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How to get food in the dairy kitchen in 2016. Required documents and registration procedure

Dairy kitchens, which were in demand during the Soviet era, have not sunk into oblivion, as some believe. In many regions they continue to exist, although their immediate fate is in question. Let's try to figure out what a dairy kitchen is today (2015 - 2016), who is entitled to it and how to exercise the right to receive "baby rations".

What is dairy cuisine?

Concerned about the demographic situation, the state has taken a number of measures in the last decade to provide social support to families with children. The authorities in the regions continued this work. It was expressed in the preservation or revival of milk distribution points, where you can get the products that kids need for free: from milk formulas to juices and fruit purees. They are issued according to a prescription from a doctor supervising the child.

We read on the topic: baby's first feeding - when and where to start

This type of assistance is provided only on the basis of an application from the parents. So if the doctor does not offer to write it, it makes sense to do it on your own initiative, having previously found out what is due and to whom.

Who is eligible to receive free products in the dairy kitchen

The distribution of products in the dairy kitchen is the prerogative of the regional authorities. They are the ones who decide who will be given the opportunity to receive free baby food.

  • almost everywhere, children under one year old who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed have the right to receive free food;
  • in a number of regions, children under the age of two or three have the right to free use of the dairy kitchen, regardless of the type of feeding;
  • children who belong to a large family (up to seven years old);
  • disabled children up to 15 years of age;
  • pregnant women. In this situation, the conclusion on the issuance of milk nutrition is drawn up by the antenatal clinic doctor conducting the pregnancy;
  • lactating women until the newborn reaches six months of age.

It should be borne in mind that in all cases, the right to use the free services of a dairy kitchen may be limited by the family's property status. In many regions, the privilege is provided only to those whose average per capita income is less than the subsistence level in the corresponding region. Another common restriction is the child's place of residence: a referral to a dairy kitchen is issued only to those who have a residence permit in the region receiving benefits.

It is better to request more accurate information on a specific locality from the local authority in charge of social protection issues, or from the clinic at the place of residence.

How to sign up

In order to exercise the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen for free, you need to write an application addressed to the chief doctor of the children's clinic where the child is being observed. Pregnant women write an application addressed to the head physician of the antenatal clinic. The application must be supported by documents confirming the right to receive benefits.

Stages of dairy kitchen design:

  • finding out the fact of the availability of this service in your city. Information is issued by the health department;
  • asking your child's pediatrician for the recipe required in the kitchen. The prescription number is entered on the child's card. The recipe must be taken every month, and up to the 25th;
  • after that, you need to collect the remaining documents and submit them to the food distribution point at the place of residence. You can receive the ordered milk food products within ten days from the date of registration.


  • a child's birth certificate (or a certificate of registration with an antenatal clinic, if the expectant mother applies for a measure of social support);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificate of registration from the place of residence;
  • a copy of the passport of at least one of the parents or legal representatives of the child.

A complete list of documents for registration of dairy cuisine can be viewed and downloaded here –

It is possible that you will also need certificates of parental income for the last three months, documents confirming the child's disability or the status of a large family. It depends on regional laws and on which category of benefits you belong to.

After the application is signed, you will have to take a prescription for a set of products from the doctor every month and take it to 20 - 25 numbers month preceding the month of receiving the benefit to the milk distribution point.

What give

The products dispensed in the dairy kitchen depend on the age of the child. They are different in all regions, their list can change almost every year.

Up to six months, milk and sour milk mixtures are usually issued, and with age, their ratio changes. First, milk mixtures prevail, then fermented milk. After six months, the mixtures gradually change to milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fruit puree and juice. In some regions, from 6 months, only dry mixtures for preparing cereals are issued. Children from large families and disabled children over three years old are given only milk. If the beneficiary is a nursing mother, then she will be given juices.

In 2016, in most regions, children are entitled to:

  • dry milk and fermented milk mixtures;
  • curd;
  • kefir;
  • dry mixes for cooking cereals;
  • milk;
  • juices;
  • mashed potatoes.

The composition of the issued dairy products depends on the recipe, which was drawn up by the district pediatrician based on the vital signs of the child, his age and nutritional needs.

In some regions, employees of dairy kitchens prepare mixtures themselves, in others they purchase products from domestic producers, for example, under the Agusha brand. The exact list of products can be seen in the recipe or specified at the milk dispensing point itself. Combines products from the dairy kitchen of excellent quality, meeting all sanitary requirements.

Kefir, milk or cottage cheese is dispensed regularly: at some points every day, except Sunday, at others every other day. Boxes of dry mix and cereals can be obtained immediately for a month. It is convenient and economical.

Will dairy kitchens be canceled in 2016?

The Russians have already begun to get used to the fact that the "holes" in the budget are periodically proposed to "patch" through social support measures. Such sentences do not always "pass", but, nevertheless, it happens. Is it any wonder that parliamentarians in a number of regions have come up with an initiative to abolish dairy kitchens, to monetize benefits or reduce the composition of the “baby ration”, and to narrow the circle of persons entitled to receive it.

It is difficult to predict what decision will be made in a particular region. On one side of the scale - spending on the maintenance of milk distribution points, the preparation of appropriate permits, the purchase of products for distribution to beneficiaries and other expenses that are not paid off. On the other - well-fed, healthy children and their happy parents. It remains to be hoped that the people's representatives will make decisions in favor of the future of our country, and not the immediate financial prosperity.

Watch the video: How To Register with Zomato Registration Forms to Tieup with ZomatoCloud Kitchen Tieup with Zomato (July 2024).