
"Cyston" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Pregnant women are more susceptible to infections and inflammatory diseases, so they often develop cystitis and other urinary tract infections. For treatment, herbal remedies can be used, which include "Cyston". This drug is prescribed for both infectious lesions and urinary stones.

Features of the drug

Cyston is available in the form of tablets, which have a light brown color and a round convex shape. They are sold over the counter in 100 pieces in a plastic bottle.

The tool belongs to phytopreparations, since its active substances are represented by extracts from many medicinal herbs - vernonia, pavonia, satiety, madder, saxifrage, horsetail, onosma, bicarp, basil, strawflower and others.

In addition, two powders are added to the tablets - lime silicate and mummy.

Operating principle

Cyston has a diuretic effect, since the herbal extracts included in this drug are able to stimulate the excretion of urine and relax the smooth muscles of the urinary tract. Besides, they prevent the appearance of stones in the organs of the excretory system, reduce the activity of inflammation and have some antimicrobial effects (especially on gram-negative bacteria). In case of an infectious lesion, Cyston components inhibit microbial cells and stimulate diuresis, as a result of which harmful bacteria are quickly excreted in the urine.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The waiting period for the child is not included in the list of contraindications for the use of Cyston, but this does not mean that such pills can be taken uncontrollably at will.

Taking this drug during pregnancy must always be agreed with your doctor, despite the fact that these pills are an over-the-counter drug.

They are often chosen while carrying a baby, because they have a plant base and a fairly wide range of effects on the excretory system, and there is no harmful effect on the fetus.

If indicated, such a medication can be used both in 2-3 trimesters and in the early stages. It is most often prescribed in the second half of pregnancy, when edema, kidney and bladder infections are common.

Treatment is certainly monitored by a doctor, because if the dosage or dosage regimen is violated, mineral imbalance and dehydration may develop, which will adversely affect blood flow in the placenta.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

There are several reasons why "Cyston" will be useful for a woman in position.

  • If the expectant mother is diagnosed with an infection of the excretory systemeg pyelonephritis or cystitis. In such diseases, Cyston is often prescribed in addition to antibiotics that are safe for the fetus in order to comprehensively address the problem and prevent the development of a chronic process.
  • If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with urolithiasis or there is a high risk of developing it (crystals in the urine). The drug is prescribed for calculi up to 10 mm in size, as well as when sand is found in the urinary tract.
  • If a woman suffers from edema. This problem is very common in pregnant women, and "Cyston" gently affects the urinary tract, relieves spasms, normalizes urination, which improves overall health.
  • If the expectant mother has gout... Cyston is included in the treatment of this disease to prevent uric acid deposition and stimulate metabolism.


Reception of "Cyston" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the tablets. In such a situation, the doctor selects an analogue to which the patient will not have a negative reaction. Other contraindications for these tablets are not noted in the instructions for the drug.

There is only a note that in case of acute pain, the use of "Cyston" is impractical, since the action of the drug manifests itself slowly, therefore, in the case of severe symptoms, it is better to choose another therapy.

If a woman has stones in the kidneys, and their size is more than 10 mm, pills are also not prescribed, since they can provoke the movement of stones, which blocks the ureters.

Side effects

Since the action of Cyston is determined by extracts from plants, there is always a risk of developing an allergic reaction to the tablets.

If the expectant mother has a tendency to allergies, treatment with this remedy requires increased caution, and if allergic symptoms (redness, rashes, itching, etc.) occur, the medication should be immediately abandoned.

Instructions for use

Treatment with Cyston begins with a complete examination of the patient, during which the optimal dosage is selected. The mode of taking the pills depends on the indications, the condition of the woman, the response to therapy and many other factors. Most often, the drug is drunk twice a day, 2 tablets with water.

The duration of treatment is set individually, but in many cases the remedy is taken for at least 2 months.


There are a lot of good reviews from doctors and women themselves about the use of Cyston during the period of childbearing. The drug is considered safe, praised for its natural basis.

Expectant mothers note that its use helped to eliminate the symptoms of cystitis, reduce edema, reduce blood pressure, dissolve small stones in the kidneys and bladder.

The disadvantages of the funds include only the need for a fairly long reception.


If it becomes necessary to use another drug with similar properties instead of Cyston, a doctor may prescribe these options.

  • "Kanefron N". Such a medication in the form of pills and drops is allowed during the entire period of gestation. Like Cyston, it contains natural herbal ingredients and is well tolerated. Under its action, diuresis is activated, spasms of smooth muscles are eliminated, pathogenic bacteria are inhibited and the activity of inflammation decreases.
  • Brusniver. This remedy is represented by a medicinal collection, which, in addition to lingonberry leaves, includes wild rose, string and St. John's wort. From such raw materials, infusions and decoctions are prepared, which are recommended to drink with cystitis, as well as with edema. The collection is safe for the fetus, therefore, it is often prescribed for pregnant women, especially in the later stages.
  • Urolesan. This is another herbal remedy, harmless for expectant mothers, based on hop cones, oregano, wild carrots, fir and mint oils. It is represented by drops, syrup and capsules. The drug is prescribed for women in a position at any time, if they have an inflamed bladder, sand in the kidneys, or pyelonephritis has developed.
  • "Monural". This antibacterial agent is often prescribed for cystitis and other infections of the excretory system. These are portioned sachets of granules from which a sweet citrus suspension is made. The medication can be used during pregnancy if there is an indication for this.

The doctor will tell you about the drug in the next video.

Watch the video: What is Urinary Tract Infection UTI. മതരകകടചചൽ. മതരപഴപപ. Cranberry Juice #Urinary (July 2024).