins with the help of compression socks and contrasting douches.
  5. Even if you often have swelling, don't make yourself thirsty.
  6. With shortness of breath, you do not need to prescribe yourself complete rest. It will only get worse. You need to move, only a little and with breaks. This will help your lungs and your heart to do their job.
  7. Stay in maximum comfort at night. Sleeping positions: half-sitting or on the side. Pillows are recommended under the belly, back and between the knees.
  8. Learn breathing exercises (useful during labor). Inhale - a quick exhalation through the lips with a tube, as if blowing out a candle.
  9. Pregnancy gymnastics and Kegel exercises will help you stay active and strengthen important muscles.
  10. The frequent urge to urinate will simply take some getting used to. This will only go away after childbirth.
  11. Train yourself to sit up straight. Do not cross your legs, this will obstruct blood circulation.
  12. Regularly lubricate the skin of the abdomen, buttocks, breasts and thighs with special creams for stretch marks (top 10 creams for pregnant women). Instead of a cosmetic product, you can use good olive oil.
  13. Get a doctor's advice about possible pain relief during labor (if planning).
  14. Decide with the child's father, whether he is ready and willing to attend the birth.
  15. When you leave the house, you should have all your documents in your bag - a medical certificate, passport and exchange card.
  16. Talk with your baby about everything that is happening around, train to your voice.
  17. If you haven't chosen a name yet, maybe it's time.
  18. Late sex can cause premature birth. Consult your doctor regarding the continuation of your intimate life.

← Week 34 Week 36 →

Very soon, you will give your baby life. Another important gift should be your health, well-being and always good mood.

Watch the video: 35 Weeks Pregnant: Know Your Babys Position at 35 Week Pregnancy (July 2024).