Good to know

Slow child: reasons and advice for parents of slow children

"Come on as soon as possible, otherwise we'll be late for the kindergarten again!" - begs the mother, and the baby continues to hesitate. This problem is familiar to many adults. Someone forces children to finish breakfast or dressing, urging them on with hurtful words and even cuffs. Others redo everything themselves, leaving the mess alone. How to help a slow child and an irritated mom?

To find the right approach to the solution, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this slowness. And they are not always on the surface. The problem is most often noticed by parents in preschool childhood, although the first signs can be traced already in infancy.

Such a feature can cause lag in learning and skills formation, low concentration and absent-mindedness, a sense of guilt due to regular remarks and, as a result, neuroses. Therefore, the identification of the source of sluggishness should be entrusted to a neurologist, psychologist or pediatrician.

Where does slowness come from?

  • Sometimes this happens against the background of a long illness. After the restoration and increase of immunity, the pace of the child's activity is restored.
  • It can arise due to organic brain pathology resulting from an unfavorable pregnancy, difficult childbirth or the birth of a premature baby.
  • Often, excessive "lethargy" is just a period of normal development. In the early years (from 1.5 to 3 years), children are characterized by imperfection of fine motor skills. Their fingers do not cope with buttoning, tying laces.
  • Retraining left-handers to right-handers is also on the list of factors contributing to the slowing down of mental processes.
  • The phlegmatic is a classic example of kopushi. He does not tolerate haste, is reasonable and thorough. Dislikes innovations, chooses proven and familiar techniques. Waking up and getting ready is a real challenge for adults.
  • A decrease in general activity is often associated with a stressful situation - moving, divorce, moving to a new educational institution, domestic conflicts. The child's psyche simply cannot cope with the increased load.
  • Slowness is another form of manipulation of adults in a family with an authoritarian type of upbringing, strict requirements, severe punishments and continuous control. In this way, the child secretly protests against numerous assignments and orders.

Tips for Parents of Slow Children

So, to change the situation for the better, in some cases, it is enough to improve relations between household members, wait until he grows up, or conduct vitamin therapy to promote a speedy recovery. Now let's discuss what to do if the baby is unhurried by nature, and this is in no way connected with upbringing in a family.

What do we have to do?

  1. Get an hourglass that shows how time passes. Invite the child to dress or eat until the sand runs out. With the help of such a device, he will independently learn to monitor the speed of his actions and will try to finish all things as quickly as possible.
  2. Sometimes a son or daughter falls into a stupor due to the difficulty of switching to other activities. Give them some time to get ready: "Play with the construction set for another five minutes, and then we'll have dinner and brush our teeth." The warning will prepare them for the next assignment.
  3. Most children feel calmer if they have a clear daily routine. Preschoolers who can't read can find it helpful to have a graph with photographs that show the sequence of actions: washing, getting dressed, having breakfast, etc. This way you can significantly reduce the number of reminders, and the child will feel more confident.
  4. Develop the mobility of the nervous system through daily work. This can be jogging, finger gymnastics, cycling, rope exercises. To heighten the effect, switch from a slow rhythm to a fast one.
  5. Pay special attention to the adaptation stages in educational institutions, because these children have a fear of the unknown. Be sure to tell the teachers about the psychological qualities of the future pupil.
  6. Planning is one of the best methods of dealing with crumbs' sluggishness and irritation. If a student’s morning toilet takes, it seems, half the day, prepare his clothes in the evening and make sure that his backpack is packed and waiting for the owner at the door. Reduce the chaos and your emotional state will bounce back as well.
  7. Set clear time limits for your student for a specific activity. For example: "Dima, you have 20 minutes to have lunch." After 15 minutes, gently remind you that the meal will be over soon.
  8. If a child has difficulties for school, not having time to master the educational material, you should help him at home. Disassemble and repeat everything that he goes through in the classroom. Better yet, go ahead a few topics to keep up with the teacher's thoughts.
  9. Provide gentle support and genuine interest to slow-moving children. They are very often unsure of their own skills and abilities, and also feel guilty about their slowness.

What cannot be done?

  1. Don't use offensive nicknames. The phrases "kopusha", "gimmick", "send for death" hurt your child. Treat him as if he is already doing almost everything on time (or, at least, trying).
  2. Never compare slow toddlers to their more active peers. Draw an analogy with their past results: "Now you eat much faster!"
  3. Refrain from participating in competitive games. Believe me, this will not bring a crumb of luck, because he painfully experiences any failure.
  4. Firmly understand that slowness is not a fault, but a peculiarity of a little man, so shouts, and even more cuffs, will not speed up his actions.

However, don't think that a leisurely child will grow up to be a failure. Remember age compensation and that it is in your power to help him adapt to the frantic rhythm of the world around him. And psychologists say that it is from phlegmatic crumbs that calm and purposeful people are most often obtained.

Why are some children slow?

Watch the video: Tips to Teach and Improve Slow Learners. LOGIC ROOTS (July 2024).