Good to know

What dances to give the girl to

For your daughter to grow up healthy and active, she needs a little physical activity. And if the child is flexible and mobile, loves music, then dancing will be no less effective training for successful development. How is dancing useful for a growing princess? At what age should you teach your first dance moves? Where to give the girl: for ballroom or oriental dances? A lot of questions bother mothers who decided to introduce the baby to this beautiful art form.

What is the use of dancing for girls?

Of course, in the future, the baby does not have to become a soloist of a dance group known to the whole world, or a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. But choreography will be of great benefit to the child, since dancing:

  • for a long time they form the correct posture, which in the future will withstand high school loads and sitting at the computer;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • help develop flexibility and plasticity, strengthen muscles;
  • form beautiful proportions of a girl's body, relieve excess weight;
  • develop artistry, ear for music, coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm;
  • contribute to easy childbirth in the future due to the active work of the pelvic organs;
  • practically do not cause injuries, which cannot be said about other sports: gymnastics, wrestling, etc .;
  • help to reveal other abilities in girls, because they are liberated and become more confident.

When to send a girl to dance?

The age of a child's introduction to the first dance steps largely depends on a variety of factors: the baby's health, her desires, your plans for the future. It should also be borne in mind that each style is characterized by certain movements that require special skills from the little dancer. So, Latin American dances preach sensuality and even sexuality that an eight-year-old girl cannot give. But Irish dance, due to the complexity of the movements, will not suit a five-year-old child.

Although many dance studios accept children from two to three years old, experts say that the crumbs at this age are still too clumsy, it is difficult for them to coordinate movements, and they often do not understand the instructions of the teachers. A five-year-old still confuses left and right sides, but the age of seven is the ideal time to introduce girls to many dance styles. But do not wait for the moment of entering school - send the baby to rhythm, gymnastics and other developmental circles that will prepare the child's body for systematic dancing.

7 qualities of a good dance school

Choosing a good dance school can be tricky, especially if you don't know much about the dance itself. Start by listing all the dance clubs in your area, then go through the list to decide which one is perfect for your child. Below is a list of the criteria for a good dance school.

  1. Highly qualified teachers.Choosing the right teacher will ensure your child's future athletic success. The best teachers are practicing dancers qualified as teacher instructors. Make sure that the choreographer has a certificate, diplomas, and awards for various dance competitions or professional skill contests. A good instructor, in addition to specialized education, has work experience and knows the psychology of dance.
  2. Safe cover.Some dance styles put a heavy strain on joints and bones, especially ballet with its constant jumping. Professional flooring consists of many layers required for shock absorption, sound absorption and thermal insulation. Never enroll your child in a dance class with a concrete floor.
  3. A small number of students.The fewer children attend the dance group, the more attention your child will receive from the teacher. And for the choreographer himself, it is much easier to control 10-15 little dancers than a whole horde of naughty children. Be sure to check with the instructor for the number of children in the group or attend one of the open classes.
  4. Necessary equipment.A comfortable studio environment is an important factor for successful learning. The dance hall must be spacious and well-ventilated, with wall-to-wall mirrors. The child must have his own changing room, free access to toilet and shower.
  5. Flexible payment system.Be sure to check the cost of tuition and the availability of other fees, which include the purchase of suits, payment of travel costs, etc. Find out when to pay, if money is refunded for classes missed due to illness. Finally, ask if your child will be refunded if your child refuses to go to school for any reason after several visits. By the way, get ready for the inevitable costs of shoes, dresses, cosmetics and various contests.
  6. Convenient location.The studio should be located in a safe and not very remote area. The ideal option is a dance school near your place of residence. Own parking will make life much easier for parents who are forced to deliver their child by car from other parts of the city.
  7. Realistic expectations.A high-quality dance studio will not offer services that are not suitable for your child for age or medical reasons. Experienced choreographers will not enroll a four-year-old baby in a group for ballet or tap dancing.

Choosing a dance direction

Some little girls dream of becoming a famous ballerina, while others want to practice modern dances, others have not yet figured out their own preferences. To make the final decision, choreographers conduct special lessons in which parents and children themselves understand which dance direction is better to choose.

  • Ballet. Serves as the basis for other dance styles. Forms grace, physical flexibility and grace in girls, but do not forget about great physical activity. The best age to start classes is 6-7 years.
  • Jazz. An interesting dance style that relies heavily on originality and improvisation. The dance uses bold, dramatic movements, mixing different directions. The beginning of training is seven years.
  • Tap dance. A fascinating dance based on the rhythmic work of the feet, shod in special boots with metal heels. A six-year-old baby is already able to learn the necessary movements.
  • Hip-hop. Improvisation and personal interpretation are essential for such dances. No sentimentality - just energy and self-confidence. Suitable for a little 5 year old rebel.
  • Contemporary dances. This dance style rejects the strict rules of classical ballet, emphasizing individuality and self-expression. These include break dance, tectonics, popping, modern, etc. Only for children from ten years old.
  • Belly dance. A dance style that is very beneficial for women's health, characterized by sharp movements of the hips and abdomen. You can register a girl from the age of three.
  • Latin dances. Dynamic, sensual couple dances (samba, rumba, cha-cha-cha, etc.) require certain skills to express emotions and are suitable for older girls.
  • Ballroom dancing. The most popular direction, which includes waltz, tango, foxtrot, will teach five-year-old babies gracefulness, the ability to "serve" themselves and good taste.
  • Folk dances. They differ from others in that they are not composed by choreographers, but by different communities or groups. There are several types of folk dances, including square dance, gypsy dance, Irish and English dance, polka, and many others. Children are taught from 5-7 years old, depending on the direction and complexity.

The most fashionable dance styles of our days

Dance lessons will teach your daughter confidence, self-discipline, and grace. A child who learns to dance at an early age will retain a love for art and a passion for movement and an active lifestyle for life. And most importantly, dancing is a great pleasure for children and adults.

Little girl dancing in the lesson 🙂

Girl blew up the internet

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Watch the video: How to Make a Girl Dance (June 2024).