Things for baby

How to choose baby clothes

Modern children's clothing stores present a huge range of items. The task of the parents is to choose the most suitable outfits and shoes, taking into account the many moments and individual characteristics of the baby. How to make your child's wardrobe perfect? It is important to make sure that every thing is safe, comfortable, and only beneficial. It is worth thinking about the development of the baby, the aesthetics of the outfits. In this article, you will learn how to choose the right baby clothes. We will look at the basic principles of selection.

Do you want to educate your child to have good taste in clothes? Well, it's not that hard to achieve that. Take, for example, our approach to developing children's speech. Even before the moment the child utters his first words, we try to speak with him in the correct and beautiful language. Likewise in matters of taste: from a very young age try to pay special attention to what you put on your child. Color, style, style, pattern, and combinations of things are important. The child will happily perceive this dressing game and subsequently will regard it as an easily solvable problem.

Very important points

First of all, you need to pay attention to the most important criteria related to safety, comfort of the baby, as well as the resistance of things to wear and tear. Let's consider the key points in more detail.


Children are especially vulnerable. It is necessary to purchase goods from well-established stores from well-known manufacturers. They sew clothes from safe, environmentally friendly materials and use special safe dyes. Such clothes do not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. If the seller has issued a quality guarantee check for the product, this is a good sign. This means that the clothes are of high quality and meet the necessary requirements.


The child should feel as comfortable as possible. Special materials, nets, linings and fillers can make clothes comfortable. An optimal microclimate is created, the skin breathes. It is important to choose outfits in such a way that in any weather the baby can safely go for a walk.

Wear resistant

Wear-resistant baby clothes can be used for longer, even passed on to younger children. In addition, mothers often have to wash their clothes, so they must retain their original characteristics even after numerous washes. High-quality clothing withstands wear and tear well, remaining attractive for a long time. (we read a useful article on how to properly care for children's clothes)

Check out both boys 'and girls' clothing sections

Have you noticed that there are many universal things? Blouses, sweaters, trousers with elastic bands can be worn with equal success by boys and girls. Also, many universal shades, prints and styles are suitable for all children, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.So remember a good tip: be sure to expand the scope of your search when choosing outfits for the baby in the store - go to both departments: for girls and boys.

Larger clothing will work too!

Children grow up quickly, so sometimes you can get larger outfits. For example, trousers are tucked up, and T-shirts are used as tunics. High-quality clothes can be worn for a long time, they can easily withstand frequent washing. Therefore, the outfits bought for growth will certainly come in handy. Of course, these should be good things that you and your child like. Then the baby will be happy to wear them for a long time, and you will be satisfied.

Denim outfits

Denim is back in fashion. Guys love these outfits for their beauty and popularity, and their parents value practicality. Indeed, denim clothes are easier to care for, they can withstand washing well. In addition, it is very comfortable to wear denim trousers, jackets and skirts. An optimal microclimate is created, movement is not constrained. In any season, children are happy to wear trendy denim outfits. Factories produce very beautiful, catchy models, decorating the material with sequins and beads, all kinds of appliqués, printed designs and laces.

How to choose the right color?

For many parents, the choice of shade becomes a problem. Stores offer bright, multicolored children's clothing. Some people prefer natural scales, while others like catchy colors. What should you choose? Let's dwell on the key points.

  • Solid color outfits allow you to easily create ensembles. Such clothes look more stylish. Such things must be in the wardrobe;
  • Colorful multicolored outfits, things with bright prints, printed appliqués are very popular with children themselves. You should sometimes replenish your wardrobe with such clothes so that the child can wear the things he likes;
  • Neutral shades help you quickly combine outfits. Natural muted colors have a calming effect on the children's nervous system. If the child is hyperactive, clothes of calm natural tones are just for him. These outfits will be the best choice for those who are planning to have another baby: things in universal colors will be useful for girls and boys.

The conclusion suggests itself: the wardrobe should be varied. Clothing in neutral shades will be the most practical base in it.

By the way!When choosing clothes for a child, look for universal colors that suit both boys and girls. This way you can easily combine things with each other to create stylish outfits. And if you are thinking about having a second child, clothes in neutral shades can go to your younger brother or sister!

Transforming things

Manufacturers began to produce more and more children's transformer things. They can "grow" with the baby, change their style. It is very convenient and saves a lot. Of course, it is worth considering the proposals and choosing some transformable outfits for children. Blouses, overalls and trousers, things with adjustable elastic bands are especially successful. (For example, the cuffs can turn children's pants into shorts, and a long-sleeved blouse into a light polo shirt. In addition, quite a lot of children's clothing items are adjustable in the belt with an elastic band - this is very convenient!)


Pay special attention to dyes. Unscrupulous manufacturers use substandard dyes to save money. These colors are harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to a child. Things painted with similar compositions fade quickly, lose the clarity of the pattern, the original shade. In addition, chemicals often cause skin irritation, itching, and allergies.

In order not to buy a thing with bad dye, try to smell the clothes thoroughly. Usually, low-quality colors give an unpleasant smell, unusual for good fabrics. If something seems suspicious to you, it is better not to buy clothes.

Synthetics or natural materials?

Now more and more often you can hear advice: children should be dressed only in outfits made from natural materials (linen, cotton, silk, viscose. When buying clothes, you need to look at the composition of the fabric on the product tag). Of course, synthetic fabrics are not so pleasant for the body, but this does not mean that they should be completely abandoned. Try to stick to the middle ground.

You can easily choose things that include synthetic materials. It is desirable that the percentage of synthetics is not very high. For example, literally 3-5% elastane will make the outfit noticeably more resistant to wear, more comfortable.

In summer, it is really better to give preference to lightweight natural materials. The most successful choice is cotton clothes for children. They do not cause irritation and provide an excellent microclimate.

Aesthetic development

Choose beautiful baby clothes in different styles! Let your child have festive, casual, elegant and sophisticated outfits for different occasions. For example, it is quite possible to visit adults with a boy, dressing him up in an elegant suit, and a girl in a chic dress 🙂

The beauty of the outfit is of great importance for little fashionistas. Remember that aesthetic development must start at an early age. Teach children to dress attractively, tastefully. Do not neglect current trends either. For example, if you do not like something about modern fashion, it is better to explain to teenagers what exactly is bad taste. And be sure to find the optimal replacement that your child will like.

The selection of children's clothing is very large. T-shirts with printed designs, numbers and inscriptions are very popular. You can purchase several T-shirts if your child likes them.

Girls more often give preference to bright shades, images of flowers. Clothes in a cage are in demand. In cool weather, Scottish motives are ideal, and in the summer heat it is better to wear light outfits in delicate shades.

Take special care of the comfort and safety of your baby. Breastfeeding babies are vulnerable. Even a not very thick seam can chafe the skin and cause irritation and itching. The best option is to choose things with outer seams.

When a child is just learning to crawl, walk, it is better for him to find things with seals in the elbows and knees. Then the baby will be more comfortable.

Fitting features

Did you come to the store with your child? Then use the opportunity to try on and evaluate clothes one hundred percent!

  • Sniff things. Harsh, unpleasant odors are a bad sign. This is probably poor quality clothing;
  • Be sure to consider the wishes of the children. Great when they like things;
  • Feel the fabric. She shouldn't be too rude;
  • Check the quality level. The seams should be neat, good clothes have no protruding threads;
  • The child should try on things. Ask him to squat, walk, raise and spread his arms to the side. This will determine how comfortable he is in his clothes.

Choose wisely

A beautiful print, bright appliqué or cute "ears" on a jumpsuit should not be the main criterion when choosing clothes for a child. Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the fabric, the softness of the seams, the quality of the fittings. Remember, the most important thing is convenience. Your baby should be comfortable and cozy in new clothes!

Consider all the tips! Enjoy the shopping!

Online store BABADU - good clothes and footwear for newborns and children from 2 years old -

So, children's clothing is:

  • Ease of Use: Loose fit to teach your child to dress and undress more easily. The clasp is an important fact: the simpler, the more comfortable it is for both you and your child;
  • Comfort for the child: it should not hinder movement, have details that irritate the skin; purl seams should be flat. In winter clothes, pay attention to the presence of a hood with a drawcord, a closed neck, protective elastic bands on the cuffs and legs;
  • Ease of maintenance: children love to crawl, climb, run, so the best clothes are the ones that can be washed without problems;
  • Convenience. It is advisable to choose trousers and skirts with an elastic belt. Do not put very tight pants on your child when he is getting used to the pot; it should be convenient for him to take off his pants when he wants to go to the toilet;
  • Quality material. Study carefully the rules of garment care so that it will last longer.

Online store BABADU - good clothes and shoes for newborns and children from 2 years old -

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