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Gifts for Children: 5 Tips Every Mom Should Know! Gifts for the New 2018


How to choose a gift for a child, what to give a child is the answer in this video. Author Marina Romanenko:

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1. Don't fall for holiday hysteria

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that, in fact, we are on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays. There is already a whole hysteria around - gifts - you go to the Internet, and there will pop up a plate "The best gift for a child" .., a film - if we watch, parents are preoccupied with gifts.

You need to understand that there is real hysteria around us! It is advisable not to fall for her.

In fact, your task and your right to choose what kind of gift you want to give your child: expensive, inexpensive, 5 gifts or one gift. Decide not to listen to everyone who speaks from all sides.

Think for yourself what you want and what your budget is - an important point - because sometimes we are torn between these "I want" and "I can not". It upsets us, we become irritable.

Listen, the holidays are ahead and you can already relax, make a plan and act on it, adhering to a certain strategy that will allow us not to waste and be in a good mood, choose gifts for everyone, including the child.

2. Should you buy "trendy" gifts?

The second is trendy gifts.

The industry around us is arranged in such a way that what we want is put into our heads. Not only we alone, children also put into their heads what gifts are most needed now and what they need to have - well, you just need not breathe, but he should have this gift!

And each time is a different thing and at a different cost in fact. Just recently, spinners were on the top for several months. Almost all children had them: different colors, modifications, young children, teenagers - everyone went with them.

A year ago, many children had gyroboards or small skateboards.

There is always some top. You need to understand that when a child comes to you and says: “I want to have it”, he really thinks that he wants to have it, because his friends have it, because the video bloggers he looks at in YouTube, because they shout about it from the billboards.

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He enters a store and these products are displayed in the most prominent places. And everything is so thought out for your child's brain to catch on to it.

And what is important here for the parent? You need to understand what the child really wants. If you can afford it, then just buy it without further ado, because it has been set up to do so. There is nothing like that here if you can and it is not dangerous for his life and health.

The second point - do not tell the child: “I’ll think about it,” because he thinks that you said “Yes,” and it’s just that “Yes” will come either in 5 minutes, or in an hour, or tomorrow morning.

This will be the first question your child will ask you: “Well, what? Have you already thought? We are buying?"

Therefore, if you are against some fashionable promoted gift, you just immediately tell your child: "Sorry, dear, but this is not - because ..."

It will be more honest and it will be easier, because he will wait. Everything else will be perceived when it is not now, and in the child's understanding, time flies in different ways, much faster than ours. Therefore, they will bother you all the time with questions - “When? When? When will I get it? "

Either decide and say yes, or say no right away.

3. A gift doesn't have to be meaningful

Some parents put some useful meaning in the gift, or some idea that may not capture the child at all.

You know, I have met parents who bought, for example, a completely different typewriter for their child because they thought that he would play with it longer, it had more functions, and so on. And they completely forgot that he did not want her at all.

I also know the story of how a one-of-a-kind watch, the first in Ukraine, was presented to a child, and there was no particular delight. This upset my dad very much. he thought that the child would appreciate that he was the only owner of such a watch. And he really wanted something completely different, simpler.

And there is no sense in the gift at all!

Other useful gifts from the same story are when we give something that children do not want, but we think that it is useful for them. We, as parents, are simply obliged to buy useful things at the right time. And gifts should remain what pleases.

This is the law - the gift has no meaning! This is an emotion, this is a desire, this is a fantasy, this is joy for a reason completely incomprehensible to us.

Therefore, let us give children something that will please them, that is, gifts in which we sometimes do not find any meaning.

4. A gift doesn't have to be expensive

The fourth thing to look out for is that often what we buy for our child is actually our parental ambition. Right on our channel, I saw comments that 2 Ikea kitchens for 7.5 thousand rubles are wow, how expensive! But, to be honest, the child doesn't care - Ikea's kitchen - to play with it, or not Ikea's kitchen - to play with it.

There are many manufacturers who produce equally high quality products, but at a completely different price. Therefore, if you are the parent who buys gifts of certain brands in certain stores, great! If your budget pulls it, it doesn't matter if it pleases your child.

If your budget doesn't hold, just look around and choose something of high quality and at a completely different price.

Our ambitions are just our ambitions, believe me! Here, after all, we choose a gift for the child and he should please him.

Still, maybe I will say the following thing. Many parents want to buy their child some kind of branded item that the child really wants, and sometimes it is an expensive gift.

I know how sometimes on birthdays or on New Year's, when we all go with gifts anyway, parents made lists for guests. They said: "So, we buy this kind of castle, and you buy this for this castle, and you buy this, and you buy this!"

And as a result, an expensive gift became absolutely feasible, and one day the child collected the entire collection of toys that is attached to this lock, and it was a very branded toy, very healthy, very desirable by the child. But at the same time, the parents were able to do it, because they made an agreement with friends who would buy something anyway, going to the New Year's party.

Just think, I think any problem is solvable. It is important just to understand what exactly we want to achieve as a result.

5. How to choose the best gift

Throughout the year, you can write down everything that the child dreams of, wants, or has ever approached you with the question: "And I want this, can I have this?"

If you are the parent who remembers what the child wanted - hurray! You already have a list. If you wrote it down, it's even easier, you haven't forgotten anything.

But if you are the parent who has not done this for a year, and Christmas and New Years are waiting for us, then there is a cool way to find out now what exactly your child wants. This is to write with him a letter to Santa Claus, or Santa, or St. Nicholas, in which he will list the points.

Do your best to read this letter later, even if the child writes it himself, without you. Then you will have only one task - to find it all, buy it of the best quality and give it to your child. And you will see how you make him absolutely happy!

In fact, this is probably one of our most important tasks as parents - to make our children happy.

An important point, which I want to draw your attention to here, is that holidays are holidays, they happen several times a year, such global ones as the one that will now be - New Year, for example. But between them there are gaps when our children expect gifts too.

And this is our parental job - to buy gifts for children often. They don't have access to the budget, they don't make money yet. And we are their parents, and it makes sense to pamper children with gifts. They can be of different prices.

Sometimes a set of gel pens is a gift for your child. I remember, I bought my daughter, and it delighted her! Because it was at this moment that she painted with these gel pens, and that was all she needed - and she was in seventh heaven!

Think about what makes your child happy and give small gifts often between the holidays.

See you, happy and joyful holidays! I wish you with all my heart to please your child, and so that this parental choice, which gift to buy, was easy for you this year.

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Watch the video: Gift Ideas for Toddlers! Jaimie from Millennial Moms (July 2024).