
TOP-100 useful tips for a nursing mother

The ideal food for a newborn baby is breast milk. It is it that contains all the nutrients necessary for the crumbs in full, ensuring its growth and development. Therefore, doctors advise to keep breastfeeding for up to 1.5-2 years. It also helps to establish a close emotional connection between mother and child, to satisfy the infant's psychological needs for affection and love.

However, it happens that in the process of breastfeeding, a woman encounters a number of problems, especially if the birth is the first. The recommendations of HV specialists will help to cope with difficulties and maintain lactation as long as possible, ensuring that the baby is well nourished. And also expert advice will tell you how to take care of the health of mom and baby during the entire period of breastfeeding.

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Establishing breastfeeding

1. First attachment.

Ideally, it should occur immediately after delivery, or within the first 30 minutes after birth. Physical contact between mother and baby provides a powerful incentive to initiate and maintain lactation for a long time. It will also help your baby learn to grip the nipple more quickly. If the first attachment immediately after childbirth is not possible, it is necessary to ensure constant contact between the newborn and the mother.

2. Feeding on demand.

Breastfeeding is necessary as soon as he shows signs of anxiety. Do not stop feeding until the baby has released the nipple from its mouth. Doctors recommend feeding your newborn every 2 hours during the day and about 4 times at night. Night feeds are essential to maintain normal lactation.

3. Do not force to eat.

If the baby does not breastfeed, it should not be forced. This will only scare the baby, and he may refuse breast milk altogether. The correct action would often be to offer the baby a breast: when he gets hungry, he will definitely suckle.

4. Correct attachment.

When feeding, the baby should capture both the nipple and part of the areola. His nose, as well as his chin, should rest against his mother's chest. To prevent the baby from swallowing excess air, the mouth should be open wide, and the lower lip turned outward. Feed in a position that is comfortable for both of you. What position to choose for feeding, follow the link here. When applied correctly, no chest or nipple pain should be felt. And the baby should be relaxed and satisfied.

5. Improper grip on the chest.

It happens that the baby does not grasp the breast correctly. In this case, the mother may experience pain in the nipples or breasts, and it is also fraught with cracks, the development of lactostasis and mastitis. Gently insert your little finger into your baby's mouth and remove the nipple, then reinsert the nipple.

6. The baby chokes when feeding.

Make sure your baby has a correct grip on the nipple. You may need to change your feeding position. You need to sit, keeping your back straight, and raise the head of the crumbs higher and hold with your hand. Often the reason that the baby chokes is excess milk. If so, you need to express it a little before feeding.

7. Let the baby empty the breast to the end.

In this case, the baby will receive the front and rear milk, which means all the nutrients. Frequent breast changes cause a lack of hind milk, which can result in low weight gain and intestinal problems in the infant.

8. Do not supplement with formula or introduce complementary foods earlier than 6 months.

Pediatricians recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. This will help build up the baby's immune system and provide all his needs. Supplementation with formula is only possible if there is really very little milk and the baby does not have enough breast milk. The first complementary food should be introduced no earlier than 6 months of the baby's life. If you decide to supplement with formula or introduce complementary foods, consult your doctor.

9. When the baby needs supplementary feeding

  • There is very little or no milk. Even so, you should try various methods to increase lactation: special teas, compresses, diet. If all else fails, mixture should be given, but breast should still be offered;
  • The baby was born prematurely;
  • The baby is gaining little or even losing weight;
  • Mother's illness and taking medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding;
  • Long separation of mother and baby (going to work, leaving, etc.).

10. Feed your baby properly.

For small amounts of artificial feeding, use a pipette or syringe. More of the mixture should be given with a teaspoon or cup. Bottle feeding is easier for mom, but after it the baby may refuse to breastfeed. The amount of the mixture should not exceed 30-50% of the child's daily food intake. This will help to maintain breastfeeding. When choosing a formula, you should consult a pediatrician (how to choose a suitable and good formula, read this article).

11. Do not add water to your baby.

Breast milk contains up to 85% water (front milk is liquid and watery, it is able to quench the baby's thirst to the fullest), so the baby does not need additional drinking. Water should be offered only after the introduction of the first complementary foods, not earlier than 6 months. If it is very hot and the child is sweating, offer him breast more often, wipe with wet wipes, bathe.

12. Do not give the pacifier frequently.

Frequent use of the pacifier will reduce the mother's milk production. In addition, it can be difficult to wean the baby from the nipple afterwards. Give a pacifier rarely and briefly. This helps the baby to calm down, satisfies the sucking reflex, distracts from the unpleasant sensations associated with the tummy. A correctly selected nipple will form a bite, rubber products will help babies when teething their first teeth.

13. Express only when necessary.

Doctors advise against expressing milk frequently. This must be done in the following cases:

  • The breast is full of milk and there is no way to attach a baby to it;
  • Prolonged separation of the mother from the baby, when it is necessary to leave him a supply of food;
  • Mother cannot breastfeed; for example, with mastitis, lactostasis, taking medications incompatible with breastfeeding.

14. Store expressed milk properly.

Breast milk can be expressed in sterile, hermetically sealed containers. It should be stored in the refrigerator for about 2-5 days, if longer, then in the freezer. Special plastic bags are best for freezing. You can use glass or plastic containers. The date on which the milk was expressed should be marked on the bottle. Read more about how to store expressed milk here.

15. Seek advice from experts.

If you have problems with lactation, contact your pediatrician or breastfeeding consultant. Currently, you can get a consultation on our website on this page. Or you can ask experienced moms for advice.

Catering for a nursing woman

16. You can not sit on a rigid diet.

During childbirth and during feeding, the female body loses a lot of nutrients and vitamins, the deficit of which must be replenished. The baby should also receive adequate nutrition, fully containing all the useful elements. Therefore, the mother's diet with HB should be varied.

17. Eat small meals often.

Avoid overeating - this often leads to digestive problems in your baby. Overuse of any food can cause constipation, diarrhea and even poisoning. In addition, it increases gas production and intensifies colic, which are already quite painful for the baby.

18. Gradually introduce new foods into your diet.

The first three months after birth, the newborn's body gets used to the new environment. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new products carefully. Try one product, then see how your baby reacts. If he feels good, there is no stool disorder or allergies, then it can be used further. If a reaction occurs, you should wait a month and then try again. Do not try two new products at the same time, take breaks of 3-5 days.

19. Eliminate allergic foods in the first month of HS.

It is in the first month that a newborn's body is most susceptible to allergens. Therefore, exotic (except for bananas) and citrus fruits, sweets and flour products, brightly colored berries and vegetables, foods containing cow protein, and chocolate should be excluded from the diet.

20. Diet in the first month of GV:

  • Low-fat broths and soups;
  • Vegetable purees: cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes;
  • Porridge on the water: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • Stew or boiled meat: beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • Green apples, bananas after heat treatment;
  • Fermented milk products (except for kefir);
  • Sour cream and cottage cheese with a reduced percentage of fat, hard cheeses.

21. Heat treatment of products.

Give preference to stewing, boiling or baking, exclude fatty, salty and spicy, fried foods. Avoid ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise and condiments, as well as canned food and seafood. Use sour cream, lemon juice, vegetable oil for filling products. 2-3 months after giving birth, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

22. Drink plenty of fluids.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks stimulates milk production. The daily intake of fluid for a nursing woman should be 2-3 liters, and half of this amount should be plain drinking water. A nursing mother can also drink green and weak black tea, compotes, fermented milk drinks, natural juices. Cow's milk often causes allergies in babies, so you need to use it with caution, not earlier than 4-6 months, and in a minimum amount. Cocoa and coffee can be introduced from six months.

23. Eliminate alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol adversely affects the health of the baby: it can cause diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system. There is an opinion that a few sips of wine will help the baby fall asleep faster. Perhaps he will fall asleep quickly, but the quality of his sleep will suffer: he will often wake up, toss and turn. Even a small portion of alcohol can harm the health of a baby. Read about the dangers of alcohol during the GW period here.

  • in detail about the nutrition of a nursing mother
  • Top 10 nutritional rules for a nursing mom

Taking care of your breasts

24. Don't wash your breasts too often.

It is enough to take a shower twice a day. Cut out deodorized products and antibacterial breast soaps. They can cause allergies and also wash off the protective layer on the nipples. Use regular baby soap and soft wipes. But wash your hands before each feeding your baby.

25. Choose comfortable underwear.

The bra should allow easy opening and closing of the breast with one hand. The cups should be loose and not squeezing the chest. The bra should be free of underwires and seams inside the cup, as they can injure or chafe the nipple skin. Choose underwear that is soft and breathable, such as cotton or microfiber.

26. If milk is leaking, insert breast pads into your bra.

They will provide excellent breast hygiene by absorbing excess milk. Such pads will protect the nipple skin from rubbing with linen, help with cracks, and protect clothing from getting wet. The gaskets should be replaced when they get wet.

27. Massage your breasts.

The massage enhances milk production and prevents milk stagnation. Before that, rinse your chest, and wash your hands with soap and water. You can lubricate your hands with castor oil or olive oil. Massage should be done clockwise with light circular motions, 2-4 minutes on each breast. You should not press hard on the skin, rub it or squeeze the mammary glands. Massage during the shower is especially effective. We read in detail about how to massage the breast.

28. Apply compresses.

Warm compresses stimulate milk flow and should be done prior to feeding. Cool compresses soothe the chest - they are applied after. Cabbage leaves are also used to restore the breast: they relieve swelling and pain, help heal cracks in the nipples, and help with painful flushes of milk.

29. Express milk correctly.

For a full-fledged milk composition, you should pump for at least 20 minutes. Then it will contain fore and hind milk. Do not underestimate foremilk because it is watery and less greasy. It is thanks to him that the baby satisfies his thirst and replenishes the need for fluid. We read how to properly express the breast with a breast pump.

30. Expression with hands.

To express milk by hand easily and painlessly, alternate between breasts, taking 5 minutes each. Take a warm drink, shower, and massage before expressing. If milk comes out drop by drop, wait a few minutes, then resume pumping. You can not stretch and squeeze the nipples, squeeze the skin of the breast. Learn how to express milk by hand.

Possible chest problems

31. Lactostasis.

Milk stagnation is manifested by pain in the breasts and nipples, lumps and redness on the skin, lack of milk when feeding. The breast temperature may rise, but the body temperature remains normal. Such a disease can be caused by insufficient breast emptying due to improper attachment, excessive milk production, tight underwear, cracked nipples.

32. How to cope with lactostasis

  • Apply the baby to the chest as often as possible, while trying to keep the seal under its lower jaw;
  • Take a warm shower and massage your breasts gently, gently patting and kneading the lumps from the periphery to the nipple;
  • Squeeze the breast with gentle movements also from the base to the nipple, and then offer the breast to the baby;
  • Apply medicated compresses. After feeding, attach cabbage leaves, beaten to obtain juice, for 15-20 minutes. Before bed, apply a warming compress using camphor oil or soda salt solution.

In detail: lactostasis and treatment

33. Mastitis.

Lactostasis can lead to mastitis, an inflammation of the breast. Mastitis is manifested by severe pain, induration, and the formation of bumps in the chest. The body temperature rises, chills may occur. An abscess may form in the breast, then pus is added to the breast milk. With such a complication, you cannot breastfeed the baby. You should immediately consult a doctor. It is forbidden to use warming and alcohol compresses, as well as knead and massage sore spots.

In detail: Mastitis. Treatment

34. Cracks and abrasions on the nipples.

They often occur due to improper grip of the nipple by the baby, intense pumping, irregular flattened nipples, and frequent washing of the breast. Usually the pain goes away when lactation improves. We read how to feed a baby with cracks in the nipple.

35. Treatment of cracked nipples.

If the skin of the nipples is injured, do not give up breastfeeding. For cracks, you can use special nipple covers during feeding. If the cracks are deep and very painful, you need to express milk and give the baby from a spoon. Do not use antibiotic ointments, iodine, brilliant green and alcohol solutions. For treatment, ointments and creams containing vitamin A and lanolin are suitable. They soften the skin, promote wound healing, and prevent the appearance of new cracks.

36. Medicinal ointments for the treatment of cracks.

  • Bepanten. Antibacterial cream for the prevention and treatment of nipple cracks. Should be washed off before feeding the baby.Also effective for the treatment of diaper rash in babies;
  • Purelan, Sanosan mom, Avent, Mom comfort, We see. Does not require rinsing before feeding, moisturizes, eliminates peeling, and promotes wound healing.

37. Folk remedies for cracked nipples.

  • Squeeze out a few drops of breast milk and lubricate the nipple, leave to dry;
  • Cabbage leaf compresses;
  • A decoction of chamomile or birch leaves. 2 tablespoons of the collection are boiled in 0.5 liters of water, wipe the nipples;
  • Lubricate the nipples with vegetable, sea buckthorn or butter. Before feeding, be sure to wash off;
  • Compresses from beets, grated to gruel. Change after drying.

38. Do not overtighten your chest.

When hyperlactation or its completion, do not overtighten the chest with bandages! This compresses the mammary glands and can cause lactostasis or mastitis.

39. Thrush.

If the cracks are not healed and the nipples are not treated, fungal or staphylococcal infections can develop. It is manifested by a whitish coating on the nipples, as well as the tongue and gums of the baby. The child becomes moody, cries, refuses to breast. The woman experiences severe pain inside the breast during and after feeding, and rashes and redness appear on the breast skin. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time and carry out treatment.

40. Mastopathy.

This is the appearance of benign formations in the breast in the form of seals and nodules. At the same time, the breast increases in volume, it hurts, and bloody, white or colorless liquid may be released from the nipples. For the treatment of mastopathy, you should immediately seek medical help.

41. If the baby bites the breast.

In this case, put your little finger in the baby's mouth and carefully remove the nipple. Tell them strictly that you cannot do this. Continue doing this until the baby stops biting at the breast. As an alternative, offer the baby sling beads or finger games (sometimes the baby plays in this way.). Often, the baby bites the breast when its teeth are teething. Give him a rubber pacifier or special rubber teethers.

Problems during lactation

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42. Delayed lactation.

Sometimes it happens that after childbirth, milk does not come. Delayed lactation is especially common in women giving birth for the first time. In this case, you should not give the child the formula. It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, with his sucking he stimulates the flow of milk. Even a few drops of colostrum are enough for a newborn to get enough. Gentle massage and warm compresses on the chest are also helpful.

43. Is it worth increasing the fat content of milk?

Breast milk is 85-90% water, so it doesn't need to be too fat. Its composition changes gradually with the age of the baby. If a child gains weight well, is active and healthy, then milk fully satisfies his needs. Too much fatty milk can cause dysbiosis and colic in infants.

44. Checking the fat content of milk.

You can check the fat content of milk at home. To do this, strain some milk into a glass container 15 minutes after feeding and leave for 6 hours at room temperature. The milk will be divided into two parts: at the top there will be the one that shows the fat content. Measure this part with a ruler: 1 millimeter - 1% fat. The normal fat content is 3.5-5%.

45. How to know if a baby has enough milk.

For this, the following indicators are important: the number of urinations and weight. If the baby has enough milk, he pees more than 8 times a day. At the same time, urine is odorless, colorless or light yellow, transparent. Regarding weight, a baby should normally gain about 120 grams per week. For a month, this figure should be 500 or more grams. By 6 months, your baby should have gained about twice its weight immediately after birth.

46. ​​If there is not enough milk.

If there is a shortage of breast milk, reconsider your diet and breastfeed your baby as often as possible. Doctors may recommend special herbal teas to enhance lactation. Medicines should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they can adversely affect the health of the child.

47. To increase lactation

  • Frequent breastfeeding is an excellent way to stimulate lactation;
  • Make sure that the baby grabs the breast correctly, choose a comfortable position for feeding;
  • Apply skin-to-skin contact: apply baby to bare chest;
  • The child should not be supplemented with water and supplemented with mixtures. Give the pacifier as little as possible;
  • If necessary, use a pipette, syringe or teaspoon for supplementation, but not a bottle with a nipple;
  • Eat varied and nutritious meals;
  • Drink plenty of fluids: water, compts, tea with milk, juices;
  • Do a daily light chest massage, warm compresses;
  • Get more rest, take walks in the fresh air;
  • Try to avoid stress, overwork, lack of sleep.

48. Medicines to enhance lactation.

Any medication for breastfeeding can be taken exclusively as directed by a doctor, because their components can cause allergies in an infant. The most popular drugs that increase breast milk production include:

  • Hipp - herbal tea for nursing women, containing anise, fennel, nettle and cumin;
  • Grandma's basket is a lactogenic herbal tea that tones up and gives strength;
  • Lactogon is a food supplement. Contains royal jelly, carrot juice, herbs and ascorbic acid;
  • Apilak - tablets containing vitamins and royal jelly. May cause sleep disturbances;
  • Mlekoin - medicinal granules containing plant substances;
  • Femilak is a dry milk mixture, which includes cow's milk, milk whey, herbal ingredients;
  • Milky Way is a dry blended food supplement containing soy protein and herbs.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body: what will help one woman may be useless for another, and vice versa.

49. Hyperlactation.

It also happens that too much milk is released. This is a phenomenon of hyperlactation that leads to regular chest congestion, involuntary leakage, soreness, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. During hyperlactation, the baby chokes on milk, swallows excess air, and often remains hungry. If there is too much milk, express foremilk before breastfeeding, limit fluid intake. Alternate breasts not every feed, but every 6 hours, while expressing a little while "non-breastfeeding" breasts until the condition is relieved.

50. Completion of breastfeeding.

You can wean a child at the age of 1.5-2 years. The baby has already cut through all the teeth, and he is completely ready to chew and digest ordinary food. Lactation should be completed gradually, removing one breastfeeding at a time. For example, first replace feeding during wakefulness with regular food, then remove feeding after sleep, then feed before bedtime, and so on. After stopping feeding, milk can arrive for weeks or months. At this time, reduce the amount of fluid, actively engage in sports. Compresses and infusions of mint or sage are also effective.

51. How to restore breastfeeding.

If for some reason milk has disappeared or its production has decreased, lactation can be restored. To do this, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast more often and gradually reduce supplementary feeding in order to stimulate sucking. Tactile skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is important. You can use massage, compresses, herbal teas to enhance lactation. We read in detail about how to restore lactation - 10 ways.

Diseases of an infant

52. How to understand that a child is ill.

  1. Increased body temperature, fever.
  2. Low body temperature can be a reaction to infection.
  3. Frequent intermittent breathing.
  4. Refusal to eat.
  5. Frequent whims, crying, anxiety, sleep disturbances.
  6. Vomiting.
  7. Decrease in the number of urination to 5 or less times a day, urine is dark in color, with a smell.
  8. Changes in the consistency and color of feces, the appearance of bloody discharge, mucus, foam in it.
  9. Diarrhea (too frequent stools), or no stool at all for more than 2 days.

53. If the baby has a high fever.

The child should be undressed and wiped with a soft cloth with water at room temperature. If the temperature has not dropped after 10-15 minutes, give the baby an antipyretic agent in accordance with the dosage for this age indicated in the instructions. The safest drugs are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. You should definitely consult a doctor. Read more about how to bring down the temperature here.

54. Why does the baby cry.

The most common cause of crying is hunger or wet diapers. In addition, frequent crying may indicate the onset of the disease, poor health, anxiety, and fatigue. Other signs should be considered to determine the exact cause.

55. Colic in infants.

Intestinal cramps are abdominal pains caused by increased gas production. Colic often occurs in children aged 2-4 weeks and is associated with the habituation of the gastrointestinal tract to a new diet. Colic usually goes away by 3-5 months. Symptoms of intestinal colic in an infant:

  • The child is anxious;
  • Presses the legs to the tummy;
  • Crying piercingly;
  • There is a violation of the stool;
  • Gases out from time to time.

56. How to help a baby with colic

  • Lay the baby on the tummy for a few minutes before feeding;
  • After feeding, you should hold the baby upright (in a column), waiting until it spits up;
  • Make sure the baby does not swallow excess air during feeding;
  • Do not eat foods that cause gas production;
  • Massage the baby's tummy with light circular movements, clockwise;
  • From time to time bend and unbend the legs of the child towards the stomach and back;
  • Apply a warm, but not hot, diaper to your tummy;
  • When bathing, add a decoction of chamomile - it has a relaxing effect;
  • The cause of colic in infants on IV can be an incorrectly selected mixture.

57. Remedies for colic.

  • Dill water. Add a teaspoon of fennel or dill seeds to a glass of boiling water. Insist an hour, after which give the baby a sip before feeding;
  • Bifiform Baby and Espumisan Baby are allowed to be given from the first days of life. These drugs soothe and eliminate disturbances, fill the gastrointestinal tract with useful microflora, prevent dysbiosis;
  • Powder Plantex is allowed to be given from two weeks of age. It contains fennel, which promotes gas and stimulates digestion and reduces colic;
  • Bobotic drops and Sub Simplex suspension are shown for babies from 1 month. They reduce bloating, relieve colic;
  • The doctor can prescribe to crumbs Linex, Baby Calm, Babyino and other effective drugs for colic.

58. Manifestations of allergies in an infant.

Anything can cause an allergy in a baby: food, wool, dust, care products, pollen, and more. An allergic reaction can be of three types:

  1. On the skin: rashes and redness, itching, peeling, swelling.
  2. In the respiratory system: cough, runny nose, sneezing and even asthma.
  3. In the digestive organs: vomiting, excessive regurgitation, stool disorders.

59. Treatment of allergies.

The sources of the allergic reaction should be identified and eliminated. A breastfeeding woman needs to avoid foods high in allergens. Mixed-fed babies should try a different formula. Medicines against allergies for a nursing child and a nursing mother should be prescribed by a doctor.

60. Sweating heat.

It occurs in the baby as a reaction to severe overheating and sweat. The prickly heat is manifested by rashes in the form of bubbles. Unlike allergic rashes, they don't itch or itch. To cope with prickly heat, you need to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room of 18-22 °, do not wrap the child, bathe in baths in succession, observe hygiene. Almond oil, zinc paste can be applied to the affected areas. If the liquid in the bubbles begins to darken, consult a doctor immediately! Details about prickly heat.

61. Regurgitation.

Regurgitation is a physiological process and is observed in children up to 4-7 months. Dropping milk or formula occurs spontaneously 15-20 minutes after feeding. If the child spits up too profusely or even with a fountain, this indicates a digestive upset. The cause of this phenomenon may be overeating or poisoning, you should consult a doctor.

62. How to recognize vomiting.

Vomiting indicates severe poisoning, digestive disorders and even pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to be able to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation. Regurgitation occurs once after feeding, the volume of the outgoing fluid is small (up to 5 ml). When regurgitating, the contents come out in their original form, the child's well-being is normal. Vomiting can occur at any time, regardless of feeding, and in unlimited quantities. Contents during vomiting, already partially digested, in the form of curdled milk, has a sour smell. The baby refuses to eat when vomiting, does not sleep well, worries, cries. Only vomiting can go like a fountain.

63. Dysbacteriosis in infants.

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora and occurs in 90% of infants. This disease is manifested by bloating, painful and frequent colic, sleep disturbance. Concomitant symptoms of dysbiosis are stool disorders, nausea and vomiting, problems with appetite, atopic dermatitis. Treatment should be performed by a doctor. Details about dysbiosis.

Breastfeeding chair

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64. What should be normal baby's stool.

With HB, the baby's stool can be anything. It depends on the age and nutrition of the child. You can talk about deviations in stools with mucus, foamy stools, colorless or white feces, hard hard feces, stools with blood.

65. Green stools may be normal.

It can become a cause for concern if it is accompanied by other symptoms: a pungent unpleasant odor, an overly liquid consistency, a high content of mucus, fever and weight loss, and bloating.

66. Stool with mucus.

A small amount of mucus is present in the stool of any healthy person. Digestive disorders and infection are indicated by the high content of mucus, as well as the color of the discharge. For colds and bacterial infections, the stool may be yellow or green with mucus. Transparent feces occur with intestinal inflammation, enterovirus infection, colds. White feces indicate an intestinal infection.

67. If the baby has foamy stools.

Such stool can be caused by several reasons: dysbiosis, allergies, infection, and even malnutrition. Usually, it is enough to adjust the nutrition of the baby and mother in order to normalize digestion. Treatment is necessary for an infectious disease and a strong allergic reaction.

68. The problem of loose stools.

The first three months of life, babies have liquid stools. Being breastfed, the baby can walk 8-12 times a day, sometimes after each feeding. By 6 months, the number of bowel movements reaches 2-5 times, by 1 year - 1-2 times a day.

69. Diarrhea or loose stools?

It is important to be able to distinguish diarrhea from regular loose stools. With diarrhea, the number of bowel movements increases significantly, the child cries, and may refuse food. Stool is released abruptly, sometimes mucus, foam or blood appears in them. Stool consistency becomes watery, has a greenish color and a strong sour odor. Other possible signs: the baby is losing weight, pulling his legs to his tummy, as he is tormented by gas. Temperature rise possible.

Often the cause of diarrhea with hepatitis B is new foods that the mother or baby has tried. It is necessary to revise the diet, remove supplementary feed, change the mixture in the case of mixed feeding. You don't need to give your baby a drink or stop breastfeeding.

70. Constipation.

Constipation in infants is the absence of stool for more than 2 days. In the first days after childbirth, stool once a day is considered normal, subsequently the frequency of the child's stool increases. With constipation, the baby cries, the tummy is swollen, there are problems with sleep. Vomiting is occasionally observed.

Often constipation in infants causes abuse by a nursing mother of flour and sweet products, fatty, dairy foods. You should include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, and refuse fortifying foods. To help your baby, you can do a light tummy massage, leg exercises that simulate cycling.

71. How to normalize bowel movements in an infant

  • While feeding your baby, offer the second breast only if he has completely emptied the first;
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet, do not overeat;
  • Be sure to include dried fruits, dairy products in your daily diet;
  • Responsibly approach the choice of formula for mixed or bottle feeding;
  • Do not introduce complementary foods earlier than 6 months, carefully monitor the baby's reaction to the new product;
  • If possible, do not feed and supplement the baby.

What to do if a nursing mother is sick

72. Do not stop breastfeeding.

Mother's milk contains antibodies and protects the baby from infection. Expressed and boiled milk loses its immune properties, so breastfeed. In case of flu or colds, wear a face shield to keep your baby safe from viruses. Breastfeeding can be discontinued temporarily while taking strong medications if the doctor insists on it.

73. See a doctor.

Seek qualified medical attention for any illness. Only a physician will be able to select drugs suitable for lactation. Self-medication can aggravate the disease and affect the health of the baby.

74. Use folk remedies.

In case of illness, do not rush to take medicine. Perhaps, at first, traditional medicine (decoctions, infusions, compresses) can help. However, you should also consult your doctor, because many herbs can cause allergies and affect lactation.

75. Take medications only as directed by your doctor.

When taking, carefully read the instructions for use, shelf life, contraindications and side effects.

76. Observe the required dosage and administration rules.

Do not under any circumstances exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor, even if you do not feel better. Perhaps he will find another medicine for you. Also, do not reduce the therapeutic dose, as the drug will have no effect, but will pass into breast milk.

77. Do not self-medicate babies.

If, nevertheless, the baby does catch a cold, do not give him medication. Enough will be those that penetrate into his body with mother's milk. If your child's condition worsens, see a doctor. Only he can prescribe treatment for the baby.

78. Time of taking medications.

If necessary, take a pill once a day, it is better to do this before the baby's longest sleep. If the medicine needs to be drunk several times, then use it immediately after feeding.

79. Medicines permitted for breastfeeding:

  • Activated carbon, Smecta;
  • Almagel;
  • Creon;
  • Paracetamol and Panadol;
  • Dibazol;
  • Cetirizine and Loratadine;
  • Clexane;
  • Amityriptyline;
  • Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, brilliant green;
  • Lidocaine and Ultracaine;
  • Glycine;
  • Linex;
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Ketanov;
  • No-shpa.

80. Drugs that should be taken with caution in HB:

  • Suprastin and Tavegil;
  • Verapamil;
  • Venter;
  • Fenoterol;
  • Diazepam and other similar drugs;
  • Imodium, you can only once;
  • Furosimide;
  • Foralx, Senna leaves and Guttalax;
  • Insulin by carefully choosing the dose.

81. Prohibited drugs during lactation:

  • Aspirin;
  • Citramon;
  • Denol;
  • Cordaflex;
  • Trental;
  • Reserpine;
  • Diazoxide;
  • Analgin and Baralgin, Sedalgin and Pentalgin;
  • Phenylin;
  • Persen and Novopassit;
  • Codeine.

82. Antibiotics for lactating women:

  • Penicillins;
  • Aminoglycosides (Netromycin, etc.);
  • Cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Zinnat, etc.);
  • Macrolides (Sumamed, Erythromycin).

83. Antibiotics prohibited for use by lactating women:

  • Tetracyclines and sulfonamides (Bactrim, Bi-septol, etc.);
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tinidazole and Metronidazole;
  • Levomycin and Clindamycin.

Self-care during lactation

84. Is it allowed to do a manicure? Manicure while breastfeeding is recommended to be done no more than 1 time in two weeks. Moreover, he should be as gentle as possible. Vapors from varnish and liquid to wipe it off during breathing penetrate into the woman's blood and through it into breast milk.

85. How to do a manicure for a nursing woman.

Disinfect all instruments with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. To reduce the ingress of harmful substances, do not bend low over your nails, put on a gauze bandage. Use only quality polish and acetone-free remover. The interval between the procedure and subsequent feeding should be at least 2 hours. Do not allow the baby to be nearby, ventilate the room well.

86. How to take care of skin and nails with hepatitis B.

Use hypoallergenic nourishing, moisturizing and protective creams for face and hands, with a neutral scent. A solution of vitamin A and olive oil will help restore the skin. For hands, baths with soda and sea salt are suitable. To strengthen and brighten your nails, rub them with a lemon wedge.

87. Is it possible to dye hair with HB.

There is no exact answer whether the chemical composition of hair dyes penetrates into a woman's body and breast milk. But the fumes from them during the procedure are undoubtedly harmful. Therefore, also use a gauze bandage, ventilate the room well. Look for paints without ammonia, with reducing oils. Follow the instructions for use and exclude the child from being near during staining.

88. Safe hair dyeing for HS.

Of the chemical types of coloring, highlighting is the safest, since it is carried out retreating 3-5 cm from the roots. Therefore, the concentration of harmful substances that enter the body decreases. You can use natural remedies. For example, to lighten hair, take chamomile decoction and lemon juice. To become red - use henna or onion broth. Basma is suitable for dyeing black.

89. The problem of hair loss in HB.

Often after giving birth, a woman is faced with such a nuisance as hair loss. The reasons for this: changes in hormonal levels, lack of vitamins against the background of breastfeeding, unhealthy diet, stress. It is normal if up to 100 hairs fall out per day. If the amount of lost hair is 400-500, then emergency measures should be taken!

90. How to deal with hair loss with HB:

  • Give up chemicals: dyeing, perm, varnishes, etc.
  • Do not use hair dryers, curling irons, or irons for care. Dry hair naturally, do not comb damp hair, do not go to bed with a wet head;
  • After washing, rinse your head with strengthening natural remedies: decoction of chamomile, nettle, sour kvass, onion broth;
  • Choose shampoo according to your hair type. Use gentle products with natural ingredients;
  • Use special medical masks, balms, ointments. Read the instructions carefully, it is better to purchase them at the pharmacy;
  • While washing, massage the scalp in a circular motion;
  • Pay attention to your diet and routine. Take special vitamins for nursing, eat well, get more rest;
  • Don't be nervous about trifles!

91. How to get rid of excess weight after childbirth?

Observations show that a woman gains 7-13 kg after giving birth. The excess weight usually goes away after a few months. But it also happens that this mass remains. In this case, moderate physical activity, walking in the fresh air will be useful. During breastfeeding, you cannot go on a diet, as this can harm the baby, because he will not be able to receive all the necessary elements in the proper amount.

92. Sports for a nursing mother.

  • Walking;
  • Pilates and Yoga;
  • Gymnastics and Fitness;
  • Swimming 2-3 months after childbirth;
  • Aerobics and cycling are recommended 6-7 months after the baby is born.

93. Kinds of sports contraindicated in hepatitis B.

Running and athletics, and lifting weights. During sports running, chest injuries are possible due to fluctuations in the mammary glands. Also, the chest can be injured due to lifting barbells, dumbbells. These types of exercise can reduce lactation.

94. Stretch marks after childbirth.

Cosmetologists insist that such a problem can be completely eliminated within 9-10 months after childbirth. To do this, rub the problem areas with a soft brush twice a day. While washing, direct the shower stream to the stretch marks, alternating between cold and hot water. Also use special creams for stretch marks. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to start eliminating stretch marks as early as possible.

Introducing complementary foods

95. When to introduce complementary foods.

For a child who is on HB, doctors recommend giving the first complementary food no earlier than 6 months. This will be indicated by the following signs: the baby can sit independently, shows a keen interest in the food of adults, does not push away the spoon. At this age, the baby may already lack only mother's milk.

96. How to introduce complementary foods.

Introduce first complementary foods only to a healthy baby. It is given before breastfeeding, juices after feeding. Start introducing the product with 5 g (half a teaspoon), within 2-4 weeks, bringing to 150 g. The first complementary foods are given in the morning, at 9-11 hours. At the same time, breastfeeding is necessarily preserved.

97. Monitor your baby's reactions to complementary foods.

When giving any new product, pay attention to the child's well-being, his stool, and skin. If a rash, stool problems or other reaction occurs, wait 1 month with the introduction of this product and then try again. The main rule is consistency and gradualness. That is, you can give only one new product and introduce another only after getting used to the first.

98. What to give in complementary foods.

  • Starting from 6 months, pediatricians recommend introducing vegetable puree into complementary foods for a healthy child. If the baby is underweight, frequent constipation, then it is better to start complementary foods with cereals in the water. Also at this age, you can vegetable oil;
  • From 7 months old you can give your baby sour milk products, cottage cheese and butter;
  • From 8 months old, children can enjoy fruit purees and cereals with milk, baby cookies and meat puree;
  • From 9 months, introduce fish puree into the diet, as well as natural juices;
  • From 11-12 months, you can already give semolina, pearl barley, millet porridge and berry puree.

99. Foods that should not be fed to children under 2 years of age:

  • Semi-finished products and canned food;
  • Smoked products and sausages;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • Seafood;
  • Glazed curds;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sweet pastries;
  • Marinades and pickles;
  • Cow's milk;
  • Coffee and herbal teas;
  • Chocolate.

100. Pedagogical complementary foods.

If the child refuses to eat complementary foods, do not force him. So you only discourage appetite and complicate the introduction of complementary foods, plus scare the baby. Have the baby sit at a common table during a family meal, constantly offer new food for him. If he refuses to use squash puree, offer him cauliflower. Demonstrate that it is delicious by feeding a bunny or a bear together. This is called pedagogical complementary foods.

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  • How to breastfeed outdoors and in public - tips and tricks
  • What to do if the baby bites the breast while feeding?
  • Fundamental advice for nursing mothers

Video gallery: breastfeeding from A to Z

Watch the video: HOW TO: Lose Weight Fast While Breastfeeding (July 2024).