Things for baby

How to choose a crib for twins

The birth of twins is, in addition to double joy, also double chores, worries and questions. One of these questions concerns the choice of a crib for twins or two separate cots. If you have not yet decided what will be better for the kids and you, then we will try to help you understand this issue.

Crib options

1. One bed for two

Parents must immediately decide whether their children will sleep separately from each other from the first days of life, or they can postpone the separation, because for the first three to four months babies can sleep peacefully in the same bed, they will not interfere with each other.

Quite common models are wide beds, the space in which is divided by a special roller. Such cradles are not recommended for families who live in small apartments. Wide beds take up a lot of space.

2. Cradle

Another cozy option for twins is a cradle. They take up little space and can be rearranged almost anywhere. Newborn babies will feel more familiar and comfortable in confined spaces rather than spacious beds. There are also options for double cradles.

3. Classic version

Two freestanding beds or one double bed remain the most versatile solution from the first days of life. After all, after three or four months, children will still need two separate sleeping places.

Will it be a double bed or two separate beds - the question is purely individual.

You can always move two beds, but you can't make two out of one double bed.

However, if twin beds exist, then they have advantages:

  • One double bed is cheaper than two separate beds;
  • The double bed takes up less space;
  • Children calm down faster, because feel each other;
  • If there is a swing mechanism, it is easier for mom to simultaneously prepare two children for sleep;
  • Psychologically, parents are confident that sleeping in the same bed helps to form stronger bonds between children.


  • Many everyday situations force parents to remove their children from each other at a certain distance, or even in different rooms: illness of one of the children, mismatch of the daily routine, etc.
  • Children in twin beds cannot be approached from all sides;
  • If at night one kid is capricious, then this will wake up the other;
  • Such a piece of furniture will subsequently be more difficult to transfer or sell to someone.

4. Playpen bed for twins

On these models, carrycots for children are installed at an adjustable height. The basis of the cots is a playpen. When the kids grow up, the cradles are removed. Matured children will need to purchase separate cots, and the playpen can be used for its intended purpose.

Numerous polls of experienced mothers show that this option has much more disadvantages than advantages.

  • In the arena, the child does not have enough space, because most often they are shorter than standard cots.
  • In almost all models, the bottom is not adjustable, which is close to the floor. And this has at least two obvious disadvantages: it is not convenient for the mother to reach and put the children; in winter, being close to the floor is frightening, as it can be very cold and drafts.
  • The playground divider breaks down very easily, and the kids will be able to remove it very quickly, after which they will still be together.
  • Psychological point: children should know where to play and where to sleep. If the child plays in the same place where his mother puts him to bed, then very soon he will get confused. Do not deprive your little ones of the sleep preparation ritual.

But it is worth saying a few words in defense of arenas: they are very convenient for visiting, as they fold up and take up very little space.

Criterias of choice

When choosing any of the options, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Safety and environmental friendliness

The bed should not have sharp corners and protruding decorative details. Only smooth rounded lines, reliable connections, accessories are hidden as much as possible. Plugs, small decorative elements and other accessories that can be removed, swallowed, shoved into the nose are not allowed in children's furniture.

The surface of the wooden crib should be smoothly sanded and opened with a safe varnish. It is necessary not only to look at the certificates for the products, but also to iron the crib, thus checking for roughness. Feel free to smell it - there should be no technical smell. After all, your children will have to breathe this crib, as well as lick, gnaw and bite.

Wood and MDF - the most popular because of their environmental friendliness.

Materials such as chipboard, fiberboard and plywood in the first children's bed are undesirable, since phenols, formaldehydes and other toxic substances are used in their production, which irritate the mucous membranes, respiratory organs and the central nervous system. If the choice still fell on furniture with chipboard elements, then be sure to pay attention that all edges are tightly covered with an edge.

Plastic, metal - the most unpopular materials, although there are beds made from them. There are a lot of questions about environmental friendliness to plastic, and metal, for all its safety, is not pleasant because of its heat-conducting functions. Therefore, such options are considered as forced.

Speaking about environmental friendliness and the absence of harmful substances, take into account the quality factor. A budget wooden bed covered in cheap toxic lacquer has the potential to do more harm than a plastic bed from a reliable manufacturer. When buying, you should definitely require a quality certificate.

  • Functionality and practicality

Here we include all additional options - boxes for linen, the ability to transform into an adult bed, motion sickness mechanisms, wheels, a two-level bottom, removable slats.

Wheels will definitely make your life easier: daily wet cleaning, moving a sleeping child around the apartment.

Two-tier bottom also good, but only at the beginning: it is more convenient to put a newborn baby on a higher level, you do not have to bend so low. When the child becomes more active, the bottom will have to be lowered, i.e. We will lay a 4-kilogram child in a position more comfortable for ourselves than a 10-kilogram one. The advantage is very conditional.

Removable rods are offered so that the child can climb in and out of the crib on its own, but ideally few children do this.

Linen boxes this is fine in theory, but consider if you want an extra dust collector next to the crib.

Tips for parents

Peaceful sleep of children is the dream of all moms and dads. Not all parents manage to lay their twins. Sometimes babies cry, wake each other up, one crumb can prevent the other from falling asleep. If you encounter this problem, then use the tips below.

  1. If you bought a cradle for twins, then the children should be put in it every day at the same time. However, they should be a little sleepy. Gradually, babies will get used to a certain schedule of wakefulness and sleep, they will easily fall asleep at a set time.
  2. Twins can be swaddled for the first 2-3 weeks. This process has a calming effect on children. For some babies, it helps them fall asleep. However, there are also some children who do not like being swaddled. If the child is capricious, then the parents should refuse it.
  3. Moms and dads should come up with a bedtime ritual. For example, children can be bathed in warm water, and then put in a cradle for twins and tell a story or sing a song. This will help the little ones get ready for bed. If moms and dads do these daily activities, children will soon learn to understand the signal that it is time to sleep.
  4. One child can be calm, and the other - whiny. Parents should first pay attention to the kid who is capricious. There is no need to be afraid that one child with his screams will wake up another baby who is sleeping in the same crib. As a rule, newborns do not wake up because of the crying of their sisters or brothers.
  5. If one child wakes up because he wants to eat, then the second baby will have to be woken up. Both children should be fed at the same time. It's not that easy, because mom will need time and patience. It is recommended to purchase a special pillow for feeding twins, which will greatly facilitate the process.


  • caring for newborn twins - the main tips for a young mother
  • how to choose a stroller for twins
  • how to put a child to sleep without tears and whims

Watch the video: Twin Escapes From His Crib - OFFICIAL VIDEO (July 2024).