Newborn health

Why does a child at 2-3 years old not speak - the reasons, and what should parents do? Treatment, tests, consultations with speech therapists, classes and games

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, over the past few years, the number of children with mental retardation has doubled. Usually this problem begins to manifest itself between 2 and 3 years of age. Watching how your baby's peers are no longer just babbling in an incomprehensible language, but pleasing moms and dads, memorizing more and more new words, it is difficult to stay calm. I just want to panic and run to the doctors with questions about how to speed up the development of the child's speech. The main thing in this situation is not to panic and not give vent to negative emotions. Experts say that some inhibition of speech development is not a cause for concern. Usually, the delay is due to certain reasons, identifying and eliminating which, you will hear the long-awaited first words of your baby. The main thing is to contact specialists in time. The ideal option is to see a doctor when the baby is 2 - 3 years old. At a more adult age, a delay in speech development will inhibit the development of a child's thinking. Let's consider the main criteria by which the development of the speech of a crumbs can be delayed, and how to overcome them.

Speech development standards for a child 2 - 3 years old: a child's speech test

First, you need to figure out whether a child is really inhibited in psycho-speech development, or is it a figment of the imagination of the adults around him. It happens that parents expect too much from their baby, although his skills are the norm for this age. We suggest taking a simple test to determine if your child has all the necessary speech skills. For each positive answer put a plus sign, for a negative one - a minus sign.

  1. Comments (accompanies, pronounces) the actions of surrounding objects and people with the help of characteristic sounds: bbc (about a driving car), tu-tu (about a train), tsok-tsok (about a horse).
  2. Pronounces the basic sounds correctly, with the exception of the sonorous ("r", "l") and hissing ("w", "w", "h", "u").
  3. A lexicon of about 1300 words. To "measure" you can use a test from the Internet, for example, It is important to mark only those words that are regularly used by your child.
  4. Able to construct meaningful sentences from words.
  5. Knows how to name the objects shown in the picture (as a test, offer the child an image containing at least 12 - 15 objects and phenomena).
  6. He actively uses the main parts of speech: Nouns (mom, dad, mouse); Adjectives (red, good, kind); Verbs (drank, eat, went for a walk); Pronouns (I, you, we).
  7. Not yet using: Communion (offended, fed); Communions (driving up, telling).
  8. Able to name an object, its quality and the action performed: "a ginger cat drinks milk."
  9. Knows how to tell a small fairy tale, an episode from life or a quatrain.
  10. Curious - the child is interested in the names, actions, characteristics and properties of the objects and phenomena around him.
  11. Feels the melodies, their rhythm.
  12. Able to copy words and small sentences spoken by adults.
  13. Has a leisurely speech without swallowing endings.
  14. The child does not have increased salivation.
  15. Asks about unfamiliar objects.

If you have noted more than 5 disadvantages, we recommend that you consult with your pediatrician as soon as possible. The longer the child lags behind in speech development from peers, the more his mental and mental development is delayed.

If there are less than 3 - 4 minuses, then you will not need a doctor, you can be calm, everything is in order with the development of the child's speech.

Detailed norms of speech development from 0 to 3 years (speech therapist Tatyana Lanskaya)

Reasons for "taciturnity" of a 2-3 year old child

All factors by which a child does not possess the necessary speech skills by the age of 3 can be conditionally divided into physiological and psychological.

Physiological include:

  • Stuttering - A fairly common speech disorder, which usually manifests itself after the child is frightened by something. May be due to an unhealthy family environment. To solve the problem, you need to contact a neurologist (in detail about stuttering and the reasons);
  • Genetic predisposition - in some cases it takes place, but you should not justify the delay in speech by the fact that "our dad also started talking late." If by the age of 3 the child does not have the necessary speech skills, you should contact a specialist;
  • Hearing impairment - with this feature, all difficulties come down to the fact that the baby does not perceive the surrounding speech well enough to reproduce it, and in case of deafness, he completely distorts words / sounds;
  • Alalia - a serious neurological disease that requires prompt medical correction. May be the cause of partial impairment or complete dysfunction of speech due to damage to parts of the brain;
  • Dislalia - the difficulty of reproducing one or more sounds. Requires the help of a speech therapist. It is usually corrected from 4 years old.
  • Dysarthria - this violation is the result of malfunctions in the work of the central nervous system. The disease is characteristic of children with cerebral palsy, which can only be delivered by a speech therapist after long-term observation of the patient. The disease is characterized by limited mobility of the articulatory apparatus, blurred speech, problems with fine motor skills in a child;
  • History of serious injury and infectionthat have caused impaired brain function;
  • Fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the mother during the period of gestation (infectious diseases, injuries);
  • Heavy labor (rapid, with entanglement of the umbilical cord), trauma to the child during childbirth (perinatal encephalopathy, damage to the cervical vertebrae);
  • Cerebral palsy - a serious disease of the central nervous system, which is characterized by damage to one or more parts of the brain. Delayed psychoverbal development is one of the main symptoms of the disease;
  • Hydrocephalus - developmental disorders of the brain caused by the accumulation of fluid in it;
  • Cerebral ischemia - a disease characterized by a violation of the normal blood circulation in the brain;
  • Epilepsy - a serious neurological disease, characterized by the appearance in the cerebral cortex of a special focus of excitation, causing convulsive activity and, as a consequence, convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness;
  • Other congenital and acquired brain regions and the central nervous system.

Psychological reasons for delayed speech development:

  • Individual feature. Each child is individual in its development, which often does not correspond to generally accepted norms. If other reasons for the delay in speech cannot be found, then it is most likely that the baby will master the necessary skills, but a little later than his peers;
  • Bilingualism and polylinguism. In a family where everyday communication is carried out in two or more languages, it is quite difficult for a child to master them simultaneously. Therefore, some delays in the development of speech in this case are the norm;
  • No need for speech. A kid needs live communication more than an adult. It is necessary to develop speech - read fairy tales and poems; retell short stories; name the surrounding objects, their properties, qualities and actions; ask your baby questions. In a family where parents prefer to silently burrow into a smartphone or computer, the child does not feel the need for speech and does not speak;
  • Stress. This includes both child abuse and excessive custody and deprivation of independence. Children from asocial families have a speech delay in the first place;
  • Severe mental trauma at an early age. It can be as a seemingly small fright from the barking of a dog, and scandals and scandals of adults, parents taking drugs and alcohol, leaving the child for a long time alone, in the dark, without the help of adults.

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Treatment of speech delay in a child 2 - 3 years old

So, if you have determined that the development of your baby's speech skills is below the stated norms, you need to contact a specialist. It will not be possible to correct the situation on your own without having the necessary professional skills. Doubtful methods of unknown pseudo-specialists from the Internet will not help either.

It is important to understand that delayed speech development directly affects the formation of a person's thinking abilities, therefore, it is necessary to consult a good doctor as soon as possible. The sooner this is done, the lower the likelihood of complications in the further development of the baby. By postponing the solution of the problem until later, you risk dooming the child to developmental delays, difficulties in schooling, and as a consequence - transfer to a correctional school.

Which doctor should I go to?

  1. Pediatrician - First of all, it is worth visiting the pediatrician who is observing your child. He will examine the baby and determine which specialized specialist you need to contact.
  2. Audiologist - a specialist engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the organs of hearing.
  3. Otorhinolaryngologist or, more simply, ENT - a medical specialty aimed at treating and preventing diseases of the ear-throat-nose-head-neck system. In case of problems with speech, the doctor will help to establish whether there is a connection with violations in the work of the articulation apparatus. For example, the short hypoglossal frenulum makes it much more difficult for children to pronounce many sounds. After the examination and audiogram, the doctor will draw conclusions and, possibly, refer to another specialist.
  4. Speech therapist - a specialist directly involved in the elimination of speech disorders in children and adults. He will test and determine what is the level of development and speech of the baby itself. Perhaps, to clarify the diagnosis, he will send you to a neuropsychiatrist.
  5. Speech therapist-defectologist - a doctor who works with speech problems in children.
  6. Neuropathologist - will determine if the delay in the development of speech is associated with a violation of the functions of the brain or the central nervous system. After a series of procedures, a qualified specialist will quickly determine if there are any problems in his profile.
  7. Child psychologist - a specialist who provides psychological assistance to parents and children. If all other options have already "disappeared", and the reason has not been found, then they are sent to this specialist (or to a psychiatrist). It's possible that everything is much simpler than the panicked mom thinks.

Comprehensive diagnostics usually include examination and age testing (approx. - according to the Bailey scale, early speech development, Denver test), determination of facial muscle motility, verification of speech understanding / reproduction, as well as ECG and MRI, cardiogram, etc.

Basic treatment methods

  • Microcurrent reflexology - approved for use by children from 6 months. It is the effect of a weak electrical impulse on the neuroreflex zones and areas of the brain associated with the perception and formation of speech (there are a number of contraindications);
  • Magnetotherapy - a similar technique, in which the impact is carried out using low-frequency constant or pulsed magnetic fields;
  • Medicines - is prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist based on an individual treatment regimen. In most cases, nootropic drugs are used to nourish the brain neurons and activate the zones responsible for speech activity: lecithin, cogitum, neuromultivitis, cortexin, etc. These drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so their treatment should be coordinated with a narrow specialist;
  • Working with a speech therapist-defectologist - focused on the development of fine motor skills, the correct operation of the articulatory apparatus and the development of thinking;
  • Speech therapy massage - a very effective procedure, during which there is an effect on specific points of the ear and hand lobes, cheeks and lips, as well as the child's tongue, which helps to facilitate pronunciation. The most effective are the methods of massage according to Dyakova, Krause and Prikhodko.

Alternative treatments

  • Osteopathy - an unconventional method of influencing biologically active points on the child's body, aimed at regenerating the functions of the central nervous system and the brain;
  • Hippotherapy - a method of treatment by riding horses and communicating with animals;
  • Dolphin therapy - treatment with ultrasonic vibrations reproduced by dolphins and beneficially acting on the human brain (swimming with dolphins);
  • Music therapy - a psychotherapeutic method that uses music to solve psychological problems;
  • Art therapy - a method of therapy using creative activity as a therapeutic agent;
  • Working with a child psychologist - it is necessary in cases where the delay in speech development is due to an unfavorable situation in the family, psychological trauma of the child;
  • Home speech development - a complex of games, gymnastics and other activities focused on the progression of speech and performed at home.
  • And, of course, the exercises to be done at home.

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Activities and games with a child at home

No matter how hard narrow-profile specialists work with the baby, using the most effective methods, you should not rely solely on specialists and the lion's share of the work will fall on the shoulders of the parents. Regular daily activities with the child at home play an important role in eliminating the delay in the development of speech.

Development of fine motor skills

Pediatricians and neurologists tell parents about the extreme importance of the development of fine motor skills almost from the very birth of a child. Fine motor skills are indeed closely related to the development of speech (the center of the brain, which is responsible for motor skills, borders on the center, which is responsible for speech). The most effective exercises are games with sifting and pouring cereals, beads, searching for toys "drowned" in cereals, etc .; drawing with your fingers; braiding; finger theater; games with constructors, modeling from plasticine or dough,

Conversations from pictures

Books by age with large, bright images are fine. Or drawings of any size pasted around the house with images of people, animals, vegetables and fruits, vehicles, toys, fairy-tale characters. Stimulate your child to speak by asking him questions like "Who is this?" or "What is this?", "What is he doing?", "What is he?" etc. Tell the child about each picture SLOWLY (children read lips). Find a reason to discuss a few pictures every day - tell a funny episode related to the picture, suggest a competition to find an animal in the picture faster, etc. Drawings need to be changed weekly.

Articulation gymnastics

What child doesn't like to curl up? Organize a competition for the best scary or funny face, check who stretches his lips further, reaches his nose with his tongue. Use a mirror or camera. Practice your smile, the wider it is, the easier it is to pronounce the letter "s". The kid will be delighted without even noticing that he has completed the complex of articulatory gymnastics. There are tons of tutorial books on the subject today - pick yours. Gymnastics for the muscles of the face is extremely important!


One of the most important aspects of the comprehensive and harmonious development of a baby of any age.With delays in the formation of speech skills, it is necessary to actively involve the baby in the reading process, ask him to repeat small rhymes, make riddles, learn tongue twisters and nursery rhymes for the little ones. When reading a fairy tale, stop in order to ask the little one a few questions of the format "What is the name of the main character?", "Is the bear good or evil?", "Why did the bunny run away from the wolf?" etc. Try retelling small episodes of a piece or role-playing a mini-play. Read as much as possible, often and with expression. The kid should be an active participant in your fairy tale or poem. When reading short rhymes, give your baby the opportunity to finish the phrase.

Dances and songs

Music is a great tool for developing the areas of the brain responsible for speech. Listen to children's songs, learn and sing your favorites. Come up with ritual songs before bed, lunch, or a walk. When you go to bed, be sure to sing a lullaby to dolls, plush toys or cars. Be sure to dance with your child, using not only arms and legs, but also moving your fingers and making grimaces.

"Misunderstanding" the child's gestures

If your child speaks to you with gestures softly and unobtrusively, let the child understand that you do not understand his gestures, requests and ask them to verbalize their desires.

Teach your kid to "grimace"

You can arrange contests at home - for the best face. Let the baby stretch her lips, click her tongue, stretch her lips with a tube, etc. Great exercise!

Charging for the tongue

We smear the sponges of the crumbs with jam or chocolate (the area should be wide!), And the baby should lick this sweetness to perfect purity.

Speech therapy games

Their number and variations are limited only by your imagination. Imitate the voices of animals and birds, place animal toys around the child and speak their "language". An excellent exercise - mom makes a sound ("ku-ka-re-ku", "ha-ha-ha", "meow-meow"), and the baby guesses which animal it is.

TOP 5 games from a speech therapist that will help a child to speak and develop their speech

The best exercises for speech muscles - we do it together with mom!

  • We imitate animal voices! We place plush animals along the wall and get to know each of them. An important requirement is only in their "language"!
  • Learning to smile! The wider the smile, the more active the muscles of the face, and the easier it is to say the letter "s".
  • We take 4 musical toys, in turn "turn on" each so that the child remembers the sounds. Then we hide the toys in the box and turn on one at a time - the kid must guess which instrument or toy sounded.
  • Guess who! The mother makes a sound that the child knows (meow, woof-woof, zhzhzh, crow, etc.), and the child must guess whose "voice" it was.
  • Put toys to bed every night (and a daytime sleep for dolls will also not hurt). Be sure to sing songs to the dolls before bed.

From a very young age, teach your son or daughter to pronounce sounds and words correctly. Do not encourage whispers, parasitic words, and speech errors, no matter how funny they seem to you. It is also necessary to monitor the purity of speech ourselves, try not to use diminutive-affectionate suffixes unnecessarily.

Speech development is primarily the result of serious parental control and interaction with the child. Even a sufficiently strong inhibition of psycho-speech development is quite correctable at the age of 5 - 6 years, so try to address this issue as soon as possible. After 6 years, the cure rate is only 0.2%. If you start the process and the child does not speak until age 7, then the chances of a full recovery are zero.

3 life hacks how to develop a child's speech. We develop the child's speech. Life hacks from speech therapist Olga Sakharovskaya

How to play to develop speech (speech therapist Tatyana Lanskaya)

If the child does not speak, then it is necessary not only to study with him, but to actively play. In this video I will talk about how to better organize a game with a child so that it brings as much benefit as possible, but also joy to both parents and the child. You will also learn why to play, what games are better to play in order to develop speech, the rules of the game, how to make a speech game, and why it is difficult for adults to play with a child. The video will also help those who want to play with their child, but do not know how best. And also for those parents who force themselves to play with their baby.

Watch the video: Signs of Toddler Speech Delay. Speech Delay in a 2 Year Old (July 2024).