
How our childhood affects our future life. 12 facts from childhood

Psychologists say - all problems from childhood ...

Events that occur in childhood can have a huge impact on the child and his future destiny. They participate in the formation of the character of a growing person. Joyful childhood impressions give strength and inspiration. The benevolent attitude of the parents is remembered in the subconscious and helps the creative disclosure of the personality. Negative memories can develop insecurity and complexes, aggression and secrecy. The main thing is to know exactly what events are the cause of failure in adult life. Psychologists have characterized 12 main factors of childhood that affect the rest of a person's life.

  1. If parents do not recognize an independent personality in a child, do not take into account his desires and aspirations and make all decisions themselves, then this can lead to the fact that he will grow up helpless. Such children suffer from their own lack of will and are dependent on the opinions of others. It is important for parents to learn to trust the actions of their children. It is wrong to think of a baby as helpless and in need of permanent tips.
  2. If a boy is brought up by a loving and caring father, with whom the son has a close emotional bond, then such a baby will grow up as a real man, capable of building healthy and full-fledged relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. Dads who have emotional contact with their sons can teach the manifestation of warm feelings for a woman, sensitivity, compassion, attention and kindness. This can be the key to a happy family life for the boy in the future (we read: father's allowance for raising a son).
  3. Constant parental control during childhood can lead to the fact that children grow up stubborn. For them, stubbornness is a defense mechanism by which they try to resist the decisions of their parents. Growing up, they do not lose this trait.
  4. Watching TV too often can lead to suppression of his communication skills in the future. Psychologists recommend watching TV no more than two hours a day. The rest of the time it is advisable to spend on communication, reading, drawing or joint games.
  5. If a child in childhood is allowed to watch programs in which scenes of violence are present, then this can lead to the development of aggressive character traits and various mental disorders in the future. children unwittingly copy the behavior of the characters and remember this model as normal.
  6. If children imitate their parents by copying their behavior and actions, they grow up to be open to communication. They are sociable and easily share their opinions with others, without experiencing difficulties in dialogue.
  7. If a child is punished frequently, he can grow up to be secretive. Such children, in order not to get caught, will try to outwit or hide the results of their bad behavior, which can lead to the development of such negative character traits as stubbornness and vindictiveness. We also read: to punish or not a child for accidental misconduct? - https://razvitie-krohi.ru/psihologiya-detey/nakazyivat-ili-net-rebenka-za-sluchaynyie-prostupki.html
  8. If parents suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, their children are more likely to grow up to be serious and responsible. They are often deprived of childhood and become parents themselves for their unlucky father or mother.
  9. Childhood trauma can lead to obesity in the future.
  10. Child abuse can lead to depression and depression later in life. These conditions are observed in these children twice as often. We also read:Why you can't spank a child - 6 reasons
  11. If a child grows up in poverty, then in the future he may have problems with short-term memory. This memory plays a huge role in daily activities and in the formation of long-term memories, as it is associated with the ability to remember several events at the same time.
  12. If parents break up when their children are at the age of 3-5 years, then the further life of such children is characterized by strained relations with their parents, especially with their father.

Watch the video: Conducting a Quick Screen for Trauma - Child Interview (July 2024).