
TOP-8 sports for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for sports! Of course, heavy physical activity is prohibited for pregnant women, therefore, for example, weightlifting (by the way, if you were engaged in strength exercises before pregnancy, then you can continue classes during pregnancy) and you will not be able to do long-distance running. But you can't completely give up physical activity! What's more, you need to stay in good physical shape during these important 40 weeks. If you played sports before childbirth, then after childbirth, physical and mental recovery occurs very quickly. It is very important that the mother is always full of energy to raise the child. In this article, we'll cover 8 main sports for pregnant women.

1. Yoga

This ancient Indian set of physical exercises has no contraindications. Yoga can be practiced by old people, adults, and even children. It is also suitable for pregnant women. Yoga makes it easy to overcome stressful conditions. She will give your mind peace of mind, and the body - flexibility and youth.

2. Swimming

Swimming is another activity that is well suited for pregnant women. Swimming normalizes the functioning of internal organs, and also strengthens the pelvic bones, which is very important during childbirth. Even people with diseases of bones and joints are engaged in this sport. Swimming instructors will tailor an exercise program for you. Swimming is relaxing and provides a sense of calmness.

3. Stretching

Stretching is very similar to yoga. It is a set of physical exercises with an emphasis on stretching muscles and tendons. Stretching allows you to learn how to control pain, which will come in handy during childbirth.

4. Walking

Even walks in the fresh air play a big role. Long-term walking strengthens the heart muscle. Probably the cheapest sport! For a normal walk, you will need clothes, athletic shoes, and a bottle of cool water to quench your thirst. Take a walk every day, do not give in to your laziness - do not take breaks.

5. Dancing

Are you okay? Do the doctors let you dance? If you answered yes to these two questions, then why not take up dancing? Dance clubs can be found in any city and will not cost you much. Choose the dance you like, put on a CD with the appropriate music - and dance! The dance improves the mood and heals the body.

6. Aerobics

Aerobics is suitable for normalizing metabolism. Simple rhythmic exercises accompanied by music will help you keep fit. Exercising in a prone position will strengthen your pelvic muscles. This will facilitate childbirth and shorten the pre-postpartum recovery.

7. Strength exercises

Yes, even strength exercises can be done with variability! If you were doing strength exercises before pregnancy, why not continue exercising during pregnancy? Of course, you will have to significantly lighten your sports equipment, and completely abandon heavy dumbbells. Go to your doctor and ask him to create a new exercise regimen for you.

8. Exercises by Arnold Kegel

The German doctor Arnold Kegel once invented a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvis. Exercise should be done like this: tighten your pelvic muscles, as if you want to keep the flow of urine, wait 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat 5-6 times. These exercises can be performed both at home on the couch and in transport, because they are simple and invisible to others.

Don't be ashamed of your pregnancy. On the contrary, be proud that very soon you will have a child. If you eat well, sleep a lot, devote a lot of time to walks and play your favorite sport, you are guaranteed a successful birth.

Rules for sports during pregnancy. Part 1

Rules for sports during pregnancy. Part 2

Watch the video: Exercises in Preparation for Delivery for 7-9 months pregnant (July 2024).