After childbirth

8 simple rules for losing weight after childbirth without harming the baby

What worries mothers of newly born babies? These are thoughts about the health and comfort of the little man. And worries about how to bring your weight back to normal. Basically, mothers carrying a child gain about ten extra pounds during pregnancy. They want to get rid of them as soon as possible and get back in good shape. Eight basic rules for losing weight after childbirth will help to cope with this problem.

Let's decide on the motivation that will guide our activities in losing weight. And let's get down to the fight against excess weight.

What is the motivation to lose weight after giving birth?

There may be several motives for losing weight after childbirth. One of the factors or their combination may prevail:

  1. Dissatisfaction with their own appearance. When you no longer want to approach the mirror, so as not to see the forms that have added in volume.
  2. Physical discomfort. Shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, even with light exertion.
  3. Return to the old wardrobe. Favorite things gather dust in the closet. They are waiting for the return of the hostess. Updating your wardrobe is costly, and shopping is not happy when you can't fit into the desired thing.
  4. Reproaches from a fastidious spouse or fear that he will start looking "to the left". Not all husbands correctly assess the changes accompanying the birth of a long-awaited child. The external attractiveness of the wife is what they need, and the details are not important.
  5. Sometimes the work requires an attractive appearance, including the figure.

8 weight loss rules

It is difficult to lose weight without strict diets, the use of medicines and dietary supplements for weight loss, as well as surgery. All this cannot be used in the first time after childbirth. As it can harm your baby if you are breastfeeding. And it is fraught with the return of the lost pounds. Therefore, we adhere to the following rules:

1. Movement is life

During pregnancy, especially in the last months, you moved slowly and carefully. Now we need a new rhythm of life. We increase physical activity.

Morning exercises, moderate physical activity in the form of exercises on various muscle groups will increase vitality. They will charge you with vivacity and energy. Exercise too vigorously can be harmful, but many are beneficial even for pregnant women. For example, flexibility or stretching exercises, fitball exercises. On the latter, you can simultaneously rock the baby and adjust your own figure.

Daily stroller walks are good for you and your baby. Get some fresh air and lose weight. To come to the playground and sit on a bench is not our option. It is better to move with a stroller, moving at a fairly fast pace and with a straight back. 1 hour of vigorous walking burns about the same calories as 3 hours of exercise. It is also very useful to carry the baby in a sling or kangaroo as an exercise.

2. Proper nutrition

It should always be followed. This is ideal. And it is especially important when breastfeeding. After all, all the "harmfulness" eaten is passed on to the baby with mother's milk.

Eat more often, in small portions, eat with your child, about 5-6 times a day. Don't go overboard on sweets, even if you really want to. Better vegetables and fruits than pastries. We eat cereals, soups, low-fat meat and fish dishes. We refuse sandwiches on the run, fast food, convenience foods, fried foods. Eat a good, hearty breakfast. As at all times, breakfast is considered the most important in the daily routine.

Such nutrition will not only make you slimmer, but will also have a positive effect on the development of the newborn's digestive system. “Mom must eat for two” is a myth. On the contrary, overeating contributes to the occurrence in the child of increased gas production, allergic reactions. It is better to choose foods rich in useful vitamins and minerals.

The main substances needed by the body after childbirth and especially if you are breastfeeding are iron, calcium and protein. Therefore, it is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of milk, cottage cheese, lean meat, beef liver, fish and cereals. Drink plenty of fluids, but not coffee, tea.

If you are bottle-fed, you can add a calorie calculation. Any counter on the relevant sites will help you calculate the number of calories per day you can tolerate. All you need to do is enter the required parameters: initial and desired weight, age, height.

3. Breastfeeding

It's one thing when refusing to breastfeed is a necessity due to objective reasons. For example, diseases or disappeared milk in the mother, allergies in the child.

If the reason for refusal is unwillingness to “spoil the figure,” this is wrong. Caring for the baby is a priority, and the benefits of breast milk are obvious. In addition, contraction of the uterus during feeding will quickly bring the giving birth organism back to normal. Consequently, extra pounds will also go away faster.

4. We take into account hormonal disruption

After carrying a baby and giving birth, certain processes in the body can be disrupted. After all, childbirth is a big shake-up for the female body.

Restoring hormonal levels is a slow process. Therefore, do not be surprised that the weight starts to go away gradually, "with a creak." Allow the body to adapt, do not give up. And you will soon return to the previous indicators.

5. Avoiding stressful situations

After the birth of the child, you have not yet had time to come to your senses, and worries have increased significantly. Frequent feeding of the child, getting up at night, inability to get enough sleep, washing diapers. Yes, and no one canceled household chores: to cook, to clean the house.

Don't take it all on yourself. So you will come to nervous exhaustion and depression. And she, by the way, increases the appetite. Call on the help of household members: mother, husband, grandmother, mother-in-law.

If this is not possible, once again give up everyday household chores in favor of sleep and rest. Even a brief respite will give you a positive outlook on the world. Moreover, you have a huge bonus - the presence of a small source of joy, your child, nearby.

6. Exercises with the baby

You can exercise without a gym. You can put the baby in a kangaroo to do homework, you can put the baby on your chest to swing the abs, you can ... Yes, you can come up with many different exercises with the baby that will bring a lot of pleasure to both you and your baby. It is also very important that the load in this case will increase gradually, along with the growth of your baby.

7. Return to the joys of sex

The first time, when the painful sensations after childbirth are still alive, and you don't want to think about it. However, return to this source of vitality a little later. During the intimate process, not only calories are spent and excess weight is lost, but also pleasure is given, psychological comfort is restored, self-esteem increases, and health improves.

As a rule, after giving birth, a woman becomes more sensual. Therefore, fall in love with your partner anew, discover new facets and shades with him in having sex. And at the same time, lose weight!

8. Positive attitude

We are returning from where we started. Remember motivation.

Don't put off losing weight until later. It will be late tomorrow. The sooner we start, the sooner the result will come.

If you stumbled, fell off - start again. It didn't work now, it will work a little later.

Thinner girlfriends and interlocutors on the playground are not a subject for envy, but for imitation. Catch up and overtake! - this be your motto.

Last but not least, perhaps one of the main ways to look good is to tune yourself into it. Not a single negative word in front of the mirror to your reflection! Remember the famous Soviet film of the same name - the system of self-hypnosis works, and since then has repeatedly justified itself. As you tune in, so be it! Now you have a lively positive - your baby. It is better not to iron the diaper once again, but to play with it, laugh and enjoy the existence of your baby.

Every kilogram lost is the result of your work on yourself. You are strong, you can handle it! Become slimmer, more beautiful and more attractive. You are not only a wonderful mother, but also a wonderful Woman!

  • 5 reasons why you can't lose weight after giving birth
  • Losing weight after childbirth - basic advice
  • How to quickly lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding: Nutrition plus Unique Technique
  • How to remove a tummy after childbirth (7 exercises in pictures + video)

Young mother Julia tells how long after giving birth you can start doing exercises for losing weight and going to the gym. She also tells how to properly compose your food, shares some recipes. In addition, Julia draws attention to the frequent mistakes that young mothers make when they try to remove the stomach and sides, explains how you can start training at home. And it is really very important to understand that you can lose weight after childbirth not only in the gym, but also at home, because first of all, you need to very accurately adhere to the correct diet.

Watch the video: How Moms Thyroid Problems Can Hurt Baby (July 2024).