For fathers

What to play for dad and baby

Mom always spends more time with the baby. And this is understandable, because dad is at work. But after a hard day, you must definitely take time for your child. Sometimes fathers don't know what to do with a baby. While the baby is still quite small, it will be enough to ring a rattle, build funny faces and play peek-a-boo. But as the child grows up, the choice becomes more and more.

  • stroll... It is a great pastime. Dad will rest after work, and the child will get some fresh air. You can ride a swing, play in the sandbox.
  • Bicycle or rollers... If you are an active person, go rollerblading or cycling with your child. And if your child does not know how to do it yet, it's time to master it. Dads are the best teachers.
  • Old toys... Children are very fond of fixing old things. And this applies not only to boys. Try to subdue a broken car or doll together. Do something useful and your child will be happy.
  • Fishing... It's a classic. The kid will be just happy if he participates in such an interesting process. Teach him to throw a fishing rod, put a worm on a hook.
  • Silent hunt... Go mushroom picking together. Teach your child to look for mushrooms, to determine where are good and where are poisonous.
  • Games... Play familiar games with your baby. You can remember the old forgotten games that you played when you were young - edible, inedible, the sea is agitated. Or come up with any new ones - for example, with a ball.
  • Crafts. Do the craft together. It can be made from cardboard, colored paper, buttons and threads, natural material. The main thing is to make it interesting.
  • Dinner... Prepare dinner. This is a very exciting activity, you can come up with new original dishes. Not only will your child be pleased, but also mom.
  • Bathing... An excellent activity for dad is to bathe in the evening. You can pamper yourself, play water games, show tricks with soap bubbles.
  • Reading... Read a book to your child before bed. Let it become a good tradition - an evening fairy tale for a baby that dad reads (by the way, here is an article for you about the influence of fairy tales on a child's development).

The main thing is to find an activity that will appeal to both you and your child. And then you won't be bored together 🙂

Watch the video: Baby Reacts to Dad Shaving Beard Compilation (July 2024).