
Marina Romanenko: how to raise a boy and a girl - what's the difference?

In order to raise a real man from a boy, and a real woman from a girl, you need to lay in them different qualities and use different methods and approaches in education. From the video you will learn:

  • How to punish a child, and is it worth doing at all;
  • How to show love to a child that does not grow into his spoiledness;
  • How to get a child to fulfill the set requirements without hurting or humiliating his dignity;
  • Is it worth respecting children's opinions, and why;
  • Is it worth pitying the child, and where are the lines of pity and weakness;
  • How to behave in situations when the child does not accept his gender (the boy considers himself a girl, or vice versa);
  • What to do in cases when a child rejects one of the parents.

Topic: how to raise girls and boys every day to raise happy women and men. Marina Romanenko, a psychologist, founder of the Academy of Professional Parenting, business coach and mother of four children:

  • TOP 25 rules for a dad who brings up a daughter
  • Raising a son. Father's allowance
  • Top 10 Parenting Mistakes in Parenting
  • Child-rearing style: what to choose - a stick or a carrot?
  • 21st century myths about parenting

Watch the video: Запись Бесплатной Онлайн Конференции: Как Правильно Планировать свои дела. Family is.. (July 2024).