
40 weeks pregnant

The expected due date is the end of this week. The state of the expectant mother at the 40th week can be described in one word - "waiting." The baby, whose weight is about 3.5 kg and is 48–51 cm tall, has long been ready for birth. It remains to wait for the moment when he will make mom and dad happy with his appearance.

How many months is it?

Your pregnancy has reached the 40 week mark, which means that 38 weeks have passed since the conception of the child, that is, nine and a half months (about the timing and calculation rules).

How the fetus develops

If you are already in the fortieth obstetric week of pregnancy, then your baby is in no hurry to be born. However, all of its organs are already developed and ready for full functioning. Now the baby is only slightly gaining weight and stretching in length.

Internal changes

Reflexes have already developed, especially sucking, as you can see immediately after the birth of the baby. The baby is already able to evaluate pictures, as he distinguishes volumes, colors and is sensitive to brightness and contrast. He is also able to focus his gaze on a point located at a distance of 20 - 30 cm, that is, when feeding, he will see his mother's face.

All systems and important organs are fully formed. They are already ready to carry out their tasks outside the womb. For example, the intestines are filled with feces, so the child will empty itself on the first or next day after birth. And the respiratory organs already allow you to take breaths.

External changes in the fetus

An infant cannot be distinguished from a newborn. His skin has a pleasant light pink hue, and the original lubricant can only be found in the deep folds of his skin. So nature protected the delicate baby skin from unwanted chafing. And if the skin on the body of the crumbs is almost devoid of vellus hair, then a decent head of hair can grow on its head.

Since the genitourinary system is formed, the testicles of male infants should already descend into the scrotum. The bones of the skull have not yet grown together. This will allow the baby's head to take a comfortable shape when passing through the birth canal. The bones will heal within a few days after giving birth.

A pregnant woman should take into account that the baby no longer has enough room for numerous somersaults and coups, so he is quiet. This allows him to accumulate the strength that he will need during childbirth. After all, not only the mother, but also the child takes an active part in the birth process.

Of course, every mother noticed in the previous weeks that her child behaves much calmer in the stomach. However, she begins to worry when he doesn't show himself. To exclude unnecessary worries, count the number of baby jerks during the day. There must be at least ten of them.


The successful passage of the child through the birth canal depends on the position of the fetus. The longitudinal position with a cephalic presentation is correct. This is how most babies are located in the mother's tummy before childbirth. The baby's body is grouped, the arms and legs are tightly pressed against the body, and the head is at the exit from the uterus.

However, there are also those children who do not want to turn their heads down or even prefer to sit across the mother's belly. In such cases, doctors prescribe a Caesarean section. But if the baby, who is in breech presentation, weighs a little, then doctors can also allow natural childbirth. There are times when babies turn over right during childbirth or shortly before it starts.

How is the 40th week of pregnancy for mom

Condition of the uterus

The uterus is an organ that actively participates in the generic process, therefore a number of changes take place in it. It is located at a distance of approximately 16-20 cm from the navel and 36-40 cm from the pubic articulation. The most important part of preparing for the baby to pass comfortably through the birth canal is that the cervix becomes shorter and softer and the cervical canal opens up. When labor begins, it will expand to the required size.

Uterine contractions are becoming more frequent. This is due to hormones produced in the female body. They will also be responsible for childbirth and milk production after the baby is born. The bottom of the uterus descends more and more, and the baby's head is pressed more and more tightly to the entrance to the small pelvis. Accordingly, the bones and muscles of the pelvis gradually soften, and the ligaments are stretched.

How to know when labor is approaching

The fact that you will soon become a mother can be recognized by several signs - harbingers of childbirth:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions

These are uterine contractions, very similar to the contractions you experienced during your period. These contractions are also called "mock" or "practice" contractions. Of course, they cause inconvenience and often deprive you of full sleep, but they are necessary to "train" the uterus before childbirth. For some, false contractions last several weeks, while for others they begin one or two days before childbirth.

Many pregnant women are wary of confusing Braxton Hicks contractions with real ones. Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers to know that true labor pains are longer and stronger. The training contractions when walking stop. If contractions occur at increasingly shorter time intervals, and their intensity and pain sensations increase, this means that labor has begun. (About false contractions video at the end of the article)

  • Discharge of the mucous plug

During pregnancy, the mucous plug, located at the entrance to the cervix, protected your baby from various infections and external influences. Now this substance, which is a yellowish, pinkish or white mucous lump with streaks of blood, should "open" the entrance to the uterus, freeing the way for the baby. The mucous plug may come out right before childbirth, or it may begin to come out two or one week before.

  • Isolation of amniotic fluid

This is one of the main signals about the beginning of the birth process. When amniotic fluid comes out in a stream, it is difficult to confuse it with something else. But when the water flows out in small portions, you can confuse them with regular urine, since some mothers at 40 weeks of age suffer from urinary incontinence due to the pressure of the uterus that has increased several times.

Check if necessary. Amniotic fluid should be odorless and colorless, that is, should be transparent. If you realize that your water is running out, immediately go to the hospital. The baby is about to be born. If the liquid has a greenish tint, you also need to see a doctor, because this may be a sign of infection of the fetus.

  • Lowered belly

As the baby sinks to the pelvic floor, the belly sinks with it. There are also positive aspects to this. Now the tummy puts much less pressure on the lungs and stomach, which allows you to breathe and eat more easily.

  • Reducing weight

Typically, a woman in her fortieth week of pregnancy stops gaining or shedding weight. Preparing for childbirth, the body of the expectant mother gets rid of excess fluid. This can make you go to the bathroom more often. In this case, you may be disturbed not only by the frequent urge to urinate, but also by diarrhea.

  • Isolation of colostrum

On the first day after birth, your baby will be fed colostrum, a liquid with a high protein content. However, this secret begins to be produced by the mammary glands even before childbirth. Colostrum can leave wet marks on clothing, which can be avoided by using special pads available from pharmacies.

While the first labor can take up to 18 hours, the second labor usually lasts no more than 11 hours. In the latter case, the opening of the cervix is ​​faster, but childbirth takes place individually for each woman.

Pain typical of the 40th week

At this time, a pregnant woman feels awkward because of the huge size of the abdomen. And she is also worried about various pains:

  • painful sensations from training contractions, a feeling of "pulling down" and stony abdomen;
  • back pain, which is mainly concentrated in the lumbar region;
  • discomfort in the perineum, periodically turning into pain, arising from the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic floor;
  • pain in the sacrum, appearing when the femoral nerve is pinched;
  • numbness of the limbs due to impaired blood circulation;
  • constipation, with an advanced form of which hemorrhoids may occur;
  • irritation of severely stretched skin on the abdomen;
  • exacerbation of diseases to which the expectant mother is prone.

At the age of 40, it is already difficult for the expectant mother to move even for short distances, and her legs often become numb by the end of the day. For most women in the position, restless sleep, sudden mood swings, suspiciousness and bouts of irritability that arise over trifles are characteristic.

Discharge from the genital tract

It's important to keep track of your discharge this week. If you have light discharge that changes slightly throughout the entire period and does not have a pungent unpleasant odor, there is no reason to worry. The output of mucus with red or brownish streaks is also considered the norm. This is a mucous plug, the discharge of which is one of the harbingers of childbirth.

As mentioned above, your amniotic fluid may begin to drain. The amniotic fluid is transparent and very liquid in consistency. Their appearance means that it is time for you to go to the maternity hospital. If the watery discharge has acquired a yellow or greenish tint, seek immediate medical attention.

If you suddenly notice a bright red discharge on your panties, call an ambulance or contact your doctor immediately. Traces of blood that appear on the linen indicate placental abruption. And this is a direct threat to your baby's life.

What the expectant mother should know about the 40th week of pregnancy

At this time, the doctor will advise you on planned hospitalization, since the fortieth obstetric week ends with the expected date of birth. There is a tendency for the child to be overmatched, which means that the aging placenta may not provide adequate nutrition for the fetus. And in the hospital, it is much easier for medical staff to monitor the degree of maturity of the placenta, your health and the condition of the fetus.

Risks at obstetric week 40

During this period, every woman in a position may "lie in wait" for certain dangers:

  • the possibility of placental abruption;
  • preeclampsia is a disease characterized by high blood pressure and a high value of protein in the urine, and which, if untreated, can turn into a more dangerous condition - eclampsia, which threatens the health of the mother and baby;
  • lack of oxygen (fetal hypoxia);
  • aging of the placenta, which can no longer fully support the child's life;
  • infectious diseases.

A pregnant woman should be attentive to any significant changes in her well-being, because they can serve as signs of a threat to her and the baby. At the same time, you shouldn't worry too much at every slightest ailment.

You need to see a doctor immediately if:

  • increased pressure;
  • dizziness, severe headache, “flies” before the eyes appeared;
  • the child is "silent" for half a day;
  • swelling of the face and limbs suddenly appeared;
  • the water departed;
  • you found blood on your panties;
  • there were regular and prolonged contractions;
  • vision suddenly became cloudy.

Intimate life

Yes, during this period, many couples lead an active sex life. And there is nothing wrong with that, if the doctor has not forbidden intimate relationships. Find positions that don't put pressure on your stomach. Sometimes the doctor may even recommend that you have sex with your partner, because due to the presence of prostaglandins, the male sperm softens the cervix, and the orgasm experienced by the woman increases the tone of the uterus, which leads to the stimulation of labor.

However, it is worth suspending intimate life if the partner is infected. A contraindication is the passage of the plug, which no longer protects the uterus from possible infections. In any case, act in accordance with your doctor's instructions.

What examinations need to be done

As usual, you will be expected at the antenatal clinic. There they will check the general urine test submitted earlier, measure blood pressure, size of the abdomen, check the limbs for edema by palpation, and determine your body weight. The midwife will measure the height of the fundus and listen to your baby's heart beating. This is the minimum of actions required to control the condition of a pregnant woman.

A cardiotocography (CTG) procedure will help check your child's heart function. With the help of CTG, the doctor learns about the heart rate, fetal movements and the state of the uterus. If necessary, you can have CTG on a daily basis. This is an important examination that helps to exclude deviations in the development of the child.

An ultrasound scan at obstetric week 40 is not uncommon. Particular attention in this examination is paid to the state of the placenta, otherwise you can miss the moment of onset of its dysfunction, which threatens with hypoxia. In addition, ultrasound will help once again clarify the size of the fetus, the possibility of being entwined with the umbilical cord, the state of the amniotic fluid and the position that the baby took in the mother's tummy.

What to do in week 40

[sc: rsa]

  1. Do not miss scheduled visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist. At this time, it is very important to control the condition of the fetus, even if you are feeling great.
  2. Once again, revise the package that you will take with you to the hospital, check if there are enough baby things there. Make sure that all the necessary documents, including the exchange card, are ready, carry them with you. Remember that labor can start at a party or even at the store.
  3. Remember to moisturize your belly, chest and thighs to help prevent stretch marks. Use special creams or vegetable oils such as wheat germ oil.
  4. Take time to rest. Explain to your family that some things can wait, but you will soon need strength. While resting, do what brings you only positive emotions. A great solution is to remember your abandoned hobby.
  5. Control your diet. The food should be light and provide enough energy. Divide your meal into 5 to 6 meals a day. Sweet, starchy foods, too fatty and fried are allowed only in small quantities. On "feed" your baby, otherwise it will be difficult for you to give birth.
  6. Focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy-free cereals and dairy products. This will help prevent constipation. Do not overuse salt, as it retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling. Drink clean water, green tea, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes.
  7. While you need support yourself, pay attention to your loved ones. Husbands find it difficult to sense the reality of what is happening, and children can suffer from a lack of your attention.
  8. If you, like most women in this period, have a feeling of "nesting", do not too laborious tasks. You can go through children's things for the fifth time and rearrange small objects in the children's room.
  9. Distribute family responsibilities. While you are lying with the baby in the hospital, the husband can prepare the apartment for your arrival. Children can also provide all possible help.
  10. Read literature on childbirth.This will not only help you be prepared when breeding your baby, but it will also make you feel more relaxed during the process.
  11. A pregnant woman is afraid of thoughts about the future and a natural fear of childbirth. Friends and relatives who are constantly wondering when you will finally give birth can contribute to a bad mood. Therefore, communicate with those loved ones who understand you and provide support. Channel your thoughts in a positive direction. Remember that you still have to give birth, and anxiety and insomnia are bad helpers in this matter.

What to do if labor doesn't start

The constant companion of a woman who is pregnant at the 40th week is the fear of “overmaturity” of the fetus. Therefore, many begin to think about how to induce or accelerate labor. But if you are under the supervision of a doctor, do not worry too much. Doctors themselves recommend starting the process of labor arousal closer to next week. Pregnancy is considered to last 40 obstetric weeks.

The length of pregnancy depends on the date of ovulation, cycle length, and other factors. In addition, the date of birth set by the doctor is only approximate, as the egg could be fertilized several days later than the expected date of conception. Also, the expectant mother could confuse the date of the last menstruation. Therefore, the birth of a child between 38 and 42 weeks is considered the norm.

There are various methods of labor induction:

  • medical: the introduction of medications (mefipristone, prostaglandins, etc.), mechanical, planned amniotomy (opening the amniotic fluid);
  • methods used at home: active sex life, nipple stimulation, the use of herbal and laxatives.

Any of the methods of labor induction can be used only after the permission of the doctor and in accordance with the instructions provided by him!

In the fortieth week, you may be prescribed stimulation of labor for certain indications, for example, with polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies. Labor induction is also performed in a situation where the waters have already departed, and the contractions do not begin. The doctor takes into account possible contraindications to this procedure, such as some chronic diseases in the mother, diabetes mellitus and others.

Very soon you will become a mother of a daughter or son. In the meantime, do not rush things and enjoy the last free days, because after giving birth you will not have much free time.

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Video guide: 40 weeks pregnant planned hospitalization, how to induce contractions, how to speed up labor

Childbirth. The beginning of a new life

Contractions are false and real, how they differ and how to distinguish

Watch the video: 40 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby is Now Ready For Delivery (July 2024).