Baby feeding

5 harmful tips for mothers of babies about complementary foods

Many people around consider it important to give advice to a young mother on how to take care of a child: relatives, girlfriends, neighbors and even strangers. In this article, we will tell you what not very useful and sometimes harmful advice strangers can give. Remember that if you doubt the correctness of this or that advice, it is better to consult a specialist.

Probably no one gets as much advice as young mothers. Everyone around them considers it their duty to tell how to care for a child: relatives, girlfriends, neighbors and even strangers. But, you need to be prepared for the fact that not all of these recommendations are useful for you and your baby. Now I take it with humor, and even ranked the most harmful advice that I received.

Bad advice 1: from three months the child can be supplemented with fruit juices

When Vara was 3 months old, I bought fruit at a street stall. The saleswoman immediately read me lectures on how to supplement the child with diluted fruit juices, even before the introduction of complementary foods, because the baby needs vitamins. In fact, complementary foods are usually introduced when the baby is five to six months old. Until this age, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients from mother's milk or from a mixture, so the juices are needed not for him, but for his mother.

Bad advice 2: you can choose any mixture, because they are all the same

Why not read on mothers' forums. For example, it is often said that all mixtures are the same in composition, only manufacturers and prices differ. In fact, this is not at all the case, the mixtures are dry or liquid, and they also differ in composition. For example, they can be made on the basis of cow or goat milk. My daughter often regurgitated and I decided to try to give her a goat milk mixture, I read that it is closer in composition to the mother's and easier to digest. Each mixture is designed for a different age of the child and takes into account the possible manifestations of his allergies. A pediatrician will help you find the right formula for your baby.

Bad advice 3: cereals for the introduction of complementary foods should be cooked in cow's milk

Recently we were with Varya in the village, visiting his grandmother. Well, I decided to help and cooked buckwheat porridge in cow's milk, added butter to it, all my own, natural. Keep in mind that cow's milk is a difficult product, even for an adult body. The baby, especially during the period of the introduction of complementary foods, will not benefit from it. But it will almost certainly cause indigestion and possibly allergic reactions. It is better to use either ready-made cereals for complementary foods from trusted manufacturers, or add to them the milk mixture you are feeding your baby.

Bad advice 4: it is better to give the baby diluted cow's milk instead of the mixture

And the neighbor said that it is better to give the baby diluted cow's milk, because this is a natural product. She even brought me one and a half liters of fresh cow's milk from the village. In fact, whole cow's milk is a very fatty and heavy product for a baby. It can provoke a violation of the metabolism and assimilation in the child's body of the calcium and vitamin D it needs.

Bad advice 5: a child should eat whatever is given to him

Moms of course worry when their babies eat poorly, but even more worried about grandmothers, who believe that their beloved grandchildren are starved. Don't be discouraged if sometimes your little one refuses to eat broccoli or zucchini puree. First, try giving complementary foods when the baby is hungry; in this case, he is unlikely to refuse food. Secondly, do not force to eat the whole portion, the baby will show you how much he needs.

What bad advice did they give you? Let's talk about this in the comments.

  • Dangerous complementary foods: TOP-5 mistakes of parents
  • 7 stupid tips from strangers for a young mom
  • TOP 10 bad advice from grandmothers

Video: Harmful advice to mothers of babies

Watch the video: Can optimal complementary feeding improve later health and development? (July 2024).