After childbirth

7 life hacks for a young mom

Being a mom is not easy, especially when you become her for the first time. You have to do a million things at the same time: feed, bathe, change your baby's clothes, and also clean the apartment, cook food for the whole family, read literature on childcare. Some mothers also have to work at work. Life in this mode drives you into stress, sometimes you don't even have the opportunity to rest and relax. Fortunately, there are ways to keep up with everything and even make time for yourself. Read about this in our article.

Life hack # 1: Breastfeeding

Lifehack 1 saves you time, money and nerves, and at the same time keeps you and your baby healthy. Just breastfeed your baby all the time. So you will save your time, money, and most importantly - the health of your child. In this case, you do not have to buy various bottles, nipples, warmers. You will get rid of the need to get up at night to prepare the mixture, there will be no need to ask your husband about it. The money saved will definitely be used. For example, you can sign up for yoga or aqua aerobics for moms and children. Now it is more relevant than ever.

Life hack # 2: Ironing and washing children's clothes

Lifehack 2 will save you time and effort. Another easy way to save your time and effort is to stop ironing your baby's clothes and diapers if you continue to use them. From the point of view of hygiene, such a procedure is completely devoid of any sense. Wash children's clothes separately from adults and only with special detergents for washing children's clothes (how and how to wash clothes for a newborn baby). If grandmothers start accusing you of not caring enough for the baby, tell them to come to you every weekend and iron all the baby's underwear.

Life hack # 3: Cooking

This tip will bring back the joy of being with your husband and provide you with a week's worth of food without spending 24 hours at the stove. Often, after the birth of a child, all communication with the baby's dad is reduced to watching the series in the evening when the child falls asleep. If this happened to you, take your laptop to the kitchen and sit down with your husband to sculpt dumplings and khinkali, make cutlets and meatballs.

Cooking your favorite dishes together is an interesting activity that brings together and gives positive emotions. Freeze dumplings and cutlets - and you are provided with food for the whole week. Next time, all that remains is to reheat the main dish and cook pasta for a side dish.

Life hack # 4: Fees for a walk

This tip will allow you to quickly collect your baby outside. Dressing a baby for a walk is a real challenge that sometimes drags on for a long time. Hypertonicity does not allow him to straighten his arms and legs, and with grown-up toddlers another problem arises - they indulge, be capricious and try in every way to get rid of the pants that mothers put on them.

If your baby doesn't like pants so much, give them up. Great clothes for a baby from 6 months to a year are slips. These are cute and comfortable button jumpsuits. There are even models that do not need to be completely removed to change the diaper. Slips will seriously save you the time you usually spend getting ready for a walk. A kid in such clothes is warm and comfortable, many mothers confirm.

And yes, for a walk, it's better to just buy a sleeping bag in advance, which will then turn into a jumpsuit. First, you will save time on packing for a walk, and then you will realize that you have also saved money, and decently.

Life hack # 5: Choosing toys

This tip will save you money and instill confidence in yourself. Do not buy expensive toys, even the coolest and most educational ones. After all, the kid still understands little and enjoys the usual bells and mobiles over his bed and certainly does not need expensive toys. So let them give them to him for birthdays and other holidays of grandparents and aunts and uncles.

Children willingly play with real objects. Here's a really rewarding activity that helps toddlers learn about the world around them. From gloves, socks and small slippers, from which the baby grew up, you can easily sew sensory balls and even toys (we just pour various cereals inside and sew), and for a grown toddler there is nothing more interesting than pots, spoons and old phones (just do not forget to remove from batteries).

Even scientists have proven that a child does not need to have many toys. The lack of a large number of toys stimulates the baby's fantasy and imagination, teaches him to communicate with people around him.

Life hack # 6: Slings

This life hack will make you mobile and avoid social isolation and dependence on anyone. Slings have been chosen by many modern mothers. They allow a woman to be mobile and not stay at home with her baby around the clock. Buy a sling scarf and learn how to wind it - it's easy, just try it. Wrap a sling, put a child in it - and you can safely go to a meeting with friends, to a cafe, to an exhibition, to a museum or a shopping center. Even just going to the store for bread will become much easier. You don't have to drag a heavy and bulky stroller with you.

Heading: Slingomama

Life hack number 7: Correct attitude towards the child

This tip will make you and your baby happy. Becoming a happy mother and giving joy to your child is not so difficult. Just accept your baby with his character and characteristics. Do not push the slow sleepyhead, which can barely suckle at the breast, rather use this time for rest or reading a book. Do not try to slow down an active explorer of the world who sleeps for half an hour - he wants to know the world around him so much that he can’t wait to see everything - so help him. Just listen to your child and tune in to his wave, and you will be able to handle any business.

The most important life hack for a mother does not need to be described in detail - just rest when the child is sleeping. After all, mom needs a lot of strength and energy to do everything.

A few more tricks to help mom

  1. If you like hot tea and coffee, please ask for a thermospot. What for? Remember this when you turn on the kettle for the fifth time, then pour it into a cup and find that for some reason it is cold ... A small child distracts all the time, so mom has to put the kettle on again and again, and the water in it cools quickly. Thermospot will solve this problem. With it, you can drink hot tea at any time.
  2. Buy a large and soft bedspread or sew a patchwork touchscreen with a sintepon lining yourself, use it as a developmental rug. Spread your baby on the floor and place it on it. So he will start to crawl and roll over faster, he will rather try to sit down - after all, there are so many interesting things around.
  3. Attach bells, ribbons with small toys to the table or highchair using duct tape. This takes the baby for a long time and during feeding you will not have a problem with the fact that you need to pick up a toy with which the baby learns causal relationships - just show the baby that it can be pulled up by the ribbon - an excellent training for gross motor skills.
  4. Place small baskets or pretty boxes with everything you need around the house: wet and dry wipes, diapers, a couple of rattles. This makes life much easier if the apartment or house is large.
  5. Make some baskets or bags for your baby, collecting safe but interesting items: plastic jars with lids, old keys, broken phones, spoons, sling buses, business card holder with plastic cards, etc.
  • Where to find time for mom: 6 tips that work
  • TOP-7 useful tips that will save time and energy for a young mother
  • 7 devices that will free your mom's hands
  • 25 awesome life hacks for all parents
  • How can a young mother cope with her baby and household chores?
  • "I'm tired of being a mom": 5 tips for improving life with a child after a year

Video life hacks

Part 1:

Part 2:

Watch the video: 7 Simple Life Hacks (July 2024).