After childbirth

8 signs you are an anxious mom

After the birth of a child, life changes dramatically, as does the woman herself. Sometimes a new mother suddenly becomes a different person. Previously active and self-confident, she turns into a brood hen that cannot leave the baby even for a second and talks all the time about how he slept, how he ate, what success he has. Some suddenly become truly "abnormal mummies" who are ready to wipe the whole world with antibacterial wipes, just to protect their child from invisible bacteria. If you notice the characteristic signs of an anxious mother in yourself, gather your will into a fist and find time for yourself, and let your grandmother, husband, aunt or nanny sit with the child. Read on to learn how to spot an anxious mom.

# 1. You only live for the child

You devote all your time to the child, 24 hours a day, cherish and cherish him, giving him all of yourself. If you have to leave, you think about the baby every second. You are worried if everything is okay with him, whether you fed him, changed his clothes, and suddenly he got sick or someone offended him ... For peace of mind you need to be with your child around the clock.

# 2. You want to be the perfect mom in the eyes of others

You need others to appreciate how much you do for the baby, how well you care for him. Better yet, the approval is publicly voiced for everyone to hear. If someone says, “You've made a great mom,” you break into a satisfied smile, you flourish.

Number 3. You forgot about your feelings

You stopped paying attention to your condition and your feelings. You take care of your baby 24 hours a day and do not rest at all. You are irritated, depressed, you have chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, but all this is no longer important for you - the main thing is that the baby is good - "What difference does it make, the main thing is that the child is good." Yes, in the first year of a child's life, this is justified, and then sometimes you need to take breaks in order to regain strength and get some sleep. When the baby grows up, it's time for the mother to gradually return to her normal life, in which there are other things to do.

No. 4. Are you afraid to do something wrong

You are scared at the thought that you will make some kind of mistake in caring for and upbringing, or miss a sign of an onset illness. You are very afraid of doing something wrong. Therefore, you regularly consult with doctors, specialists, study thematic sites, communicate on forums with other mothers. You constantly have a lot of questions regarding the upbringing of your baby and his health.

No. 5. You feel guilty about shopping for yourself

You literally feel ashamed when you buy something for yourself, even if it is a necessary thing. Each time in such cases, you think that it would be better to buy the next hundredth toy for your little one. And it doesn't matter that there is nowhere to put them.

No. 6. You sacrifice everything for the child

It seems to you that it is unacceptable to leave the baby alone with his dad or grandmother, because this is practically a betrayal. Therefore, you do not go anywhere, except for a walk with your baby. For the sake of your little one, you forgot about your hobbies, about meeting your friends, although no one demanded such sacrifices from you. You no longer remember when you were sitting in a beauty salon or choosing a new handbag in a store, but you are a regular customer at sales in children's stores.

No. 7. Maternity is above all else for you

Since you had a child, there are no more expressions for you “I don’t want,” “I’m tired,” “I can’t take it anymore.” "Mom must!" - now this is your motto for life.

No. 8. Children are your only topic of conversation.

You constantly talk about children, so your friends and family begin to shy away from communication. Because of this, you are very offended, but not everyone is interested in listening to stories about diapers and childhood diseases for hours.

You don't have to make motherhood a hard and exhausting job. There is no point in forgetting about yourself and devoting your whole life to a child, you do not have to go out of your way to look like an ideal mom in the eyes of someone. Try to find a balance between caring for your baby and spending time on yourself. Then you can truly enjoy motherhood.

  • "Diagnosis": I am an anxious mother
  • The main fears of a young mother
  • 7 things that all moms are afraid of, but in vain

Watch the video: 6 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Experience Anxiety (July 2024).